
True Explosion [MHA]

A genius born with unforeseen powers. Living life as he sees fit, he holds no care for any set of norms. QUIRK: Destruction. DISCLAIMER!! This story is something new... I'm going to do my best to make it one of the best things you guys have ever read but don't hold me accountable if you hate it. After all, not everyone shares the same opinion- It'd be best if you kept your negative ones to yourself though. NO HAREM! Might not even have romance, so if that's something you're looking for, sorry. There's a 50/50 chance.

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6 Chs

His Energy [4]

The following day when he got home, it was safe to say that Jissoji and Katsuki got an earful. Mitsuki was heated and Masaru was tired.

"Are you serious!? Do you brats always have to cause trouble everywhere you go!?" She roared, handing both her sons an ice pack. Jissoji stayed quiet, his face a perfect mask of nonchalance- Something that irked his mother.

Katsuki, on the other hand, was more verbal. "Tch… The idiot challenged me, "What else was I supposed to do!" Mitsuki' face contorted with pure rage.

Masaru muttered, "Oh no…" And quickly ran out the room, quietly closing the door to the bathroom as he casted a pitiful gaze towards Jissoji- who in turn gave him a blank stare.

'That grown ass man is scared of his own wife… Just rub your damn hands together and pop her ass.' Gritting his teeth, Jissoji let out a slight sigh.

Which didn't go unnoticed by his mother who swiftly stopped barking at one brother and moved on to the next. "And you! I've taught you better than to edge on this rascal! And why did you hit him so hard? Look at all the bruises!"

Jissoji casted a side glance, looking away from the both of them as he was fed up. This was a normal occurrence for the two brothers, as if one did something bad they were both punished since the other should've stopped him.

But in this case, there was no right or wrong. They were both wrong. 'This old woman pisses me off…'

"I'm sorry, mom." Jissoji spoke up, cutting her off. Katsuki clicked his tongue, doing the same.

"Yeah… Me too. It was out of line and not very hero-like at all." Folding his arms, he puffed his cheeks. Mitsuki sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she let the disappointment built up within her chest, fly free.

Patting both of their heads, she smiled slightly. "...Alright. Go wash up. I'll start making dinner in a bit."

"Okay." Jissoji replied, thanking his Random Omnipotent Being for finally getting away. Hearing his mother yelling is akin to being tied to a wooden chair with rough rope and forced to listen to nails being dragged on a standard chalkboard.

Closing the door to his room, he sighed and threw the ice pack on his desk, feeling that his cheek and gums were no longer aching.

Plopping in his black bean bag chair, Jissoji sat in silence. 'I need to hurry up and grow up… Having the body of a 4 year old is NOT enjoyable. I'm flexible, but I'm small. I can't even start working out yet.' He mused, laughing listlessly at his situation.

Raising his palm, he activated his quirk again, letting it course through his body into his right arm, eventually making it to his palm. Glowing the same deep, orangish glow accompanied by the familiar burst of soldering heat, Jissoji sighed.

'And this, "quirk…" Practicing controlling it throughout my body can only do so much. I need to see what it can do- But something tells me I'd regret doing it in the house.' Groaning, he threw his head back and turned towards the full body mirror he had hanging from his closet door.

His eyes widened slightly seeing his cheek glowing with the same energy his hand was; Though there was no heat to alert him.

'What the…' Rubbing a finger over it, he noticed that his cheek was no longer swollen. Sitting up, he opened his mouth and was left slack jawed at the sight of his regrown tooth.

The very one that was knocked out of his mouth just half an hour ago. 'H-Holy… This shit can heal?! I hit the jackpot!' Practically jumping with joy, Jissoji decided that understanding his quirk should be his top priority.

'I don't know the nature of it, but if it's anything like my fathers- Or even Katsukis… I'll definitely need to be alone and secure.' Choosing to avoid possible law enforcers because he was caught being reckless with his quirk, Jissoji began brainstorming different places he could go.

Even during dinner his brain didn't rest. Thinking up different things to test, how he could get that result and get the theoretical yield on its possible destruction.

He was mentally applauding himself for focusing on control ever since he realized he had a quirk. Moving it throughout his body was practically second nature to him, making all of his future tests and practices infinitely easier and quicker.

As he stuffed his mouth with the last bit of food on his plate, Jissoji felt that his Godly trait, Ultipotence, was finally showing its hand.



The next morning Jissoji got ready for elementary school like normal, except this time, he packed an extra set of black clothes that he could change into.

"Jissoji, come on! We need to go or you and your brother will be late!" His fathers voice pierced through their house's thin walls. Rubbing a hand through his ash-blonde hair, he looked himself in the mirror and appreciated his amber eyes for a moment.

Figuring he was ready, he came out of his room and met his brother and father outside already in the car. Hopping in, he tuned out Katsukis complaints and his fathers pitiful way of trying to quell his child's permanent agitation.

"Hey, Jissoji? Are you doing okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, why?" Masaru shrugged, "You haven't blinked in almost 10 minutes. What're you thinking about?" Jissoji hummed.

"My quirk. It's been on my mind for a while." Katsuki chuckled.

"Heh, regretting being born? Suits you right!" Masaru snapped and swiftly told Katsuki to shut his mouth. Sparing his other son an apologetic smile, he spoke up.

"What about it? Have you figured anything out yet?" Jissoji shrugged. "...Yeah, actually. Last night when I got home, my cheek was glowing orange with that strange energy. It healed my teeth and stopped the swelling."

Masaru' eyes widened. "W-wow… That's- Wow… Healing abilities on top of incredible heat? Just what the heck do you have going on?" Chuckling he shook his head.

Jissoji ignored the side eye Katsuki was casting him and stared out the window.

Humming in response to his father, Jissoji gathered his stuff and got ready to get out of the car as they came to a stop outside of their school. "Bye dad." He said, swiftly getting out of the car.

Katsuki clicked his tongue and did the same, leaving Masaru lost for words.

"Yeah, I love you too… Little devils." He muttered, shaking his head wryly. Pulling off to head on to work, Masaru retreated, keeping Jissojis discovery in mind.

'Healing capabilities…? Mitsuki' quirk doesn't do that. Neither does mine…' Humming, Masaru had a bad feeling swelling within his mind. Though, he soon pushed it down and away.

"Hey, Katsuki. Go on ahead, I'll come in later." Pausing, Katsuki threw his shoulder, "Tch, I don't care what you do, Idiot." Watching as his brother and the other kids get dropped off and head into the school, Jissoji silently walked toward the back of the school.

Soon, the crowd settled down and everyone was in class, leaving the playground empty and the perimeter around the school empty as well.

Remembering the creak he and his brother visited yesterday, Jissoji pulled out a makeshift balaclava and covered his face. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder, he took off in a full sprint towards his destined location.

Planning to spend the entirety of his allotted elementary school hours training his quirk.

As he was running, he began feeling fatigued but before he could even act on it and come to a stop to rest, he felt a familiar warmth began to travel to his quads, calves, hip flexors and toes and was startled at the fact his fatigue was completely gone.

Soon enough, the warmth traveled to his lungs, practically granting him infinite stamina as his muscles and organs were constantly being replenished.

A smile adorned his face, his perfect teeth flashing for the first time in this life. 'I love this shit!'

In response to his quirk activating automatically, his speed gradually increased to speed beyond what a 4 year old should be capable of. Sprinting at a constant 34mph, it didn't take him long to arrive at his location.

With thick trees covering his every angle, he came to a stop on a small bridge that connected one side of the creak to the other. Throwing his backpack on the ground, he swiftly jumped in after taking off his socks and shoes.

Catching his breath slightly, Jissoji pulled out a small notepad he had in his pants pockets as well as a pen, deciding to start at the top of the list and work his way down to the very body.

Doing every exercise in order. With a genuine, excited-impatient smile, Jissoji closed his eyes and quickly got to work.