
Triplets For The Cold Hearted Alpha King

Betrayed by her beta boyfriend, and then her omega best friend, Cassandra is a young human whose life gets plunged into a couple of complications when she mistakenly spends a drunken night with someone whom she thinks is her boyfriend and unfortunately getting pregnant for said person, who’s none other than the big, bad alpha named Jason. That led to her fleeing the country to avoid losing her life. Three years later, Cassandra isn’t the sweet naive girl everyone once knew. She’s strong, revenge starved and engaged to a wealthy alpha. The only problem is that; she now has three children who are carbon copies of their father– who now wants them back at all cost, along with their mother. ~~~ Excerpt: “Mommy said you’re a horrible person.” Robin said with a tilt of his head, pulling back when Jason attempted to touch him. “I’m not.” Jason denied . “It’s all a misunderstanding.” “Well, mommy said you are and she’s always right.” Justin chipped in. “We shouldn’t even be talking to you, please stay away from us, mommy won’t be pleased by this.” Mason mumbled with a small shrug, while regarding Jason like he was some sort of evil ninja.

Gorgeous_Aliyah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Breaking Point

Casandra's POV



  Our eyes met and for a moment and as soon as recognition dawned on him, a scowl replaced his stoic expression, making me silently conclude with myself that my end has finally come.


Son of a bitch, why does he have to be the owner of this company?


I cursed my ill luck and tried to pay attention to the meeting, but I barely got a thing in my head because I wasn't paying attention.


As soon as the meeting ended, I scrambled up and attempted to flee out of the boardroom first, but I should have known it would never be that easy.



"Miss Casandra?" He called and I froze,  silently cursing my luck as I slowly turned around.




"Please wait behind. The rest of you can leave." He ordered and I watdhed as everyone scrambled out of the boardroo, leaving me all by myself with the big, bad wolf.


He looked very furious.


Just what did I do now? 


I watched as he got to his feet and closed the distance between us with wide strides. It didn't take long from him to back me into a wall, grabbing my throat in a tight grip before I could suck in a deep breath.


I attempted to scream but his right hold on my throat prevented the sound from coming out, and I could only stare up at him as fear swam through every Inch of my body.


"Why are you here?" He growled out and I tried to respond but couldn't because of his grip on my throat.


I couldn't even bring myself to attempt to tap his wrist in order to get him to let me breathe.


A fleeting moment later, he began to pat my clothes while angrily demanding if I have some sort of camera or recording chip on me.


"Are you stalking me now?" He demanded angrily on finding nothing on me and I coughed, tears trickling down my eyes and I couldn't stop myself fromI hitting his hand lightly to let him know that he was hurting me and he dropped me at once.


Fighting to catch my breath, I kept coughing as I hit my chest cointineously.


"I asked a question!" He roared and I flinched, forcing the words out of my sore throat.


"I swear I wasn't stalking you," I answered and coughed again, "I didn't know you own the company." I added, horrified and scared of what he was going to do to me.


"Liar," he spat and when I opened my mouth to speak, he shunned me angrily, making me gulp fearfully.


"Get out of here," he said dismissing me and when I turned to leave, he pulled me back and stared into my eyes as he spoke.


"Like I said the other day, I'll be watching you." He added before finally releasing me, making me fall on my ass and I scampered out of the room without daring to take another glance at him.


Finally settled in my office, I briefly considered resigning but I knew that would only fuel his suspicion more and more.


With a long sigh, I powered up my monitor and looked him up. My mouth dropped open as I read through Google.


Apparently, he's a trillionaire.


'Heir to a very wealthy and prestigious family, Jason has a lot of companies and investments in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and so on, which fetch him millions of dollars a day.'


My eyes widened as I kept reading on and on, realizing that it's starting to make sense why he's so skeptical around me. He had probably thought I was a paparazzi or something.


But it's not my fault I ended up in his room, that's all on his girlfriend, who I still wasn't sure as to where she stumbled on someone like Jason.


After I was done snooping through goggle, I concluded that I wasn't going to be resigning any longer. I'd just make sure to steer clear of him.


Goggle had reported that Jason was compassionate, gentle and humble. I'd like to defer because he had been nothing but hostile and barbaric to me.


I wasn't even surprised. That's how alphas are anyways.




  A week later, I was going around with my job when I got a call from my boyfriend. I missed him so much that my heart soared as I accepted the call.


"Oh my god, how are you? I missed you so much and I really can't wait for when you're finally settled down over there so I can join you." I said as I picked the call and that was when I realised he hadn't said anything.


"Hey, are you there? Are you okay?" I asked and he cleared his throat, indicating that he'd heard what I'd said earlier.


"I missed you." I said with a smile and I meant it. I was expecting him to tell me he missed me too but he said nothing and I had no other choice than to ask him what was wrong with him.


"You're getting me worried now, babe, are you okay?" I asked.


"I've thought about our last conversation for long enough and I just know that this thing between us won't work out," he started to speak and my heart skipped a beat.




I knew what he was talking about but I still held out hope that it might not be what I'm thinking.


"I'm done with this relationship and I'll be happy if you can move on, I wish you find someone who'd make you happier and I genuinely wish you a good life." He said before hanging up.


I tried to get a hold of him but I couldn't, my chest tightened and it soon began to hurt, my head felt light and my vision blurred together due to how much I was already crying.


It didn't take long for everything to black out around me.




  I opened my eyes in an unfamiliar building and I looked closely to see that I was in a hospital. I turned to see both my elder sisters beside me.


"You're pregnant, Cassie. How on earth can you be pregnant?" Hailey asked almost immediately and my eyes widened in shock.


Pregnant? What does she mean I'm pregnant?


I turned to Selena and I could see the disappointment written boldly on her face and my chest began to hurt again. There was no way that what had transpired between Jason and I was what led to this supposed pregnancy.


"Do you mind telling us who the father is?" Selena finally asked but I found it hard to respond. I was still in a state of dilemma because I had no idea what I was going to do with my life right now.


After much persuasion, I finally decided that I was going to tell them everything. I was done with them judging and scolding me, seeing as none of this was my fault to begin with.


But, when they heard who the father was, their scoldings turned into screams of joy.


"Jason? The same Alpha Jason?" Selena asked, waving her phone in my face which held one of Jason 's pictures which I had stumbled on online about a week ago, and I weakly nodded.


Hailey shrieked and they both pulled each other into a hug as I rolled my eyes.


They obviously knew about how important and rich he is and to be honest, having a baby for a man like him was most ladies' dream but not mine.


I hated him so much. How I'd ever want to have a child for an asshole like that? 


"I'm probably just going to move to another country because he hates me already and he most definitely won't believe he's the father of the baby." I explained and my sisters looked at me like I was a fool.


"What the fuck do you mean move to another country?" Selena asked and I sighed, no matter how hard I try to explain, I knew they wouldn't understand.


"We're like fire and ice, we don't mix. He hates me already and I despise him so much, don't you get it?" I tried to explain and they bursted out laughing at me.


"Girl, you must be a really big fool to consider relocating when you just hit the fucking jackpot!" Hailey said and I closed my eyes in frustration.


Why was I thinking they'd understand?


After much encouragement from my family, I finally decided that I was going to tell the Alpha about the baby but how was I going to do that?


There's no way I'll just show up at his front door and tell him I'm carrying his baby. I sighed as I made my way to Ana's place to tell her about the baby.


"I'm pregnant and I have no idea how to tell him about it." I said as I sunk into the couch and Ana looked at me like incredulously.


"Whose baby are you carrying?" She asked and I told her it was Jason's.


"What?! And you're planning on telling him?" Ana gasped as she sprung up in anger, "How could you?" She asked and I couldn't quite understand what she meant.


"You only want to do this because you want him all to yourself, don't you?" She added and my mouth fell open. I attempted to speak but I couldn't find the right words.


"You're  fucking hypocrite and a backstabber, I should've known you're a wolf in sheep clothing, how jealous of me could you have been to be pregnant with my boyfriends child and want to actually tell him about it?" She added.


I sat there motionless as I listened to Ana say those hurtful things about me and I couldn't help but think to myself. I wouldn't be in this situation right now if she hadn't taken me to his room that night.


"You're the reason I'm pregnant and really have the audacity to be mad at me? If you hadn't taken me to his room that night I was drunk, would all these happen?" I shot at her, already angry.


"Well, you could get an abortion without Jason knowing about it, c'mon Cassie, you're not a child!" She snarled at me and my eyes widened in shock.


I couldn't believe that she could suggest something like that, there was no way I was going to have an abortion.


Angrily, I picked up my bag as I left Ana's apartment to go back to my house, I walked slowly as I tried to come up with a plan.


Devastated, I refused to eat as I laid on my bed curled up like a ball while thinking of my next line of action before falling asleep.


The day went by quickly and I'd wanted to get something that afternoon when I came across my boyfriend's sister. I couldn't help but confide in her. I explained my current dilemma concerning her brother and I, and then I requested that she help me talk to her brother to try changing his mind and stopping him from breaking up with me.


"I still love him," I whispered, sniffling softly and wanting to take her hand in mine when she abruptly moved away from me, "Please, just do this for me, please?" I begged profusely.


My pleas and tears fell on deaf ears as she laughed at me. I thought she loved me since she was usually nice to me whenever her brother was around.


"You couldn't join our family even if you tried." She said amidst laughter and I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting her to say something like that to me.


"W… what do you mean?" I stuttered in confusion.


"Did you really think he took you seriously?" She asked and my heart sank, "He never did, honey. You were just a way to will away time. He never loved you and as a matter of fact, he was dating a female alpha while you two were together all those years." She added.


"She's pregnant now and they'll get married after the baby comes out." She further explained and I felt my already broken heart shatter into a thousand more pieces. 


I couldn't believe my ears and in disbelief, I had even called her a liar until she pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of my boyfriend– Marcus and the female Alpha in a deep kiss.


Apparently, while he told me I couldn't join him over there in Australia, he'd gone with her. My stomach coiled up in immense pain and tears slowly sprang to my eyes.  I felt all the colour I usually see slowly begin to disappear, leaving in a world so dim, I wondered how I'd carry on with my life.


Marcus had been lying to me all this while, he never loved me.


Not even for a second.


It had all been a lie.