
Screw You, Mikael!

"Close your eyes. I have another surprise for you." I said, getting a 'Are you fucking serious' look from her.

"I promise it will be worth it." I flashed her a toothy grin.

"You are so lucky, you are cute." She muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes. Holding her by the hand, I led her away from the Sakura tree, deeper into the forest.


"You can open your eyes now, Darling." I whispered into her ears.

"My, my, my. Cash, you're on fire today." She said in astonishment at the sight in front of her.

"What can I say? I was feeling epic." Winking at her, I grabbed her hand and walked through the door.

"Well, do you like it? It's exactly how you always said." I answered, showing her around the house I built with my own two hands.

(A/N: The Cottage)

"You remember?" Her eyes showed a mixture of shock and happiness in them.

"Always." I held both of her hands and smiled.

"What if I'd said no?" She grinned cheekily.

Holding her by the waist, I pulled her in as our foreheads came into contact with each other. I whispered into her ears.

"Never doubted you for a second."

"But if that really happened, I would have razed this forest to the ground."

Giggling at my reply, she replied,

"I love you."

"And I love–" But before I could finish, Rebekah leaned forward and pressed her supple lips onto mine.

As our kiss got more intense, everything that happened after that became instinct. I pinned her against the wall and we kissed harder as our tongues fought over who was the dominant one.

Breaking off from the kiss, Rebekah took off her dress and said breathlessly.

"Let's do it."

"Are you sure?" I stared into those innocent blue eyes and asked.

"Absolutely." She nods as she starts taking off my clothes.

(A/N: Now, we all know what happened after that...) :>


After a few hours of exercise, we finally separated as she leaned on my heaving chest.

"Hey, are you there?" I said softly, now caressing her delicate face.

"Hm?" She hummed a response.

"I think it's time your family knew about us." I said, catching her off guard as she immediately sat up and looked at me in disbelief. Thinking something was wrong with me, she put a hand on my forehead and said,

"Did our exercise fry your brain? Are you sick?"

Shooting her a look, I said,


Breaking out a wide grin, she wrapped her arms around me.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


Rebekah's POV


Opening the door as quietly as possible, I sneaked my way into the room I shared with my brothers hoping no one got awoken by the sound.

Stealthily sneaking into my bedroom, I stepped over my sleeping brothers and gently sat down on my mat.

Just as I was about to heave a sigh of relief that no one had noticed me a voice beside me said,

"How scandalous, out all night? Where have you been, sister?"

Like a deer caught in headlights, I slowly turned my head to the voice. Staring back at me were my three older brothers.


"Yes. Where were you, sister? Mother was quite worried." Elijah the ever-caring brother said from beside Kol.

"I was with some friends." Avoiding their glances, I lied through my teeth, hoping they would buy it but fate had other plans.

"Now we all know that you look away from us whenever you're lying," Nik added with his arms folded.

"And you don't have any friends," Kol added.

Feeling annoyed that he knew me so well, I slapped Kol on the chest.

"Hey, I was just telling the truth." Kol said, hiding a smile.

"Fine, I was out with a boy," I confessed under the pressure of my brothers.

"What was that?" Kol raised an eyebrow, pretending not to have heard me.

"I was out with a boy," I said slightly louder.

Half-shouting, Nik asked, "You were out with a bo-?".

"Shhh. You are going to wake mother up." I hushed him before everyone in the house woke up from his outbursts.

"Father is not going to like this," Elijah sighed, shaking his head with pity lingering in his voice.

"This is why you three are not going to say anything," I said sharply.

"Beka–" Nik starts.

"Please, Nik. I love him." Grasping Nik's arm, I plead.

"So who is the lucky boy who is courting my sister?" Kol pipes up.

"We're engaged." Looking down, I silently corrected.

"WHAT?" The three of them shouted in surprise.

"Shhhh." Looking out of our room, I noticed that mother had not been woken by their shout and sighed with relief.

"He proposed to me yesterday." I look back at my brothers and show them the ring on my finger.

A long silence filled the room as the boys tried to comprehend what they had just heard.

"Looks like congratulations are in order." Kol clasped his hands together.

"Do you need help talking about this with father?" Elijah asked with concern.

"No. We are planning to tell mother and father about us at the Harvest Festival when everyone is celebrating." I rejected his offer but felt touched by my brother's words.

"I hope all this works out well. I really do." Nik sighed and said.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Kol asked again.

"It's Cassius Nightshade," I answered.

"Our neighbour?" Elijah and Nik ask.

My head nods in agreement as I wait for their approval to marry Cash.

"Well, at least he's nice," Kol said, breaking the tension, and we started talking about our relationship and how it started.


[A Week Later on Harvest Festival]

3rd POV

Music filled the village as everyone was having fun around the bonfire. Some were drinking. Some were dancing. Some were eating. One individual, however, was dragging an anxious 18-year-old boy through the crowds to see her family.


Dragging me through the sea of people around the bonfire, we finally reached a couple standing on the side as if waiting for something. The couple looked like they were middle-aged and each of them had a slight resemblance to the woman who was dragging me.

"Rebekah, what's the meaning of this?" Mikael asked in his usual harsh tone.

Kids who were playing near them quickly moved away from us as Mikael spoke.

Still holding her hand, I caressed her hand in a comforting manner and introduced myself.

"Greetings, village chief. I'm Cassius Nightshade." I bowed respectfully, even though I wanted nothing but to hit him for his abuse of his children.

"I know who you are. What do you want, boy? Why are you holding my daughter's hand?" He expresses his discontent with me as his voice carries an aggrieved tone.

Be calm. Be cool, Cash.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring his previous aggressive tone, I said,

"I am in love with your daughter, chief and we were wondering if we could have your blessings."

He looked back and forth at Rebekah and I before yelling,

"I forbid it! And speak no further to me about this!"

After yelling, he storms off in anger with Esther chasing after him to calm him down.

Disappointed at her father's reaction, tears streamed down her face as she began to cry.

"Shhhh. Hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay. I know it will." I wiped away her tears as I gave her a hug, hoping it would give her comfort.

"How is it going to be okay? As long as my father lives we are never able to get married." Gripping my shirt tightly, she continues to sob.

Getting out of our embrace, I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. I said.

"Then we run."

"What?" Rebekah looks at me in confusion with a face full of dried tears.

"We can leave this village and get married somewhere where your father can't find us," I elaborated further.

"You'll leave your sister? For me?" She asked, her tears threatening to fall off.

"Yes, a million times over," I said firmly as I gave her a kiss.

I know what you might be thinking. What about the Originals? Well, screw that shit. I was ready to kill Mikael just for the shit he pulled just now. But, sadly Rebekah still loves him. And I'm not about to get chased to the ends of the earth by Esther.

In the end, we decided to run from this village three days later, after Rebekah had said her goodbyes.

We should have left that day.

Next chapter