
True Explosion [MHA]

A genius born with unforeseen powers. Living life as he sees fit, he holds no care for any set of norms. QUIRK: Destruction. DISCLAIMER!! This story is something new... I'm going to do my best to make it one of the best things you guys have ever read but don't hold me accountable if you hate it. After all, not everyone shares the same opinion- It'd be best if you kept your negative ones to yourself though. NO HAREM! Might not even have romance, so if that's something you're looking for, sorry. There's a 50/50 chance.

3Point · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Brother VS Brother Pt.1 [3]

With a miniature blast from his palms, Katsuki wasted no time closing the small distance between him and his brother. The shock wave from his propelling explosion causes the kids around him to get pushed back, sending them to the ground.

Jissoji' expression stayed calm even as his brother appeared with his fist cocked back, already swinging to deliver a nasty right hook. Instead of moving back, he stepped into Katsuki, throwing the kid off guard.

Placing a foot behind him while simultaneously placing his hand on the little heathen's chest, Jissoji pushed slightly and Katsuki' whole demeanor changed as his balance was stripped away from him.


"Guh!" Grunting, Katsuki fell on his ass, his eyes clenched as he expected more pain. Glancing up, he felt his stomach begin to form knots as his little brother stood in place, unharmed and looking down on him.

"So much for being the future #1 hero." Jissoji started coldly, scoffing slightly. Katsukis teeth began to grind, as he spared a single glance towards the kids behind him, Jissoji squinted.

"I know you think you're better than everyone… But if you keep relying on the opinions of others to feel better about yourself, you'll end up broken sooner than you think. Nothing more than a puppet."

The three spectators gulped, going silent as their opinions on Katsuki slowly began to change. Izuku, however, felt that it would take much more for his idolization of Katsuki to change.

But he couldn't help but begin to develop those same thoughts towards his brother, Jissoji. 'Even though he's considered useless… He just put Katsuki on the ground! His quirk is so strong too!'

The green broccoli felt his heart begin to speed up as he began to get excited. 'He doesn't need a quirk to fight back- He's so amazing!'

"Shut up! You know nothing you bastard! We're the same age, stop acting so high and mighty!" Katsuki roared, blasting himself up from the ground, to above Jissoji.

Stepping to the side, Jissoji barely dodged a blast enhanced backhand. With his hands back in his pockets, Jissoji fell quiet; The fight was beginning to escalate, 'Is he really trying to hurt me…? Okay then.'

Now wearing a slight frown, he blocked and dodged Katsuki's onslaught of wild throws. Nothing was coordinated and his stances were sloppy, giving him many openings but Jissoji chose not to take advantage of it.

However, much to Jissojis surprise, Katsuki was beginning to learn quickly- Forming different random combos and even changing his targets for his attacks.

Katsuki feigned a punch to his gut, causing Jissoji to get lost in it for a single moment; Only to be met with a nasty left hook to his face, causing him to recoil slightly.


"Dude what the heck!"

"Yeah, show him who's stronger!" The three minions shared their stances, the one with dragon wings being in favor of, 'punishing the useless.'

Katsuki grinned, panting as he held his head high.

"Hah! Y-you loser! All that blocking for no reason, if you were anything more this would be a whole different situation!" Though he didn't fall to the ground, Jissojis face was visibly beginning to swell and change colors.

Spitting out a bit of blood, Jissoji clenched his jaw. 'It's a sibling's job to keep another in line, right? Some tough love never hurt anyone.' Letting out a breath, Jissoji began to fight back.

Starting with a slight gut punch, just strong enough to make contact with the unsuspecting organs behind Katsukis abdomen. The boy hunched over, his eyes wide as he let out a pained breath.

"Agh!" Next thing he knew, he was met with a punch to the chin, forcing his sternum to expose itself towards his attacker.

Jissoji, with a swift motion, jabbed at his brother's solar plexus causing even more foreign damage to the boy. Katsuki was on the verge of tears at this point, he's gotten into many fights but none of the kids were able to touch these points.

Making it hurt much more.

Slightly out of breath, Jissoji stepped back, watching his brother slump to the ground holding his gut and struggling to breathe. Wiping his face from the bit of blood that escaped his lips, Jissoji shook his head.

The park was silent; His eyes subconsciously drifting over to the three minions. "Stop feeding this idiots delusions. The more he overestimates himself, the likelier the chance he'll get himself killed. He's not better than anyone, he never will be. He's just like you."

The kids stared at their peer lecturing them like he was a bright and shiny star. With minds easy to sway, they quickly forgot about Katsukis greatness and moved on to worshiping him.

Would they admit that? No- Sparing a single glance to the other blonde explosive bastard on the floor, they felt that it would spare them the ass whoop-ins from an angry, envious kid.

Receiving a blow to his pride and ego this young was something Katsuki needed if he wanted to survive. Although Jissoji didn't plan on staying with his family and relying on them much, he won't lie to himself about how he feels towards his brother.

With eyes full of conflict, Jissoji sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he whispered under his breath, "Fuck this shit…"

"W-Will he be okay? Does h-he need a hospital?" Opening his eyes Jissoji scoffed lightly hearing the little green boy's question. Izuku kept glancing worriedly from Katsuki to Jissoji, positioning himself slightly in between the two.

'He's like a dog…' Jissoji kept his opinion quiet and instead shook his head. "Nah, he'll be alright." Besides the aching soreness he'll feel when he wakes up.

"Ah…" Hanging his head low, Izuku felt that he was at fault here- He and the others that stood by and watched as the two brothers decked it out. He idolizes All-Might as much- If not more than the next guy, but yet here he was…

Watching as violence went down and he did nothing about it.

Clenching his fist, he strengthened his resolve, wanting to get stronger- to do things that Jissoji could even without a quirk.

"Kay, we're going to get going now. See ya." Jissoji said dismissively, throwing his brother on his back in the way someone would give a piggy-back ride.

The three kids stayed silent, watching the two blondes slowly fade in the distance before exchanging glances.

"J-Jissoji is kind of cool… Isn't he?"