
True Explosion [MHA]

A genius born with unforeseen powers. Living life as he sees fit, he holds no care for any set of norms. QUIRK: Destruction. DISCLAIMER!! This story is something new... I'm going to do my best to make it one of the best things you guys have ever read but don't hold me accountable if you hate it. After all, not everyone shares the same opinion- It'd be best if you kept your negative ones to yourself though. NO HAREM! Might not even have romance, so if that's something you're looking for, sorry. There's a 50/50 chance.

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6 Chs

His Energy pt.2 [5]

As the cool morning breeze rustled his mid-length, spiky blond hair. Jissoji began to whisper to himself. "I already know there's a healing factor. On the way here I was proven that there's also a physical enhancer… From my knowledge of the various books I dove into last year, quirks don't usually have multiple passive/complementary abilities.

But it's not impossible-

This could be the work of Ultipotence if I really think about it." Holding a finger to his lip, Jissoji hummed as he pushed back his traits' possible effect on his quirk.

'It most likely evolved it from the very start- making it somewhat akin to itself…' His idea was logical. Something that invokes the ability for unlimited growth/potential, it was only fair of him to assume that everything about him was modified in a similar way.

As that thought crossed his mind, his little auburn eyes glistened with surprise, expectation and anxiousness.

'My body… I haven't even begun to explore my possible physical attributes due to the fact that I'm simply too young. But… When I finally start working out-' His mind flashed with an image of All-Might, more specifically, one of his all-famous attacks.

Just the simple notion was more than enough to send his spirits sky-high. So high he forgot all about the earful he's going to receive when he gets picked up in a couple of hours.

Quickly setting his notepad to the side- as well as his backpack, Jissoji made his way to the middle of the creak hastily and closed his eyes. His control over his quirk was astronomical. With his Divine Trait making him a terrifying genius capable of learning anything at impossible rates-

Something as ludicrous as controlling his own energy is literally nothing compared to most things.

Letting it flow throughout every edge of his body, Jissoji focused more so on the enhancement part of the mysterious energy for now. Finding that his speed had increased considerably, but that result was subconscious.

Now he wants to test the difference between it acting on its own, and when he actively chooses what to enhance.

Sending as much energy as he could to his legs, he felt the soldering heat begin to invade his legs. Clenching his jaw as he told himself mentally- 'Here goes nothing.'

Dropping to a standard track stance, Jissoji took in a deep breathe and as he exhaled, he pushed off his front leg.

The result was a hundred times more disastrous than he expected.


A giant explosion shook the entirety of the park, the trees waned and shook with fear as leaves escaped to the ground. Where Jissoji previously stood, was nothing but a giant crater spanning 15 meters- both deep, and volcanic.


Jissoji came to a tumbling stop. His legs were no longer available to him- like they just… Never existed. As he splashed through the water, knocking his head and other extensions of himself on the rocks below, he finally came to a stop.

Bathed in blood, Jissoji hacked up a glob of blood that invaded his throat.

He lied still, not daring to move a single muscle as the only thing that indicated he was still in the land of the living being the extensive amounts of mind numbing, soul crushing pain that bullied every inch of his body.

The most prominent being his shins and calves.

"A-Ah… F-Fuck!" He growled. His breathing hitched at a fast pace. His heart was going awol and his mind was struggling to convey just how much pain he was in.

So he did the only thing he could- Lay in the bloody water and sun bathe until he was able to successfully move his head without exacerbating his condition.

'Come on- Come on! Heal!' He screamed internally with impatience. Taking it into his own hands, Jissoji quickly directed more of his energy to his torso, head and heart.

Thirty minutes later, any fractures, cuts and bruises were healed completely. Finally being able to move, Jissoji sat up in the water, his hand instantly going towards his head as a piercing ache attacked him.

Groaning, his sluggish eyes made their way to the part of his body that obviously sustained the most damage.

His eyebrows knitted together completely at the sight of his legs being a mushy, mutilated mess. The bones in each leg were standing straight up towards the sky like a flag pole, with many fractures splintering off.

The endless blood that continued to pour out of his disastrous legs began to make him feel light headed, causing his jaw to clench as he closed his eyes.

Putting his full focus on his legs, he would be lying to say that he wasn't panicking. Though his reaction showed the complete opposite. 'H-Holy shit. Please work… Please fucking work…'

With his mind completely nailed to his current predicament, he has yet to notice the outcome he was looking for from the experiment he just conducted.

Not to mention the extensive property damage he just wracked up.



Thirty minutes passed, his legs were looking better but they were nowhere near being fully healed. Jissoji had dragged himself to dry land, thankful that the creak was full of running water. His blood wouldn't stay in one place.

With his back against the earth and his chest towards the sun, Jissoji sighed. 'It's already been an hour and I've yet to complete anything. Next time I'm definitely easing up…' Having never exerted that much energy into one place before, the result was completely foreign to the boy.

Though, now he's aware that as powerful as his quirk is, it also comes with grand drawbacks if he doesn't be careful.

After another thirty minutes, Jissoji's legs had finally healed back together. Though, it wasn't perfect. With thick scars that will most likely never fade splitting up his legs like a tree, Jissoji could only shake his head and be thankful that he isn't going to be crippled for the rest of his life.

Deciding that it would be best to hurry things along, he made his way back to his starting point immediately. He was greatly surprised seeing just how long it was taking him to walk back to his previous position.

'I really got that far? Holy shit, I thought I tumbled sooner…' Much of what happened was a blur to him. With his mind unable to keep up with his seemingly immeasurable amount of speed, he was left with bits of pieces.

As well as hope for himself in the future.

He ended up lightly enhancing his legs again and "jogged" at a light pace to speed things along. Finally arriving, Jissoji was met with yet another surprise.

"You GOTTA be shitting me." Sighing for the umpteenth time, his head lifted to the sky as his right hand covered it. Feeling a strong sense of frustration threatening to escape through his mouth- Jissoji took a deep breath and let it out.

Groaning slightly, he picked up his stuff and headed further down the creak; Ignoring his problems entirely. After all, he believes in the, "If you didn't see it, it didn't happen." Moto.