
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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Track 22 - Flashbang, Part 1 - Setup

Operation Card: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1752357989942526233

Now Playing...

Artist: Obsqure

Song: L'affranchi

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAcGNeXkmqI

The other two operations were marred by planning, readying for external possibilities and places where it could go wrong. There was one final meeting the day before, but everyone was on the same page. There was one goal, no extras, no bonuses.

Get Agoti out of there.

A sense of urgency plagued planning. Solazar had briefly met Nikusa the night after to go over the final plans. He didn't state what they spoke about, but he seemed worried. When the idea came up to delay the operation Solazar refused. "It needs to be tomorrow. There is no changing that. Too many variables in place."

Tabi knew something was up, as did Aldryx. When it would have upset them, they knew Solazar to keep things to himself. But neither questioned it. Whatever possibility, no matter how remote gnawed at Sol, they preferred not to know.

Nikku's cold was mostly gone. She still had a few sniffles but said she was more than ready. S too, coupled with Nikku's recovery felt energized. He asked why he couldn't just modify the files to release Agoti, to which Solazar and Updike said it would raise too many questions.

"You need to understand. Even though he is being protected by Ruv his every movement is being watched. He gets released then the Family will be made aware. We cannot risk them coming after him again."

With no further questions everyone readied. After a dinner of small pies provided by Rosie, the Carnival got into position. At first the plan was for everything to start beginning at 7:00PM but S changed that. He found he could send messages to the prisoners via the guards and thus tell Ruv and Agoti when to begin.

With the meeting adjourned and dinner time over everyone got into position. Bedtime had already been called. Lights off in one hour. For Ruv it meant more reading until he physically could not. Despite the knowledge this would be his last night here he did little to indicate it, reading in silence.

Agoti was nervous. He had only been given parts of the operation and knew what his goals were. He had performed live before but for him, this was his most dangerous performance.

His mind was awash with memories, when he was abducted the first time, when he met Nikusa, when he was freed by that boy and his girlfriend, when he was arrested again.

If Ruv noticed the digidevil's anxiety he didn't care.

Agoti just paced back and forth in the cell, reaching the bookshelf, reading the titles of each book, pacing back and counting the number of bricks in the wall. He was so focused he didn't notice the guard standing at the front. With a bang the guard got both their attentions. Agoti jumped, raising his hands in defense.

"God your skittish today." The guard remarked. "Message from the warden. Said he's gotta add 10 dollars to your lunch bill. Guess you're gonna have to cut down on the food, huh?" The guard smiled.

"Acknowledged." Ruv said.

"UH, yeah, sure." Agoti nodded and sat down on his bed, trying to act normal.

"Whatever." The guard shrugged and walked off. He was expecting more disappointment.

"Are you-" Agoti started to ask but Ruv cut him off. "Yes." It was the question Agoti had been asking nonstop all day.

He took a deep breath. 10 dollars. Meant that in 10 minutes he needed to get sick. And then there would be no turning back.

He looked to the sink. He couldn't drink water proper. His species didn't allow for it. Couldn't bathe in it either. He usually cleared with alcohol. Tabi used to tease him for it, calling him a machine but stopped after Agoti pointed out Tabi was more 'machine-like' than he was. Thanks to Ruv being able to obtain a practically unlimited supply of vodka, he was at least able to keep clean, though he did smell of potatoes.

10 minutes till showtime. He counted each second, not wanting to lose track of anything...3..2..1..

"It's showtime." He muttered to nobody. Ruv put his book down and jumped off the bunk. He walked to the bookcase and put it away, filed under the author's last name.

Agoti looked at the sink. Dry as a bone. Ruv barely drank anything other than vodka and Agoti couldn't drink the stuff. What if the taps didn't work? He coughed. It was time. He turned the taps on and filled his hands with water. Lapping it down he felt the effects immediately.

A knot in his stomach. Instant headache. Brain fog. Hands shook. He wasn't sure how much was caused by the water and not just himself having a nervous breakdown. He thought he didn't drink enough. He thought he drank too much.

He walked over to the bars and coughed. "I'm sick." He bellowed. "I think-I think. I need a doctor." In the face of water his body did what it always did. Force it back up. Hands sticking out the bars he tried to keep himself upright.

Unconsciously he found himself throwing up, black bile spilling out of mouth onto the bars. His stomach always contained oil and the presence of water did not mix. Ruv was surprised. Agoti explained what would happen, but he didn't think it would be that serious.

Hearing a chorus of annoyed prisoners, some cheering, some jeering, the guard returned. "What the hell is this?"

"I need a doctor." Agoti choked.

"Like hell you do. Get the hell off the bars!" Using a nightstick the guard slammed it against the door, hitting Agoti's hands.

Ruv did not take kindly and faster than the guard could process Ruv was at the bars and reached through, pulling the guard against it. He yanked on the guard's collar, threatening to rip him through. "He's going to sickbay." He tugged a little harder. A few more prisoners shouted from afar, cheering on Ruv's attack.

"Okayokay. Just please let me go." The guard pleaded between baited breaths. Ruv did, the guard landing on the ground. He whistled, and a few other guards joined him. Agoti was yanked out of the cell and lead away.

The guard locked eyes with Ruv before getting up and running away, another guard having to lock the cell.

Ruv waited until the guards were gone to think. It was his turn now. Break out or do something to get in solitary.

It didn't take long for the opportunity to present itself. Ruv stared at the back wall of the cell, thinking when he heard prisoners shout for him. "Rusky! Get ready!"

He turned. The guard, now suited up had come with a few more, all dressed as SWAT. Most prisoners knew what their appearance wrought.

"You don't run this prison." One of the guards said. "You wanna beat the prisoners, fine. But you lay a finger on of our guards? We're gonna show you what happens!"

In the cell next to Ruv, he heard the prisoner shout. "Ruv! Kick their as-"

You, Nikku and Updike walked along, a few armed guards in front and behind. The warden of the prison, a Mr. Fulp, was leading you around. You'd arrived earlier for a 'seminar on the latest advancements in prison and incarcerational technology'. On the way in Updike explained it as "way to prove how much better they are keeping people locked up than us". Both you and Nikku were fully decked out in gear, concealing identities. Updike explained you two as his personal guard that must accompany him. Though the warden was adamant nothing could go wrong, Updike threatened to leave if not allowed, even suggesting the warden may be planning something against him.

Underneath your helmet you could hear chatter from the other members. You had long since tuned out whatever the warden was talking about. Updike actively listened, doing so well you thought he genuinely cared. Nikku hardly spoke, between her sickness and general unease she didn't have much to say.

The comlink was controlled remotely with your hand. All it took was a specific wrist movement to change the channel. S had given you and Nikku access to the prison radio as well. Listening in there was commotion in Agoti's wing. But, as you looked around neither the warden nor his armed posse were acknowledging it. He just continued going on about some kind of inmate tracking system. Based on the fact that the guards were shouting about a Russian guy, you guess Ruv was working on his plan.

Ruv grabbed the handgun, crushing it into a pile of black scrap metal. The guard in front that he had ripped the gun from ran off, a chorus of prisoners booing him. A few bullet holes were now visible in the back of the cell, including a few holes in Ruv's jumpsuit and jacket. One guard lay unconscious on Agoti's bed, another was currently reeling on the lower floor after having been thrown out. The guard who started the fight, the one Ruv attacked first was now embedded in the bars, showing that Ruv really could pull someone through metal bars.

The prisoners who could see were having a laugh, cheering as if it were a sports event.

One guard remained, service rifle aimed at Ruv's head, trembling. He was scared, unsure if pulling the trigger would only make things worse. Ruv walked up to the guard slowly, closing the space between them.

The guard's finger remained on the trigger. He wanted to shoot but didn't. Ruv remained expressionless, staring the guard down with a blank face. It only added more fear to the guard's last stand. Calmly, Ruv raised his hand and lowered the guard's rifle, pointing it to the ground. The guard started to sob, closings his eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"The punishment has been delivered. Take me to solitary. I will not harm the innocent." Ruv said coldly. The guard opened his eyes slowly, expecting Ruv to punch right through him or something. But there was no action.

Dumbfounded the guard spoke. "S-solitary?"


"You're not-t-t gonna hurt me?" He squeaked.

"No." Ruv presented his wrists, ready to be bound in cuffs.

"I-I-i-I don't h-have cuffs. Just follow me." The guard was mortified but relieved. In his head he muttered many a thanks to his god for having spared him from this stoneface maniac.

He kept his gun up, never mind Ruv he wanted to at least appear in control.

"I'm sorry for that." The guard whispered, trying to maintain some form of innocence.

"It was not your call."

"R-right." The guard put a notice out that he needed paramedics to the West Wing for multiple injured guards. He added he was leading a prisoner to solitary confinement but did not request medical accommodation for him. Hearing the call you guess Ruv was successful in getting in solitary. You wonder what he must have done.

Agoti didn't lose consciousness but remembered little of the trip here. If he spoke to the guards, if he was hurt further, if prisoners recognized him, he wasn't sure. All he remembered was the guard making some remark about how he'd have to deal with that 'freak of a doctor'.

He was feeling a lot better now, his body having recovered from the initial shock. He lay on a medical cot handcuffed to the railing. There were a few other prisoners around, mostly recovering from bodily wounds. The TV in the centre of the room played some black and white horror movie. He didn't have any neighbors and was alone in his section. His anxiety had vanished with his sickness and he sat up, feeling a bit more confident. Solazar had always said the first step was the hardest. Now all he had to was wait for the doctor to help him.

Looking around there were a few physicians, but none took interest in him. Most were at computers, dealing with other patients or waiting around. Ruv didn't name any specific doctor to come, quoting Updike that 'our doctor will find you'.

"So what's the deal with you?" A prisoner a few beds over asked loudly. "The hell's on your head?" Agoti turned. It was a human prisoner, leg in a cast suspended. He was bald, and a had a few tattoos on his arm that were visible.

Agoti played it off. "I don't know man. S'why I'm here." He felt around his hair tentacles a bit, feigning ignorance.

"Damn, and I thought I was down bad. New here right? Never seen ya before." He cracked a smile.

"Yeah, bout a week. Then this, uh, started."

"It hurt?"

"Nah, just feels weird."

"Who's your doctor?"

"I don't know."

"Check that clipboard next to you. It'll say."

Only now did Agoti notice the clipboard hanging next to his bunk. With his limited mobility he picked it up. Scanning through he found a tab listing 'MEDICAL OFFICER'. Some name was listed but crossed out, red ink noting beside it 'DR. SPRINGHEEL'.

"Springheel." Agoti said.

The prisoner shifted uneasily, glancing behind him. He let out a gasp. "Wow. And they put him on a newbie." He mumbled. Looking at Agoti he spoke, "Be careful of him. Dude's a total nutjob. Word is, he's your doctor and you get sick when he's on clock, you just suck up and take it. The shit I've heard him do to prisoners." The inmate shivered. "When people get injured at night they don't come here. There's so many rumours about that guy you could write a magazine."

"I do believe I hear my name being called." A posh voice called as someone opened an office door. The prisoner clamoured up and faced forward, pretending not to have spoken.

Agoti turned to the office door. He expected some kind of doctor, white overcoat and a stethoscope, but when he saw the doctor he knew that was the one. Updike's man on the inside.

Agoti couldn't tell if he was human or an anthro. Every part of him was concealed, wearing a large dark purple top hat with a strip of yellowish green around the bottom. Under that the doctor wore an oversized plague doctor mask. It looked as if he had a long metal beak, hiding any semblance of humanity. It was long, extending well out in front of him, almost cartoonish.

To conceal further he wore large black goggles that hid his eyes. Around his neck a yellow neckerchief, neatly tucked into the trim of a purple robe with yellow buttons.

He wore white gloves, further hiding any possible identifying features. There was something tucked into his coat pocket. His robe didn't extend to the bottom however, only halfway, stopping at black dress pants and boots.

The only thing Agoti could make out was that he had green hair, as indicated by it poking out of the back of his mask.

Dr. Jack Springheel. While most of the prisoners around tensed up upon his entrance, Agoti felt fine. He knew he was on his side. Agoti sat up as best he could.

Springheel walked dignified, upright and with hands behind his back.

"You must be Agoti." He spoke with an English accent. Agoti nodded.

"Yes, yes. Let me see...vomiting, shared a cell with that so-called Exorcist, mmm hmmm, yes yes. I believe I am to be expecting you." Springheel put the clip board back and looked Agoti over.

Though he couldn't see any eyes behind those goggles but could certainly feel Springheel ogling him.

"My, my. You are a remarkable creature. May I?"

"Uh, sure?" Agoti wasn't sure what he wanted.

With a gloved hand Springheel reached to Agoti's head and held a tentacle, examining it. Agoti wasn't sure how to react as Springheel looked it over, squeezing it and seeing how Agoti reacted.

"Would it be too much to take a sample? For further study."

"Uh, yeah. Don't, please." He said. Springheel let go and stood up.

"What are you exactly? You appear human-like but phenotype indicates that false. Is that a parasite upon your head or-" Springheel had taken the clipboard and was writing on it.

"I'm, uh, a digidevil. Y-you're with our fr-"

"Our mutual friend. I am aware. But there is plenty of time for pleasantries and study of you. Your physiology fascinates me." He noticed the VHS strips on Agoti's heart making an indent in the orange jumpsuit.

"Remarkable." He muttered. He almost fondled them but stopped himself. "I have to go make a delivery but when I get back I many questions about you and your species. I have never seen such a creature like you. I must simply know more. It is too dangerous out here. Come with me to my personal examination room. It shall shield you from any prying eyes."

Agoti was thoroughly creeped out. It was the same feeling from when he first saw S and Huggy. But at least Springheel was on his side.

Now Playing...

Artist: Tomohito Nishiura

Song: Moon Sea

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSiPFvZm4sc

The tour was still ongoing with you and Nikku following closely behind, the warden going on about something called 'Thousandeyes'.

You were armed, something that Updike also had to fight for. You had tuned into a bit of the 'lecture' but it was mostly the warden taking shots at TGG's incarceration methods. He was, at the very least aware of Earthquake but thought it just an attack. He took great pride in 'housing a religious extremist such as Ruv'. You said nothing.

"Springheel confirmed Agoti's safety. Ruv heading to solitary. Kapi is moving into position now. Should be entering the prison within a few minutes." Solazar said over the comlink. He was at Rosie's bar commanding from MALLEUS. Though he didn't agree with it Huggy was present too, playing with some building blocks. He wasn't alone however, as Pompom's parents were also present, having come out to ensure their daughter's safety. Mackie was there too, playing with Huggy. The fae enjoyed the company, Huggy likewise fascinated by the fairies.

Springheel walked to medical bay, anyone he passed looking the other way. Both he and Ruv were considered pariahs within the prison. Though while Ruv regularly put the 'fear of God' in people, Springheel put the 'fear of science' in them. Even the Warden steered clear of him, treating him more as a torture device than doctor.

Kapi's entry into the prison was the detail that changed the most. Originally he was supposed to stowaway in a medical delivery and be 'caught' by Springheel. However, you cut in saying that he would instantly become known to other guards. That Springheel demanding he keep Kapi would not stand. And if a guard then saw Kapi driving away it would blow the operation. S suggested Kapi just hide in one the crates, but he refused remarking he'd rather die.

In the end a compromise was made. That the medical supply delivery would be scheduled as usual. Kapi would sneak in and stowaway until dropoff. Carrying some medication and drugs from TGG they would easily allow him to slip in. After delivery, Springheel would inspect the load. He would find Kapi, have the boy sneak into a box and carry him, releasing him in his office containing a disguise. Kapi didn't like it but ultimately agreed.

As the truck departed from the depot, Kapi was ready. His nervousness was at its lowest point of the three operations. He felt ready and confident. His only worry was keeping his balance and making sure he didn't hurt himself as the truck drove. One bumpy ride later, the truck doors departed, a rush of light flooding in. He was sitting on top of the crates, waiting idly.

"I am the doctor and primary distributor of these drugs. It is imperative I inspect first. Your regulations be damned." Someone spat in a British accent.

Kapi saw a dark figure enter. As his eyes adjusted he got spooked by the 'plague doctor' standing in the truck, looking up at him.

"I was informed you would be delivered in a box."

"Y-you're the guy right?" While Kapi had been explained Springheel's appearance he still found him rather mystifying.

"Yes, yes. Now get in a crate. It is my understanding the original plan was not changed." He whispered.

Kapi nodded. He had emptied one of the crates just before it parked. He wanted to do it earlier, but Updike told him not to. "You do realise all those loose pill bottles rolling around would be suspicious, correct?" Updike told him.

The crate was large and previously full of bottles of medicine. Straw lay at the bottom as a well as cardboard separators. It was a wooden crate, made with planks so plenty of breathing room was available. Lined with some kind of 'light-reflective fabric', Kapi knew little what that meant. He crawled in and nestled himself best he could. Uncomfortable and the whole thing smelled of a farm he fit. He held his tail in his hands.

"Now do be quiet. I would hate to get caught." Springheel whispered as he grabbed the lid.

"I don't like tight spaces." Kapi muttered. "Ugh."

"I shall be gentle. Do not lose hope." Springheel said. He placed the lid upon it, not securing the crate otherwise. Kapi felt himself get lifted as the world around him turned. He wasn't sure how he looked but kept his breaths quiet, not wanting to blow Springheel's cover.

Carrying Kapi in the crate one of the guards stopped him. "The delivery is to my standards. This crate is mine. Per law I am required to keep a backup stash. This is part of that." He yanked the crate away from the busybody and continued into the prison.

Kapi didn't really have a sense of direction. All he knew was Springheel was a talker, musing to himself as he walked.

"You know I am quite acquainted with our cumulus-friend. Worked personally with him, at least until recently. I operated on some girl, he claimed I didn't follow instructions, said I lost my sense of proportion and thus I was sent here." Springheel said happily.

He practically sang to himself, though as Kapi listened he realized Springheel was talking to him.

"I don't mind. There is no shortage of people to study, though I miss my time at their prison. So much more fascinating. The current creature I am looking after is just like the ones I used to inspect. Ah. Makes me feel young again."

Kapi wasn't sure if he should respond. He kept silent.

"Our friend will owe me greatly after this. I expect full compensation and assistance. Perhaps even the re-instatement of my own post." Kapi wondered how it looked, if Springheel was blowing both their covers. Although, seeing a plague doctor walking alone speaking to himself probably wouldn't be that unusual.

"You haven't suffocated have you?" Springheel came to a stop.

"N-no." Kapi whispered, unsure. "Just uh, dunno if I should talk."

"I see. Very good then." Springheel continued and started to whistle as he walked the halls back to his office.

Kapi felt himself set down, and felt the lid lift off. He didn't have time to get up himself wen Springheel reached in and picked him up, setting him on the ground like a child, even brushing him off too.

"My, you are all so interesting. Even you. What are these spikes on your face?" Springheel wasted no time in studying Kapi. He tugged on the spike, much to Kapi's annoyance.

"Updike really has a rag-tag team of abominations. Such an interesting fellow. Never ceases to amaze me, even after our quarrels."

"Erm." Kapi stepped away. He spotted a guard uniform and helmet waiting on the Springheel's desk.

"Right then. I shall be waiting outside. Get dressed and I shall lead you to the docking bay. I hope you know what to say if they stop you." Kapi nodded as Springheel departed.

Much to Kapi's surprise the armour fit. He was expecting it to be too big for his size, but it fit snug.

He stepped outside. "Where's uh, our friend anyway?" Kapi asked.

"He is currently situated in my personal examination room. Far safer there."

"Okay. Let's go." Kapi said. He tightened the helmet on, wondering what the inmates would think seeing a shorter guard waltzing around.

A few minutes later Kapi found himself at the steering wheel of a transport van, engine revving. Stronger than what he usually drove he felt an urge to hit the peddle full force, just to see how fast it could go. No emergency in place he decided against it. Springheel saw him off.

"Best of luck. Do not hesitate to seek me out after all this is done. I would like to know your medical history."

"S-sure." Kapi nodded and drove off, unsure what to think of Springheel.

"Kapi is enroute to get Aldryx and Tabi. We can begin the Ruv's part. S, get into position." Solazar commanded.

"Hahah! This is gonna be great!" S declared.

The next chapter will be called Flashbang, Part 2 - Execution.



This chapter was originally one long chapter. I split it since it would have been like 8k words. I originally wrote it in August 2023, which shows how far ahead I am with the writing lol.

Finally, some beta notes.

- This operation was originally meant to be part of the Operation Teardown, with busting Agoti out as a secondary mission. Decided not to.

- Forgot to add several chapters ago but originally Aldryx was going to track and ambush Tabi and Geist, demanding to know what happened to his brother.

odaocercreators' thoughts