
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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Anger of a mother

Lucy just arrived at the museum where Emily was she completely ignored the people who tried to keep her away and pushed them aside with her aura alone pushed the guards back , she ran into the museum where some kids where she looked at the defense team as well as the fire team , she went straight to the head of the defense and asked " where's my daughter , where is she , where "

" I'm sorry mam all most all the kids have gone to their parents , all that's left is the orphans " the leader then pointed to a certain place where kids where sitting

lucy had already scanned the place buy didn't find Emily anywhere ,she remembered a time ago she gave Emily an artifact that Emits a special aura that only her can sense , she searched round until she saw the aura emitting from the room with the most smoke on it , without thinking twice she ran deep into the room , the defense team blocked her path but they became balls that were easily tossed aside, she ran deep in there she found Emily body completely burnt to the crisp, tears began forming in her eyes , then carried Emily out of the room in silence , she moved and passed the defense team

" sir look she came out holding a body , what she walked into a room full of that smoke and came out completely fine out magic items couldn't even protect us from the smoke but she just actually walked through it " the leader ran off

" Mam are you okay " the leader said

lucy ignored him and walked out of the building in anger holding Emily , she kept Emily corpse down and walked straight to where the orphans were sitting , she moved and asked " who did this " she asked a girl and as she asked the question her eyes were glowing in red colour , as she asked the question the girl was shacking unable to handle it , blood began pouring from the girls eyes her face began drying, The girl started speaking with blood pouring from her mouth as she spoke " I don't know , but I suspect it's the Phoenix clans heir and his goons who were the ones because they just started picking a fight with her "

" Mam what are you doing " the leader rushed to her

Lucy released the girl from her influence and picked of she carried Emily corpse with her , "Man whoever she was she isn't normal an influence skill so powerful that the one being influence couldn't handle it and began dying due to it's power that is crazy powerful that's unbelievable" the leader said

Lucy returned to the shop with Emily in her hand her face down devoid of emotions , kyo seeing Emily rushed foward ,but seeing Lucy face decided to keep his questions to himself , Lucy carried Emily quietly and kept her in her room and sat next to the corpse , she started crying fully

" wake up , didn't you say you were my child am I your mother , come on get up let's go teach the people who did this a lesson come on wake up ... please you are the only light in my life don't go , please don't leave me I promise to stop hitting you please I won't shout at you anymore please come back " Lucy kept crying until morning her eyes were dark and swollen she stepped out of her room and net kyo standing at her room door " you can say any last thing you want to her , then carry her and bury her then pack up the shop we are going back to the underworld I have no reason to stay anymore" Lucy said then vanished

" man I wanted to tell her that Emily's uncle and aunty cane here to say that they have handed Emily to her as a legal guardian , hmm those guys just didn't want to be the ones to Bury her and they must have paid the court to agree to it hmph " kyo walked inside the room to see Emily

" so your dead huh kiddo I wish you stayed long enough to find out how cool Lucy is your mom is totally bad ass, even though you guys weren't blood related your bond was as strong as that of a real mother and daughter , man you have left me with quite the empty space in my heart , funny I didn't even know I had a heart till I met you ," kyo said

he picked up Emily and walked out the door and headed for the cemetery and buried her there ,as he was walking out he spotted Lucy standing on top a story building watching everything he walked to the building and jumped on top

" it's the Phoenix clans heir who did this to her and some two Human mages " Lucy said

" so we can't kill the Phoenix clans heir but the mages we can , so what are you going to do about the Phoenix clan they are also a devil clan like us , so if you do anything you're activities on Earth will be made known to everyone and you could start a war between both clans " kyo said

"You know for a demon general your acting like a coward , but your right I can't kill their clan off but I can definitely subdue them and make them grovel at my feet that is way better than death Don't you think " Lucy said

" well I guess but we are going to kill of those two mages as well as their families " kyo said

" yes they used to leave not to far from here but they probably ran away due to guilt or fear, so they should be around here " Lucy said point somewhere far away from her

" I don't want to see the people who kill my daughter or I may accidentally destroy this shitty rock " Lucy said

" don't forget it was on this shitty rock you found her and it's her home " kyo responded

" yes I am aware " Lucy said then stretched hand her eyes glowing blood red her hair grew reaching her waste she grew taller her rack became Bigger then her eyes started dimming she then walked foward and stretched her hand and a magic circle opened then she and kyo went straight into it

Meanwhile the two who help fex where seen in bones their families in bones their family members just started dying faster and faster until they dyed if the earth

I am sorry for my failure but today will be different so please comment and review i will appreciate it

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