
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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Track 21 - Days of Respite

With two days left to go before Flashbang moods were up. Anxieties were up and everyone was focused. With it ongoing the remaining two days moved fast. All you could recall were a handful of things, the rest spent discussing, planning, writing, studying and more planning.

There was a lot planned.

----- Friday, Morning -----

It was your final day at Updike's. You didn't mind of course and felt all ready to start at Rosie's. It had been the quickest job of your life, only lasting a few days. Updike didn't seem to care much about you leaving and didn't comment on it at all. He either was the most professional boss you had ever had or just didn't care. Or maybe he decided that it was 'his' team and that you still worked for him anyways. You couldn't read him.

Bored out of your mind you take a walk to the holding prison. Tabi had managed to figure out the way to get in through sheer luck, getting past the fake bathroom into the prison.

Like the rest of the places you patrolled there wasn't a thing going on. A few guards were huddled around a computer, looking over some kind of report, same as the last few days.

You just shrug and start walking the aisles of empty prisons. Tabi explained to you that he only saw one prisoner during the operation. And in the past days you hadn't seen a single one. Not to mention that Updike had a full prison somewhere in the city's outskirts. So why even have one here? And why did there have to be so many cells? It didn't make any sense in the grand scheme of things.

Walking down you finally see something out of place. From one of the cells a blue glow emitted. One of the guards told you that when a new prisoner arrived that they all usually bombarded them with questions, just to break up the boredom. But it looked like nobody was in front of that cell. Perhaps they already questioned them?

As you got closer you heard a light singing coming from it. It sounded almost operatic but very ethereal. It wasn't natural singing you guessed. Bars of white light still sealed the cell but something within tinted it blue.

As you walk by you see what was going on. Whether by design or accident the cell's wall had been painted to depict an ocean-side scene with the sea on the back wall. The rest of the cell was normal with a sink and bed. Judging from the paint cans in the cell the prisoner must have done it.

You weren't sure what she was, standing in the middle of the cell. She had a seashell on her head, hiding her face in a darkness. All that was visible was her mouth, slowly moving and singing notes to incomprehensible lyrics, hypnotically. Her mouth glowed yellow.

She wore some kind of long flowing dress, the colour being a gradient of pink and purple. Designs of waves were sewn into it, giving the garment a sunshot appearance. It flew down to the floor, completely concealing her body. It almost looked like a nightgown. She had claws for hands like some shellfish. You guess she must have been some kind of crustacean, the four red appendages on her back giving it away.

Was she a siren? Did those even exist?

She noticed you staring and stopped, two glowing yellow eyes peering at you. But while you thought she was some dangerous being she smiled softly and blushed, a yellow glow in her cheeks.

"Oooh. I'm sorry. Was I too loud?" She said quietly.

"No, no, that was great. You're a good singer."

"Thank you. My name is Valerie." She said softly. "I usually sing to the ocean, but I can't now. Just thought if I did so that it would make me feel like home. It did." She bowed.

"What are you in here for?" You ask. You felt bad about her predicament but remind yourself if she was here, there was a reason.

Her smile faded and she looked away. "I got carried away singing. Flooded the harbour. I didn't mean it though."

"They locked you up here for that?"

"Just for the week. The cloud man said I could go in a few days, just as long as I don't do that again. I was sad at first but he painted these walls so it could remind me of home." Her smile returned.

"He did?" You were taken aback.

She nodded. "Yes. Can you tell me something?"

"Uh, sure." You hoped she wasn't going to ask to be freed.

"Everyone I talk to is surprised the cloud man painted the walls. Why is that?" She said innocently. She reminded you of Nikku, if innocence palpable.

"It's just, uh, unexpected for him. He's a real tough guy."

"I think he's a good person. But he has a hard shell." Her voice was high pitched, it almost sounded like she was quivering.

You shrug. "I've only known him for a few days."

"He's carrying a lot of pain. I can tell. While he painted he told me that he lost a good friend. He said he's sure it's his fault. That he hasn't had a lot of time to think lately."

She paused. "He said he was going to get revenge. That he would show them pain. I told him he can't become like those who did it. He is better than that." The conversation was taking a turn for the sad and it was becoming harder to keep the mood high. You feel a knot swell up in your stomach.

It didn't sound like the Updike you knew, but the 'friends' identity was what struck you. Remembering back to his restaurant you almost choke up.

"You were familiar with this friend?" She asked, noticing your shift.

"I think so. He was a good friend to me too." You leave it at that. Anymore and you would have started to tear up, or supress it with thoughts of revenge and hatred.

"The song I was singing was mournful one. To the ones lost at sea. That I hope they may come back."

"C-can you sing it?"

She nodded. "For you. And the cloud man." She nodded and closed her eyes.

A heavenly voice emitted from her, one the mourned the lost. And mourned the decommissioned.

----- Friday, Midday -----

"Ugggh. Why am I even alive?" Nikku moaned, using a completely new voice.

She got up slowly, damp from sweat. An ice pack on her head and buried in blankets. She was in the TGG safe house though barely knew of her location. She felt like hell and knew it too.

"Darn." She croaked. She needed to focus to be able to determine which voice to use, something that was currently impossible. Had there not been a jackhammer in her head she probably would have just used Tess'. But unable to think straight she just took the one on her mind. Updike.

"Whhhyy..Why." She groaned.

"Why are you dying? Why are you even sick?" S asked sarcastically. "Are you feeling any better?"

Slowly she turned. Next to her bed was a stack of books, a laptop propped up on top. Oh right. She had set that up. S was present on the screen, having worked himself into an arctic painting on her background.

"No. I'm not." She coughed. She lied back down. She wasn't sure where the cold came from, just that she woke up yesterday reeling.

"Well you're gonna have to get better soon!" S said with unwavering confidence. Nikku just sighed.

"Can you even get sick?" She asked rhetorically.

"I dunno. I thought you couldn't sick."

"I thought so too."

S had not left her side since she gotten sick. Although he spent all the time watching the news it made Nikku feel just a bit better. Even though she could nary remember a thing about outer space, her and S had a kinship. S had a variety of nicknames for her, all based off people from Mobius. He varied them but she didn't know what any meant.

"Well don't worry. I asked Amy and she said she's gonna send up a doctor to check." S said. Amy, being S' current nickname for Rosie, chosen entirely on account of her pink colours.

Nikku stared up at the ceiling aimlessly. She felt a little better but knew in her current state she could not do the operation. S seemed to sense this.

"I wonder if you could control the copters."


"Well I could probably impersonate voices and you could control the copters, bomb the towers, you know."

S briefly explained the operation after hearing it from you but now Nikku could barely recall. There were more pressing things on her mind, such as the feeling she got when swallowing.

There was a knock on the door and just as fast as it was transmitted S jumped to the security camera outside.

"Hello?" Someone asked.

A speaker had been set up by the room entrance, S having ordered Nikku to do so.

"Whatdaya want?" Asked S.

"I'm here to see Nikku. Dr. Kenzington."

"Oh, uh just a second." S jumped back to the laptop.

"It's the doctor. Let her in."

"Can't you do it?"

"Um no? How am I even supposed to open the door?"

"Come in." Nikku croaked.

A jiggling of the handle later, "It is locked."

Nikku sighed and got up, bringing the blanket with her. Unlocking the door she merely hobbled back to the bed and slumped down, adjusting to sit upright.

Nikku flinched upon seeing a pink cloud-like woman enter. It reminded her instantly of Updike, a feeling of embarrassment hitting her as she realized she was using Updike's voice. It would've made for a really awkward conversation.

"My name is Dr. Kenzington, but you can call me Aurora. Rosie sent me, said it was urgent." She chimed.

Aurora wasn't human or anthro, rather the same kind of species as Updike, Nikku determined. And while she wasn't as wide as the weatherman, she had a similar kind of mane that covered her whole body. Unlike TGG's leader however, she was a bright pink. It didn't seem as 'cloud-like' as Updike's with her 'clouds' being almost translucent at some parts, dense at others, but definitely as fluffy.

She was dressed in civvies, grey t-shirt and brown shorts. She did, however, carry a small bag of tools and instruments.

"I'm a surgeon by trade but still a certified physician." Aurora dragged a stool from the table next to the bed. "How do you feel?"


Aurora laughed. "Any idea what caused it?"

Nikku shook her head.

S claimed it was because the temperature of the arcade was too low, though he wouldn't admit if he lowered it during their session. Blackjack certainly didn't notice it, being a demon he was naturally warm. Kapi and Loki didn't notice anything either, though both were practically working out with how hard they were going.

"Well I have a few tests. I will take your temperature, check heart rate, see if it's anything serious." Aurora popped open the bag and started digging through it. She ran a variety of tests checking all sorts of things. S suggested a few more tests like MRI but Aurora laughed, finding S humorous.

In the end she gave her diagnosis. "It's nothing serious. You just have the common cold. Should go away in a few days. Drink plenty of water, get plenty of electrolytes and vitamin C and D. Lots of sleep too."

"T-thanks." Nikku stammered.

"S informed me you are an alien?"

"...yes." Nikku said, barely above a whisper.

"Just a personal anecdote but I've noticed that when aliens get infected by an earthborn disease they react more strongly from it. It shouldn't be anything to worry about. If it gets worse I would say get some antibiotics and get in contact with your family doctor."

Nikku nodded weakly.

S was on it, ready to place an order for a crate of water bottles, sports drinks, a palette of oranges and box of melatonin pills. He would have, had Updike not ordered the safehouse to cut the internet.

From up top in his office, he sighed. Not only had S called in a doctor from outside TGG but was about to possibly blow the safehouse cover. He was a handful, but at least he cared for her.

He sent a message to S that he would be getting those items (in much smaller quantities) delivered to the safehouse instead, uncaring if S didn't agree.

----- Friday, Closing -----

Just before you left for the final day you stopped, feeling someone standing directly behind you.

"Too fancy for us, eh?" A posh voice asked. Turning you see Abott, one of the trio. The angelic one. He wore a white suit like Updike, though he was an angel of some kind. One large eye and wings for ears, large golden hoop earrings hanging, he looked to be covered in a white fur, built far more slender than his weatherman equivalent.


"Well, you're leaving aren't ya? It was a joke. Nevermind. Can I talk to ya in private, (Y/N)?"

"Uh sure." He walked you to one the side of the first floor where the cafe sat closed. You think this is actually the first time you spoke to him aside from some offhand comments.

"So, you're the leader of this whole crew right?"

"Sort of? We all make decisions together."

"Well anyways. I want you to keep an eye on Updike. He's a good guy, just really stubborn sometimes."


"I'm serious. Dude's a hardass but he's alright. He means well."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You do that." Abott nodded and walked off, leaving you to your thoughts.

----- Friday, Evening -----

All Tabi had texted Nikusa was that he needed her help. What followed was a long phone call which Tabi tried best to obscure the details. Not knowing who was listening he just told her to come by and discuss with Aldryx and his friends. At first Nikusa made a joke about him having no friends but then agreed. On one condition. She giggled as she said it.

"We'll discuss your problem. But I don't want any busybodies there. No Solazar and no Updike. You and I have a lot of catching up to do, honey~."

Tabi agreed but when he mentioned the location she modified her condition, "I don't want to see Rosie or her 'crew' at the meeting either." Tabi gulped but agreed.

It was clear she meant it to just be the three of them, but she had not said anything about the other members. So while he agreed, on standby were you, Kapi and Pompom. Tabi was apprehensive to letting Kapi and Pompom even be present, but you and Pompom insisted. Plus, it worked with Rosie's meeting. Nikusa wouldn't be so low to attack a child...right? With a sigh Tabi relented. "Don't look directly into her eyes."

"Why?" Pomona asked.

"Just trust us." Aldryx added.

When Nikusa showed up and was led to the room she got upset, claiming she was ambushed by the three of you. Tabi feigned ignorance, "You didn't say I couldn't bring them."

You would have brought Nikku and S, but both refused on account of Nikku's illness. Tabi also added that it was better if S did not meet her.

Being too big for the table, Nikusa just plopped one of the beanbags at the table and sat down as if it were a throne.

While she protested at first she relented, deciding that you, Pompom and Kapi could stick around. She had a glint in her eye, mentioning that her friend would join her too. You had a feeling she brought a plus one, hearing a second thud on the roof when she arrived. With a whistle and open window, he flung himself in, looking rather icily at you all.

You didn't know his name and Nikusa didn't introduce him, just stating that "my friend will be watching us, just in case". She winked at him too, though he barely reacted. He just stood by window, occasionally glancing out and not interacting with anyone. It was hard to ignore him though.

You weren't sure what he was supposed to be but reminded you of Ruv and Nikku's humanoid appearances. He wore a black jacket with neon green trim that went all the way down to his feet. The inside of the jacket was the same neon green. It almost looked like a cap around his legs, almost glowing.

He kept his hood up and wore a half-face respirator. The mask had a design, also coloured neon green that almost looked like parted jaws. It was black with nuclear symbols on each of the cannisters. Beside his sharp white hair which extended out of the hoodie the only other visible part of his face were his blue eyes, the iris' a glowing neon green as well. At first you thought that he just liked the colour but it appeared that may have been what he was. Studying his face, you just barely notice a scar across his left eye.

He wore fingerless gloves, the same kind Tabi wore, and his hands appeared to have claws, much like Tabi's fingers were pointed.

To add to his whole 'nuclear' aesthetic his black boots had the nuclear symbol on the sides where his ankles were, wrapped in a neon green wrap. They rose to his knees, grey padding with a heartbeat sine wave cutting them in half horizontally. The grey matched the colour of the shirt he wore under the jacket. Or it was a hoodie under the jacket, you couldn't tell.

He wasn't all green though. The trim around the bottom of the shoes, a patch on his shoulders and zipper of his hoodie-shirt-thing was a light blue. He must have been getting uncomfortable with your staring as he turned to fully face the window. It almost looked like he was embarrassed.

You recall Rosie mentioning Nikusa was with some 'raver' during their meeting. You guess this what who it was she saw.

It was now just the 7 of you in the meeting room. Updike, Solazar and Rosie were downstairs though you figured they were listening in somehow.

The room was situated like an interview with you, Tabi, Aldryx, Pompom and Kapi on one side, Nikusa on the other. Her 'guard' just loitered in the corner, not interested in sitting down or anything for that matter.

"Well?" Nikusa said. "Who's gonna start?"

"What are you?" Pompom asked first.

"I am the queen of the void. But specifically, I am a Solarisapien, just like that busybody Sol. Now I gotta ask." Nikusa turned to Tabi. "Why exactly do you have a child on your team?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm not just some kid! I am a mage in training! And my mother is one of the best!" Pompom declared.

"Oh? I'm a mage too. Far better than you."

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that-"

"Okay. Introductions aside." You but in, putting a hand on Pompom to stop this.

"We need your help."

"And you are supposed to be?"

"(Y/N). Former cop. And the first member, with Tabi." You said sternly.

"Ohh. So you're the ringleader? Curious. Never expected Tabi to work for a cop."

"We work together."

"You have such boring friends, Tabi. You should join me~"

"He's with me." You but in and put your arm around Tabi. He flinches, but leans in. It did little to quell Nikusa who cracked a wide smile and got a glint in her eye. "Oh~I didn't know it was like that. Are you two in a tree? K-I-S-S-I-N-G?" Nikusa teased.

"We are." Tabi said coldly. She leaned back, actually surprised for once. "Wow. Good for you. Let's get down to business then." Nikusa said, changing the subject.

Kapi remained silent, in awe of Nikusa's size. He was completely intimidated, wishing he hadn't agreed to meet her.

"My brother was arrested a few nights ago." Aldryx started. We, Updike, dad, Rosie and the rest here are gonna break him out. We want your help."

"To do what exactly?"

"Break-in, cause a prison riot, divert their attention." Aldryx said, sounding quite like his father.

"What's in it for me?"

"Freeing Agoti. You owe him that much."

"I suppose." She said flatly.

"What do you want then?" You ask. Tabi quickly shot you a look of 'don't ask that'. Her smile grew wide and crooked.

"Let me think~"

Aldryx shot you a look too, shaking his head. You screwed up.

"So much I could ask for. Hahaa."

"I want a few things. First I want some pastries from below. Then I want that cloud-boy to send one of his top scientists up. I want him to look at my friend over there."

The guy at the window turned suddenly, looking surprised himself. "Then I want it under oath that the scientist says nothing to cloudy about it, otherwise I'll kill them."

"And then I want a one-on-one with Tabi, and one-on-one with Agoti~."

Nikusa crossed her arms. "That's my offer."

"What are you going to do at that one-on-one?" You ask.

"None of your business, pig."

"Tabi's with me. You got that?" You speak up.

"That's right. We aren't going to play your sick games." Tabi said.

"Oh?" Nikusa said with unwavering confidence. "And is '(Y/N)' treating you right? How did you meet? Where did you meet 'em? Tell you what. I won't do a single thing but talk. 10 minutes. I want you to tell me everything you two have done. I have a right to know how my 'friends' are doing, do I not?"

You were starting to feel creeped out now. Solazar's words made more sense now. Either she was a full-on psychopath or just insane. Cut from the same cloth as S.

Tabi gave a silent nod. It was okay.

"And Agoti?" Aldryx asked.

"Like I said. Just to talk." She smiled again, showing malice.

There was a tick that she gave off but only Aldryx and Pomona actually saw it. And she must have detected it.

"What are you looking at?" She glared at Pompom.

"Nothing miss." Pompom just looked down.


"I agree then." Aldryx said. He looked to Tabi and the rest.

Kapi had no objections he was just staring down like a child hoping to not be picked by the teacher.

"I don't." Pompom said.

"Your call." You leave it to Tabi.

"Fine. I agree."

"Good! We should shake on it!"

Tabi extended he hand but she scoffed at it. "Hmm. Not you. Let. Me. See." Her eyes scanned the table before settling on Kapi.

"You!" She shouted.

Kapi nearly jumped, almost falling over in his chair. "M-me?"

"Yes. Shake on it." She extended a hand across the table as the others looked to him expectantly. Kapi could feel his cheeks burning. He practically had to get onto the table to grab her hand. And as soon as he touched her claw, she grabbed him, pulling him into a bear rug.

Tabi, Aldryx and the guard didn't react. They had all expected this. Pomona was the only person who exclaimed.

Grabbing Kapi tightly to her chest she squeezed, musing, "Ah, the weak ones can sometimes be so cute. Like a rare treat for me. Or even a teddy bear!" She dropped Kapi to the ground. He was panting, his breath cut off for a few seconds, completely dazed by what just happened.

"You text me the time and place tomorrow and I will be there. I'll claim my payment after the operation." She nodded at Tabi. He gave her a wave and she started walking towards the exit.

"One other thing." Tabi asked.

Pomona went around the table to see if Kapi was alive, again forgetting to stay away from him.

"The other night. How did you know I was going to be attacked?"

"I was looking for you. Just call it a happy coincidence."

"But you knew, even knew it was the family."

"Gosh, did Rosie tell you her life story or something? It was obvious. Who else would send a murderer after you?"

"How did you even know where I slept?"

"You aren't that secretive you know." Nikusa's smile grew wider. "You're quite cute when you sleep you know. Like a forest elf."

Tabi shivered, not liking the implication. He had no further questions nor felt like asking again how she knew.

"Just be glad I felt like being on your side then."

"Are you on our side now?" You ask.

Nikusa sighed. "You better hope I am."

"She is." Aldryx corrected her.

"Good night all." She grinned and left, her 'guard' leaving with her.

Realizing that standing so close to Kapi could trigger his allergy Pompom stepped back, motioning Aldryx to do something. He just picked up Kapi and dumped him on the table. He was muttering something but still very dazed from the hug.

Everyone waited until the two thuds indicated Nikusa and her guard jumped off.

"She's very lonely." Pomona said out of the blue.

"What? She's crazy." Tabi spat.

"Oh she's lovely." Kapi muttered.

"No, I mean..,She's literally agreeing to a deadly mission just so she could talk to you two for 10 minutes. That's just..I don't know. I don't like it." Pomona said sadly. "It's just...sad."

"You feel that too, huh." Aldryx said.

"Yeah." Pomona felt weird, as if she exploited her. "I wanna talk to Ms. Nikusa when this is all over." She declared.

"Pfft. Whatever."

"She is a lonely woman but don't mistake her loneliness for weakness. She is ruthless, and a monster." Solazar said as he entered. "She seriously injured several of Updike's men."

"Well, I like her." Rosie added, entering behind him.

"She is a grade A psychopath." Updike added curtly.

"I don't think you guys get it." Pompom said. "I just-I want to talk to her later."

With Nikusa game the meeting flew by. Though Nikusa's entrance should have been the highlight, it was Rosie's bombshell that changed the mood.

"You'll be glad to know that last night me and my Donna's took out the Family's daughter last night!" Using her index and thumb she made a gunshot motion to her head.

Tabi nearly fell over, spitting out the water he drank. "Y-y-you WHAT?"

"Yep! Sniper shot last night. We were monitoring the compound and saw the opportunity!" Rosie declared, happily announcing it to all.

Tabi stood up, knocking his water aside, clenching his fists, no doubt a rainbow of emotions hitting him.

Kapi looked on rather skeptically, recognizing something was off. "You killed Girlfriend?" He asked, not believing a lick of it.

Rosie's whole expression changed. "What? No. We took out Cassandra. Her sister. She leads a rival gang called the Goth Punks."

Gulping loudly, Tabi sat down, understanding the miscommunication. He just tucked his hat down, pretending not to hear anything.

"Hold on. Why did you guys even attack her? I thought we said no going off doing crimes unless the whole crew agreed." You butt in.

"I mean yeah, but we had a border dispute with them. They attacked first!" Rosie shot back. "Plus, she was like a black sheep in the Family. They don't care. They'll just resurrect her if they want."

You rub your forehead in frustration.

"Did they see you?" Updike asked.


"Then let's never mention it again. But (Y/N) is right. Don't go do something brash without consulting us. This will no doubt increase their defenses."

"Fine jeez. Thought I was doing you all a favour." Rosie shook her head disapprovingly and sat down, arms crossed.

For Solazar however, the 'bombshell' became Updike's news of Agoti's attempted murder. Aldryx was understandably upset.

"Agoti was attacked last night?"


Udpike rose his hand. "Nothing came out of it however. Ruv intervened and dealt with it accordingly."

"Who was it?"

"The Family?"

"If our doctor on the inside is to be believed it is a case of mistaken identity. This assailant believed Agoti to be an alien of some sort believing Agoti to be some kind of parasite, pretending to be others. An imposter, if you will."

"Either way, we are getting him out pronto."

With the 'bombshell' out of the way the meeting resumed, everyone discussing plans and 'rehearsing'. The rest was a blur.

With nothing else left to discuss the meeting was adjourned. Just before you left Updike stopped you.

"There was one other thing (Y/N). I'm going to be putting a few more agents on you."


"One of my people got jumped last night. They were leaving when someone grabbed them into an ally. They weren't harmed nor did it seem like the perpetrators wish to harm them. They just asked them a few questions, all relating to you."

"They did?" You ask, now concerned.

"They asked if you worked for TGG, when you started and where you were last Saturday night. Naturally the employee hadn't even heard of you, but they were spooked enough to contact me immediately. I had cameras search the nearby. We caught three figures fleeing the area. Camera didn't get a good look at their identities, but they were not human."

"Last Saturday night? That was when we were attacked."

"Indeed. I believe that should rule out assassins. I don't fully understand why they were curious about on the attack. My estimate is that they may be related to the man who attacked you. However then my investigation into Velseb has not yielded any anthros or non-humans. I am at a loss for who it may be."

"Strange. I was followed the other day too."

"You were? And you thought not to report it?"

You shrug. "I did. Pretty sure I called you then too."

"What if it was the Family?" Tabi asked, clearly eavesdropping onto the conversation. He was standing by the exit, wondering who it could be now.

"You of all people should know that is not how they roll. They would have attacked or killed my employee, or at the very least already made a move against you two." Updike added, ignoring that you did report it.

"I guess." Tabi shrugged.

"Either way be careful. Someone is out looking for you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Now then. Tell me more about this car." Updike said, pulling out a pen and pad. Now began the questioning. Tabi sighed.

----- Saturday, Evening -----

Agoti sighed as he stared at the bunk above him. He'd been filled in by Ruv. It was supposed to be transmitted in code, Ruv having to talk about some upcoming ball game. Finding the whole 'code-speak' stupid, he wrote it down, giving it to Agoti to read. He then forced Agoti to eat the paper afterwards, making sure no trace of it would be seen by anyone.

The report mentioned a prison riot that was supposed to occur though it didn't mention Nikusa. Solazar knew better than to include that detail. It would have just stressed Agoti.

Agoti liked the plan, but it did worry him. He didn't know if the guards would even care if he got sick. They certainly didn't care much about him already. Moreso since they were scared of the 'Exorcist'.

In the first day of him being there the guards tried to instigate a fight in the cafeteria with him. Ruv put an end to that, sending several to sick bay. He hoped they wouldn't still be there.

Other prisoners just avoided him. When they saw he was with Ruv they actively walked away from Agoti. Only time he got to hang out with people was with Ruv's 'followers' and anytime Ruv was busy putting fear of God into people. He ultimately didn't mind though having to stay with Ruv most of the time but having to keep up a conversation with him was a challenge.

He wasn't sure if it was because Ruv grew sick of Agoti or because he was preparing for the operation. But the last day, Ruv barely talked, instead reading, constantly at all times.

The only time Ruv wasn't nose deep in a book was during outdoor exercise. At least then he could talk a bit.

He thought he was some religious nut at first with the sheer number of spiritual books but even when Agoti feigned interest to have a conversation Ruv didn't say much. Ruv was a man of few words and all, it didn't matter what Agoti tried to ask about.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Agoti asked, uncertain.

"I am. Will you be?"

"I hope so." Agoti sighed and turned over, hoping to get some sleep.

He couldn't wait to get be home.

The next chapter will be called Operation Flashbang.

Nikusa has joined the party!

 Nikusa's Card: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/The-Psycho-1014603311

Lots of new characters mentioned here! Will any of these characters appear again? We'll see! Also I know our 'nuclear friend' was named yet but it's painfully obvious who it is.

odaocercreators' thoughts