
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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40 Chs

Track 20 - Progress At Last

With everyone that had happened you found yourself a day later in the new HQ. You explained to Updike in the morning that it would be your last day today and that the team would be using Rosie's as a base of operations. He agreed but didn't seem to care about you quitting. You would have left then but he insisted you complete today and tomorrow. Something about a payment cycle.

"Give me Rosie's number. I'll speak to her, have some agents go over and harden the place. Set up MALLEUS."


"It's our version of IRIS' TURINGS machine. We'll need it for simulations." He said, before returning to his office.

Updike kept quiet for the rest of the day, eventually departing when you did. He stepped in the elevator with you and his secretary as it whirred downwards. As he entered you noticed he now donned a black scarf. With summer still in its infancy, you were puzzled. It wasn't that cold.

"It's my civilian attire." He muttered, only raising more questions.

"I will be making my way to Nikku's safehouse, then I shall make my way to Rosie's."

"Okay. I'm just gonna go pick up Tabi and I'll head there."

"Good. I intend to make a proposal to Rosie."

"Of what?"

"To buy out her business, of course. I wish to see it brought under my banner." Updike said, sounding more like a king than he intended.

You chuckle.

"What's the matter?"

"Yeah, good luck with that. Just ask her about the crap she's been through."

"Hmph. I shall hear her story out. Be seeing you." Updike nodded and took his leave when the elevator reached the lobby.

Back home Tabi was ready to go. Apparently Aldryx had told him all sorts of things about Rosie, which he took at face value. His impressions of her weren't high, the 'goat-demon' comment hitting him closer than it looked like.

You informed Theo about the new headquarters. He was interested in the Fæ but remarked that he was still hard at work on S' car design. "As I said. I will be sitting this operation out but I assure you my presence will be seen for the next action." He added in that he was also working on some kind of secret project for S but refused to explain it.

There wasn't any opposition to your arrival this time. None of the waiters from yesterday were present and you were shown up to the room without any fanfare. The vending machine door was open, completely defeating its anonymity. A sign was taped to the front reading "FIRST MEETING OF THE CARNIVAL!" written out in bubble letters.

Tabi shook his head. "We're dealing with idiots." He remarked.

Sprites were flying about the place, tidying up and dusting while Rosie watched. They were moving fast, looking more like a lightshow than little people with wings.


Image: An Offer Refused (by ValuVR)

They fluttered around Updike, as if he wasn't there. He just drank a strawberry milkshake, looking engaged in it, starring off into the distance. A sprite fluttered in front of him looking but by the stern expression he was looking past it.

Pomona had arrived earlier too and was talking to a bunch of the fairies. She was surrounded in glowing wings, causing you to do a double take if that was even her.

As Tabi took in the scene he muttered. "Udoril." Though uttered under his breath, it was heard by the pixies. Upon seeing the 'goat-headed demon' in their presence a few of them screamed. At least, you think. It was more like a high-pitched whine. A bunch fluttered away in fear, hiding in the tree. Some flew behind Pomona.

You shrug at Tabi who rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry. They're still a little scared of you. They tell stories about the goat-headed 'monster'." Rosie said. Updike smirked as he noticed you and Tabi enter.

"Whatever." Tabi said.

"Can I get you anything? Still waiting on a few people, I understand."

"None for me." You say.

"You serve medovik here?"

"...I have no idea what that is."

"Honey cake."

"Sure! We got some. I'll be right back." Rosie said and skipped out.

You took a seat at the table, as did Tabi.

"She didn't accept your offer?" You ask Updike with a smirk.

"No. She's too much of a radical to see the benefit in joining. I cannot blame her. She reminds me of myself." Updike said, tugging at the milkshake's straw.

You looked around. MALLEUS had been set up in the corner and was quietly humming away. It looked identical to TURINGS but maroon instead of green, still looking very futuristic.

The rest of the people slowly trickled in.

Seated around the table was most of the crew. Kapi, Rosie, Aldryx, Solazar, Updike, Pomona, Tabi and yourself. Noticeably absent: Nikku, S and Huggy. You left Huggy at home. Not wanting undue attention, you just let him relax, leaving him in Theo's care. He claimed that not only did Huggy love roaming his house but acted as a deterrent against the children. He claimed they would be naturally fearful of him.

It was looking more and more like Huggy would be living with Pomona permanently too. Apparently, Ronan had taken a liking to him. Pomona even relayed from Ronan that you just give him up. 'He's a creature for the outdoors. Not a smoggy urban dwelling,' were Ronan's exact words apparently. You weren't opposed much, though preferred if Huggy himself made the decision.

Nikku had apparently gotten sick, and S was staying with her. No matter, they could be filled in later.

You look proudly on them all. It was a rag-tag team.

The fairies hadn't returned, likely whispering ghost stories about Tabi. You couldn't tell if he cared, though as he devoured the honey cake you didn't believe he was even thinking of them.

"Ahem." Solazar started. "Let us begin."

Updike got up first and walked to MALLEUS. The lights dimmed and the table lit up. Unlike TURINGS, the holograms were maroon. You guess the set up was successful.

"Updike and I have worked out the plan. Now that Rosie has joined I've changed it slightly. I shall now present what will happen. Hold your questions till after, this is just a draft."

As Solazar started to explain the plan prison hologram lit up. Simple models of every person appeared around the prison, moving and simulating actions as he explained.

The prison break was to occur on Sunday, 48 hours from now. If that date was too soon it would have been deferred to during the weekday, though it would mean Pompom would be out.

Pomona interjected that she could just get the day off, but Solazar continued.

"We have no idea if they are planning anything with Agoti. Surely, they understand we're going to find him eventually. We cannot waste time for this."

Solazar continued.

At 6:45PM Agoti will feign being sick. He will drink water, forcing his body to reject it. He will be taken to sick bay. We're expecting Agoti to have some trouble at which point Ruv can intervene and force guards to take him.

We will have Ruv be aggressive, and ultimately do something to get put into solitary confinement. Whether it's a mock break, attacking other prisoners or guards he will be separated.

Once Agoti is in sick bay he will be put under the care of TGG agent, Dr. Jack Springheel. He will watch over Agoti until the break.

Kapi will be snuck in by Springheel. He will sneak onto the evening medical supply and be 'caught' by Springheel. It has to just be Kapi otherwise guards will intervene and take the lot of them.

Kapi, with the help of S will steal a pick-up van and drive off the prison, disguised as a truck driver. He will drive to a nearby rendezvous point where he will pick up Aldryx and Tabi. After that point S' use will be limited.

During this, Updike, you and Nikku will be touring the facility as the warden shows off the latest in the prison's security. The warden apparently has a disdain for IRIS and TGG, preferring all criminals be placed under his care.

Theo had created a few different small but dangerous vehicles. Connected to the internet, they will be powered by S who will use them to fly around. We would have preferred Theo do it but alas he was unavailable. S will pilot a pair of RC copters with smoke bombs, stink bombs and other sorts of weaponry. He will bomb the east towers which will allow for Rosie to get into position.

If done fast enough or successful enough the tower guards will be unable to alert nearby posts of an issue. Updike will insist to start the tour in the control room to hopefully time it in to open the east gate. If not Rosie and her crew will bust them down. From there she will drive and detonate explosives against the east wing, freeing Ruv.

This will divert all forces to the east towers, opposite of the sick bay. With attention on a prison break Agoti vanishing won't be of concern to anyone.

Depending on the chaos Nikku will excuse herself, go to a washroom and make several phone calls, pretending to be various members of the Rosie's crew. This way an alibi is set up for all of them.

"Not like it matters. I will use this breakout to take over the investigation and snuff it all out." Updike added.

When she returns, Updike will take control of the situation and start a conflict with the warden to take over the incident.

Updike will send you and Nikku away to 'get tools'. From there it would be up to you and Nikku to make to the surveillance room and start the process to destroy the evidence.

The surveillance room is voice-activated with a keycard. While S is present, he can't be in two places at once. Instead, Nikku and (Y/N) will trigger it, get in and destroy the room or delete all tapes in the past few hours. S can get the rest later. Once they notice the event, they will back them up so it must be done.

S will be too busy covering the air, no doubt having now triggered the prison's anti-air defenses.

Kapi should have arrived back with Tabi and Aldryx by now. With the chaos ongoing they should be able to sneak in and get Agoti. Springheel will see them out then forge the death certificate for 'Sugar'.

S will make his way to you and Nikku. Then the three will find Updike.

It will then be up for Rosie and her crew to get out of the perimeter and then Pomona will cast two spells. One a smoke spell to blind everyone, then a teleport spell to get Rosie, her crew and Ruv out. Updike will lead the search for Ruv, taking over as the prison recovers.

"And I will be commanding from here." Solazar concluded.

"That's it? I just cast a single spell? C'mon there's gotta be something I can do. I can fight too!" Pomona spoke up first.

Solazar shook his head. "Absolutely not. This is not up for discussion. This job is far too dangerous for you."

"Don't sweat it kid." Rosie said. "You can come in with me when we bust in. That gonna be okay?"

"So long as you can escape the perimeter and cast your spell...it should be fine." Solazar relented.

"Hold on." You say to Updike. The cops will just let you take over? I mean, you're coming in on a tour, if a big crisis happens why would they just let you take over? They'll look like a bunch of chumps."

"TGG is far more prepared for these uncertain beings then they are. It is simply a must." Updike said, defending his position.

"Nah, (Y/N)'s right." Aldryx said. "That or their gonna try to hide a breach going on. They won't let you guys take over."

"Preposterous. It's a perfect attempt to allow a more capable organization to step in."

"I think you're seriously underestimating just how much pride these manager-types have." You say.

"Perhaps Aldryx and (Y/N) have a point. It is a tour; it would be rather unprofessional to just step aside. Plus, I would expect that the cops want to look strong when faced with someone like Ruv. I'm sure they know of your relationship to him. They may not allow it. Have you not petitioned for Ruv as well. They would instantly suspect you or be embarrassed that the prisoner you warned about is free."

"What do you propose then?" Updike asked, irate.

"What if there a was another attack?" Kapi asked out of the blue.

"Another attack?"

"Well, we got 2, right? Rosie, Ruv and co break out, and me, the brothers and Tabi. What if we had a third one? So, like, the warden will be focused one, then Updike proposes he work with him instead."

"And then you can pretend to screw up and let Ruv get away." Aldryx suggested.

"It is a thought." Solazar said. "But we don't have the manpower to do a third angle. The person would have to do it solo, and I am not going to that prison."

"What about that blue thing?" Tabi suggested.

"No way! I can't let Huggy get hurt. If he's going in then I need to be there too."

"As I said. You aren't going in that prison. Your mother agrees with me on this." Solazar interjected.

"Oh, ! know!" Pomona raised her hand. "What if you controlled the vehicles then S did the third breakout. We just gave S a robot suit or someth-"

"Out of the question. I will never give that monstrosity a robotic body. He is already dangerous enough." Updike said sharply."

"Poo." Pompom said.

"What about me? Give me my flamethrowers and I'll burn the place down." Tabi suggested.

"That's not happening." Solazar said sternly. "I will not have you putting yourself in harm's way. Plus, you would be facing the full brunt of the guards. I'd rather keep you alive for Agoti's sake and your close friend's sake." Solazar said, motioning to you.

"Don't you got people on the inside? Can't they do something?" You ask Rosie.

"What about a prison riot?" Rosie suggested.

"It will be at night, past dinner time. Do you have enough people on the inside to cause one?" Updike asked.

Rosie shook her head. "No. I might be able to get one going but it'll more than 48 hours to set it up."

"Ha. Ha! I got it." Aldryx shouted. "We need someone to go in there, raise hell and get out. Someone who the guards would actually be scared to go against."

"I already said I am not going in. And even then we'd need someone to command." Solazar said sternly. Aldryx shook his head. "Not you, Dad."

"If you're suggesting I go in there and start ripping open cell doors that is a completely idiotic idea." Updike chided.

"No you dolt. You probably don't even know her." Aldryx turned to Sol and Tabi, knowingly.

"You can't be serious." Tabi muttered.

"Her. Are you seriously suggesting we ask her?" Solazar said, aghast.

"What? Who?" Pompom asked, not wanting to be left out of the joke. You were just as lost as she was.

"Come one. She practically owes Agoti for what she did to him anyways."

"Can you guys cut the crap? Who are you talking about?" Rosie spoke up.


Everyone's reactions were mixed. Pomona and Kapi had no idea who she was, and you only knew vaguely she was some enemy of Tabi's. She chased them that one time.

"Nikusa." Rosie said strangely. "Big busty woman, non-human, wears all white, black tiara?" Rosie asked Aldryx.

"You know her?" Updike said to Rosie.

"Wait. You know her?" Aldryx said to Updike.

"She's a well-known target of TGG. Most of my nightstalkers are on a first-name basis with her. Sent several of them to the hospital." Updike explained. "If I see her again I will personally rip her head off."

"When that guy attacked my fairies she was there. She was going to kill him if I didn't. She was looking for the 'goat-headed demon'." Rosie explained.

Now Tabi was confused. "She was looking for me?" Then it hit him that was the night everyone was attacked. "What the hell? H-how did she know?" Tabi's anxiety kicked in. There were only two reasons Nikusa would even be looking for him, and both scared him.

Rosie just shrugged. "Well, yeah, now that I think about it she probably was talking about you. She and some weird guy were looking for something. She knew that killer was with the Family though."

"What guy?" Tabi asked seriously.

"I don't know. Tall green guy. Looked like a raver or something. Total introvert, didn't talk, wore a mask."

"I don't know who that is." Tabi shrugged.

"Who's Nikusa?" Pompom whispered to you. "Some old friend. Don't really know." She then whispered to Kapi that it was probably Sol's ex. Kapi just sneezed, remembering he wasn't supposed to sit near her.

"Getting back on track." Solazar said loudly. "You are really proposing we enlist the help of Nikusa? The Void Queen?"

"That's right. She gets in, raises hell, gets out. Easy."

"And what makes you think she'll actually help us?"

"She's not as bad as you guys think. Plus, she really likes Agoti. I can tell. She just acts strange but that's cause who she is."

"That's preposterous." Solazar said. "She's a lunatic who was responsible for the kidnapping of my son and who has caused untold amount of damage. Who even knows why she was looking for Tabi?"

"I am inclined to agree." Updike said.

"Thank you."

"I believe if you informed her of this she would personally break Agoti out instantly." Updike added.

"You're just a pencil pusher. You don't understand." Aldryx said. "She's crazy. But she's got a method. She's like 'sane-crazy'. Just think about it." Aldryx said to Solazar.

Though he spoke to his dad it was Updike who spoke next, genuinely thinking on it.

"She would just get in and destroy the place? That's it? She will stay away from our team?"

"Exactly updog."

"Hmm. She is a lunatic, but she would be perfect to do this. I mean, I could raise someone from my jurisdiction, but they would either reveal my involvement or go overboard, killing many. And it doesn't matter if she gets hurt."

"Did you not just say that she put several of your people in the hospital?!" Solazar said, getting a little angry now.

"When we were pursuing her she took the time to learn the names of all my nightstalkers. She followed them home, studied them and made sure she knew exactly what to say to piss them off. She went to extreme lengths, even discovering my prison and performing reconnaissance on it, hours on end. No insane person does that. I've dealt with enough beings like her. I don't think Aldryx's assessment is that incorrect, even if her methods are constantly questionable."

"You own a prison?" Rosie said flatly.

"However, after her last threat against me it is clear she wants nothing to do with me. I don't expect that has changed."

"Well, you barely need to see her. Long as she knows it's Agoti she's gonna save she'll back us."

"May I remind you all she worked with the family to kidnap my son?! The same one that we need to rescue! I will not have this operation risked because you think she's some kind of hero."

"We could always betray her. Leave her to the dogs if she crosses us." Updike added. He looked deep in thought, finishing his milkshake. "During your Earthquake she attacked my building. Her, Tabi and Agoti."

Tabi spoke uneasily. "That wasn't us." He wasn't sure if that info was supposed to be known or not.

"Don't be a liar. I know it was you. Anyways, she escaped but based on her movements I was led to believe she was covering for you two. Distracting us so you may get away. That night, anytime we got close to apprehending you she appeared, violently attacking whoever got close. Of course, I couldn't prove it. She did attack us several times prior but put within Aldryx's argument it would line up with her wayward motives."

"See? She was totally protecting Tabi and Agoti."

Tabi shuddered, recalling that night. That was protection? He scoffed.

"Dad. All we'd need her to do is raise hell. We don't even need to tell her where Agoti is."

"She wasn't mean to us when we met her. Even offered to help destroy the body." Rosie added. "And the Fæ likes her."

"C'mon. That's practically proof. Let's just ask her." Aldryx pleaded.

Solazar sighed and sat down. "Fine but when she inevitably betrays us this group will be over. Amora and I will personally destroy the prison in that event."

He looked to Updike. "And you. In the event she crosses us we need a plan to deal with her. Especially if she seals my boy in the void again."

"With us unified I am sure we could take her." Updike said.

"Woah, hold on. I think Pompom, Kapi and I get a saying in this." You but in. You didn't mention Nikku or S. You knew S would instantly support her joining as a fellow psychopath. And Nikku...well she may support or reject her, just out of spite for Updike.

"Why?" Solazar said sharply. "You've never met Nikusa. You have no clue what she's like. Do I need to repeat that she kidnapped Agoti?!"

"I think we should meet her first." Pomona said innocently.

"Yeah, we set up like an interview or something. It's the best way." Kapi added.

"Good grief." Solazar pulled out his phone. "Fine. But be armed. She will probably attack you."

"Hold on. I'll text her." Tabi spoke up and did so.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Solazar relented. The team was divided enough on the topic of Nikusa. Showing them she wasn't fit was the only way.

"Well, it's a good thing to give people a chance." Pomona said.

"What does Agoti think of her?" You asked innocently.

"Sick bastard probably likes her." Tabi muttered.

You wonder how Agoti was doing. The only update you'd heard was from Updike that he was okay. Hopefully, he was surviving, staying strong. It would only be few more days now...

Endless concrete walls were what Agoti was used to now. Having spent a year in the void he was used to wide open expanses. Now having lived in the exact opposite circumstance he preferred the prison. Mostly for the fact he had Ruv as company...sort of.

He quickly learned constant two things about Ruv. He spoke little. He drank a lot. But, despite Ruv's distance, he still became friends with him. He learned Ruv was a 'stickman', a species unique from humans and anthros. They had the same bodily organs and minds as the rest of sentience but more 'generic-looking' in nature. Ruv for example was white all over, tinted purple in parts. Round head full of hair but not detailed with chins and facial features as much.

Agoti also thought that was the reason for Ruv's intense strength and insane alcohol tolerance but nay, Ruv explained he was part of some pact with Sarventes, that it gave him such abilities.

Still, having now lived a few days with 'The Exorcist' he didn't find the prison that dangerous. Just boring. The only things Ruv did were exercise, read and drink. He never spoke unless spoken to and never broke his routine. He occasionally wrote letters to the person claiming to be his son or met Updike but otherwise stuck to the same three things.

At least, Agoti guessed it was son. Ruv tried to explain how that brat from Earthquake wasn't his son yet but between Ruv's laconic diction and Agoti not really caring either way he tuned it out.

Regardless, Ruv's association with Agoti proved beneficial. The guards wouldn't go near him lest they feel Ruv's wrath. It also meant he could get whatever he wanted from the guards...if he got Ruv to ask for him. They still didn't like Agoti, but if he asked for something from Papa's Burgeria and Ruv approved it he would get a paper bag in few hours with big combo.

Agoti was sure the warden knew of Ruv's abilities, no doubt allowing the guards to smuggle him in anything he wanted. Ruv put the fear of God into the prisoners and guards, forcing them to behave. When he got his fast food, he asked the guard about what else was smuggled in. To which the guard explained that all Ruv ever ordered was bottles of vodka from some bar called "The Right Mix".

The excess of vodka helped too, allowing Agoti to wipe himself down. He couldn't interact with water, digidevils not built for water consumption. It made their body convulse and reject it as if poisoned was consumed. As such he washed as one would a phone, with alcohol and lots of wiping. It was one of the things he worried about when he first came.

He also knew better than to push his luck, Ruv making it clear early on he protected him because of his innocence. The other prisoners didn't understand that but started to see Agoti as Ruv's 'disciple', meaning he was untouchable.

Some prisoners actually recognized Agoti from his music and started acting friendly towards him. It provided some additional company at yard but they still steered clear of Ruv. They'd chill with Agoti whenever Ruv was summoned to deal with some unruly prisoners. Ruv offered him to come along but Agoti refused. He didn't need to see Ruv beating people senseless, no matter how much they deserved it.

It occurred to Agoti that the guards could just be lying about who they claimed was unruly. He asked Ruv about it to which Ruv explained they would never do that. Not again. Thinking on it, Agoti never saw the two guards that sicked Ruv on him again. He didn't think much about it, preferring not to know what Ruv did to them.

One prisoner explained it to Agoti that on Ruv's first day he sent 4 prisoners and 6 guards to the hospital. He thought that extraordinary until the prisoner continued, stating the guards, as revenge cuffed him and put him with a bunch of solitary prisoners, expecting them to kill him.

When Ruv emerged from the room covered in blood, cuffs still on the guards realized Ruv was not a typical prisoner. They realized it, after Ruv had his revenge on them too.

Agoti's new friends also knew if they wanted to hang with him that they needed to be on their best behaviour, which for a lot of them was impossible.

He also learned that Ruv wasn't the only 'force of nature' in the prison. That here, one should not get injured or sick less they be brought to sick bay. That in that wing they were a doctor who dressed like a bird, clinically insane, taking no precautions and treating patients as test subjects. Agoti wasn't sure of that, especially when Ruv said he went to the sick bay and that doctor treated him normally. Some of the rumours had to have been exaggeration.

He felt content at where he was, still anxiously awaiting his freedom.

Every evening was the same. Prisoners herded to the mess hall, served dinner and herded back. The mess hall was just a huge concrete hall, fluorescent lights lighting up steel tables that lined the floor, a counter at the back from which to get their food from.

With Ruv next to him he got his food. Chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs, mash potatoes, peas and gravy. While the prisoners had congregated into gangs and cliques Ruv originally chose to sit alone. After his stunts that changed, a group of pious prisoners started to sit with him, despite Ruv completely ignoring them. Agoti didn't mind. At least they provided some company other than Ruv.

They didn't occupy all the seats allowing for anyone else to sit with them. Normally they would have attacked whoever dared to sit with them as per other gangs, but Ruv didn't like that. A few 'zealous members' learned that the hard way.

So, when a prisoner sat next to Ruv he didn't think of it. Agoti took notice as the prisoner asked to sit next to Ruv, to which Ruv replied a gruff 'yes'. He'd seen people of all shapes in sizes fit into those same orange jumpsuits, though this prisoner's attire was different. It wasn't just a jumpsuit. It looked more padded and more like a spacesuit than anything. It even had a few patches of earth and spaceships on it. Agoti's mind instantly went to spacesuit as the person had a fishbowl helmet on, the exact same one astronaut's wear. The back of it was orange, and the glass on it tinted, hiding the face of whomever lurked behind it.

Agoti watched curiously as he waited for the man to eat it. The other prisoners too, except Ruv watched, curious. None knew quite what to make of the person.

The prisoner picked up the fork and drew a knife from his pocket as he placed the fork on nugget and used the knife to start cutting. Wait. Knife. Knife? Agoti's eyes went wide. "Knife!" One of the prisoners shouted.

The astronaut shoved Ruv aside, knocking him off as he lunged for Agoti, knife low so as to gut him. Thinking fast he did what he could, grabbing the spaceman's gloved hands. He held it back, but the spaceman forced it forward, getting ever closer to his stomach.

One of the prisoners jumped up unto the table, ready to intervene but stopped, himself tripping backwards when he saw what happened next. Ruv grabbed the spaceman's hand, completely stopping it.

For Agoti, it was as if everything froze. He looked to Ruv, a furious expression on the exorcist's face. He noticed now the whole cafeteria had gone quiet too, people watching.

Ruv tightened his grip, hard enough that Agoti knew he could hear snapping.

The spaceman 'opened up' himself splitting in half upwards as a tongue emerged from where his stomach was. Barbed and sharp it lurched at Ruv. Still unfazed, Ruv grabbed in, ripping it forward. It sent the spaceman forward as he dropped his knife. With a forceful punch, he sent the spaceman back, Agoti feeling the impact of the punch from there. Ruv hit hard.

Ruv let go as the spaceman landed back. Getting up, Ruv cracked his knuckles.

Agoti couldn't watch what happened next. He just knew that after Ruv and his 'followers' were done, the medics came without a word and picked the (hopefully) still alive assailant away. Without missing a beat, Ruv sat back down at the table, resuming his meal.

"T-thanks." Agoti managed to say. His appetite was gone but he at least felt safe.

"You're welcome." Ruv said as he took a sip of his glass, acting as if nothing occurred.

I can't wait to get out of here, Agoti thought.

The next chapter will be called Days of Respite.

Apparently Webnovel supports images for the characters now? I'm gonna look into it, see if I can add them to this story that way you don't have to check Funkipedia for who's who.

odaocercreators' thoughts