What happens when a modern day dude is dropped into the TVD Universe? Will he become a Vampire? Or is he a Werewolf? Or maybe he is a Witch? Read this fanfic to find out more. Male OC X Rebekah Mikaelson Forgive me if the characters are out of character. The story starts from 999 A.D. !!! Caution: I know some people are dissatisfied with the front portion of this fanfic, but please be patient. I assure you it will be worth it. At least read until chapter 20 before deciding to drop this fanfic. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)
[Three days later, the day after the full moon]
"FATHER! FATHER!" A loud scream roused me from my sleep as I groggily walked out of my house to see what was going on.
"Henrik!" And then another scream followed the first but this voice instantly woke me up from whatever haziness I was in.
Hearing Rebekah's shout, I sprinted out of my house.
Rushing out of my house, I saw a mauled Henrik lying lifelessly on the ground with a weeping Klaus hugging his knees while Rebekah comforted him.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. It's happening. I thought I had more time.
"Damn it." Cursing out loud, I smacked my fist angrily on the door.
We have to leave before the vampires are born if we want a normal life. Slowly, a plan begins to form in my mind as I set my plans in motion.
In the meantime, Esther and Mikael continue with their catastrophic plan to create vampires even after Ayanna tells them that it's dangerous.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
After a few minutes of waiting for the door to open, the door finally creaked open.
"Esther, I already said I want no part in—" Ayanna paused as she realised it wasn't Esther she was talking to.
"Hi, Miss Bennett. I'm Cassius Nightshade." I politely bowed and introduced myself.
"Yes. I know who you are. What do you want from me?" She narrows her eyes in suspicion, afraid it is a trick by Esther.
"Great. Er... I heard you are the town witch and I am hoping you can help me." I said.
Relaxing a bit, but still suspicious, she sighed and asked,
"What do you need?"
"I need a cloaking spell for me and Rebekah." I explained.
"And why would both of you need that?" she asked, puzzled by my request.
"Please don't tell Mikael but we are planning to run away tonight and we need help to not be found." I explained.
"I am sorry. But I can't help you with that. Esther is my friend. They deserve to live with their children." She shot me an apology look and reached out to shut the door, but I grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"Please, Miss Bennett. You know what Esther is planning to do tonight if you don't help me." I plead, hoping Ayana will see some reasoning.
"Wha–How did you know that? Forget it. I am sorry, but I cannot help you. That's final." She said in a harsh tone and with a flick of her hand she pushed me out of the door's way and I was sent flying.
"Fuck!" Standing up from the ground, I cursed as my fist clenched uncontrollably.
If we are planning to run away unnoticed, we will need a distraction. A big one at that. A distraction that will hopefully divert their attention from our disappearance.
I thought as I silently cursed Ayanna for not helping me even though she knew what was going to happen tonight.
[That night, under the Sakura tree]
Pacing around the tree with my bag, I silently prayed that I'd make a big butterfly effect that would change the day the Originals turned into vampires.
With a woosh, I felt someone appear behind me and immediately knew it was Rebekah from the smell she was giving off.
"Beck?" I asked, slowly approaching the figure.
"Beck? Hey, talk to me. What happened?" I asked, concerned.
"Mother, she turned us into abominations." She said, tears cascading down her cheeks, her hands shaking like Doctor Strange's.
Pulling her into my embrace, she lay on my chest crying as I comforted her.
"Hey, you're not a monster. I assure you. Even if you are one I will love you to the ends of the earth."
"Even now?" Breaking free of my hug, she revealed her vampire's face to me. Suddenly, glaring red veins appeared under her eyes and her teeth sharpened into a pair of fangs.
"Oh, Beck." I tucked a loose strand behind her ear and said warmly,
"Always and forever. Remember?"
Upon hearing that, she let out a cry of joy as she proceeded to hug me tightly, almost breaking my ribs in the process.
"Do you still want to leave? I know today your brother died and if you don't want to I underst—"
"Yes!" She cut me off and replied with no hesitation.
"I want to spend my whole life with you but I need my things before we leave." She replied.
"Meet me near the White Oak tree." I said.
She nodded and gave me a kiss, before melting away into darkness.
Time is of the essence here.
I thought to myself as I rushed back to the village to carry out my plan of distraction.
Rebekah's POV
[Near the White Oak Tree]
"Cash?" I asked. Fear that he may have abandoned me slowly crept into my heart as I looked around for him.
Out of the blue, a voice I didn't expect to be here said,
"If you mean Cassius my daughter, I'm afraid he's a tad preoccupied at the moment."
Father sped in and appeared a few metres away from me. Holding Cash by the back of his neck, choking him with a sadistic grin.
"NOOOOO!" I shouted in hysterics and tried to rush at my father but my brothers appeared at the last second, beside me to stop me from doing anything stupid.
"Bekah, don't." Nik started.
"Please, Nik. He's going to kill him." I pleaded as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"YOU DARE STAND AGAINST ME FOR HIM!" My father roared in anger.
"NOOOO! Please Father! I begged you. Please, I love him. Please..." I plead while struggling against my brother's grip holding me in place.
"NO MORE!" My father boomed.
With tears streaming down Cash's face, he managed to croak out, "I will love you, always and forev–" before my father lunged his hand into Cash's back. In a horrifying instant, my father ripped Cash's heart out.
Time seemed to stand still as I watched Cash's lifeless form crumple to the ground. His body hit the earth with a sickening thud, limbs sprawling in an unnatural, lifeless position. I couldn't comprehend the horror of what had just transpired.
Cash couldn't be dead, right? He couldn't be. He promised...
As the world blurred around me, each breath grew heavier, and a primal scream tore from the depths of my soul. All the anguish, grief, and despair I had been holding back surged out of me like a torrent.
I crumpled to the unforgiving ground, my sobs wracking my body as I clung desperately to Cash's lifeless form. The pain, a relentless, crushing weight, seemed unbearable, as though a piece of my very soul had been brutally torn away.