
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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Emily is Dead

hmm man I feel so off everyone is glistening I look like some one who is lost but mrs Lucy got this for me I am sure she spent a lot it's awesome .

Currently The pink haired girl was standing in a large musuem with many artifacts in it , it was the hero musuem a place packed with items belonging to the heroes of old , there were many people dressed in the latest fashion but Emily just wore a brown dress with with markings on it ,

she was in the back of the line she was currently following the tour guide and seriously listening to what the guide was saying , she was the only one really paying attention to the history as she brought her bote and was writing what the man was saying , but someone bumped into her , it was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes , she turned to apologise but before she could a sound was heard and a red mark was seen on her face ,

" how dare you filth touch me a son to the house of Phoenix you have some nerve " the boy said

Immediately whispers were heard " man who is that girl she actually offended fex Phoenix , who knows maybe she's a thief or something "

many people were placing comment's

Emily Pov

Man I had to have hit him in this world each race has pulled a stand fire and all live together but there's still enemity damn I ran into one of the head families in the devil race

" I am sorry I didn't mean it please forgive me " Emily said

" hmm you are lucky I don't want to cause a scene worthless worm " fex said he immediately turned his face and left

when he left Emily breathed air in relief , the guide saw the problem was restored so he kept going on and on but as he they were going Emily saw a room that was dark open

Emily looked at the room and then asked the guide " are we allowed to explore on our own "

" yes you can there are guards every where to keep watch of you so you can go round " the guide responded

Emily nodded then picked off for the room she saw earlier and she entered into the room. she saw many equipment covered in dust , then she moved deep into the room as she kept moving in she saw many things there

inside she moved until she saw two swords that were black and seemed to be Rusting their encasement were broken and each one of them had weird name on it

out of curiosity she carried the first sword , it was a saber one the front sharp and the back blunt it was extremely tall the hilt was as tall as Emily hand and it was bloody heavy but she was able to swing it she looked at the second sword and picked it out of it's case it was a normal sword it's size was smaller than the first one and there was a difference this sword its two sides were sharp but this one was in heavier than the first one but she was still able to swing it but it hurt her hand extremely much she cursed her tiny hands she dropped back both swords in their case as she kept walking inside she started hearing footsteps she turned to see who it was

she saw a boy with blonde hair showing up

it was the Phoenix jerk she met not to long ago

" , damn it why is he here he must mean trouble I can't run through the door so I have to go inside maybe there's a window or guard somewhere "

" so this is where you are you made me look for you I Am having a bad day so you will have to pay for that " fex said

Emily looked back and saw there were two friends at his back she became decisive and she cursed her own luck in a split second she picked up shards of glass and threw it at them .

The shard of glass went straight into his eye the two that were with him rushed to his side to pull the glass out and instantly flames appeared and healed his eye he face was full of rage he rushed at her and in an instant he was in. front of her he kicked her in her abdomen she flew through the walls

", you know we were just going to have our way with you but now your going to die"

Emily was lying there blood was pouring from her mouth her stomach destroyed her white bones were seen sticking out

she was in a helpless state tears in her eyes she wanted to speak but she couldn't she was making muffling sounds

fex walked in front of her then put his hand in front of her then immediately


he released two fire balls Emily was burning to death with tears in her eyes , he turned around and walked to the two by his side he then said let's go I created a sound barrier but let's get out before we get seen the fire should damage the whole area so all evidence should be destroyed let's go

Immediately the two of them nodded then left with fex , Emily was seeing her life flash by as all the painful memories were coming to her how she had no idea why her parents never saw her why they avoided seeing her, how she was beaten by her uncle and aunty and how she was bullied in school she felt her life was useless , but as she was in despair she saw the memories she had with the one she called mami this beautiful memories came to her

Flash Back

Emily was seeing her memories like she was there but could not touch anything or feel anything she saw her six year old self sitting in a corner of the shop she worked in crying ,that was when she got a job because her uncle and aunty refused to give her food so she had to work for money to get food so that she could survive , she was crying then Lucy came to her side and sat down next to her " hmm you know I don't do to well with children but I still hired you because you felt special , I am Aware of why you took this job and the situation with your parents and your uncle and aunty and there is nothing I can do about that but I can be your Mami if you want if your hungry I could feed you next time hug me instead of crying got it "

Emily hugged Lucy and started crying more


mami I don't want to leave you Emily started crawling and crawling then she hit a stand with her head the a case fell on her head she saw a black egg that landed on the floor but it wasn't broken the blood from her head touched the egg as her head was in. a mashed up and distorted form that was the last thing she saw then her eyes were slowly closing then it finally shut , the two swords she held at the time before she was attacked shined in golden light then disappeared .

The fire from the room had caused every thing in the room to be burnt, most people in the musuem evacuated because of the development until experienced mage put out the fire

Lucy was pacing up and down it was Eleven PM and she still hadn't seen Emily

" you know maybe she has gone home " kyo said

" that's impossible she never goes without seeing me " Lucy said

" we are live at the hero musuem were there was a fire outbreak that took experienced mages 3 hours to put out the fire , luckily the valuables were destroyed but there is one person who didn't escape the fire"

Lucy heard the news " No no it can't be Emily " Lucy immediately disappeared from there and rushed to hero musuem

Sorry for the wait , I will publish another 2 chapters before the end of today as an apology , you should check out my other book stray dogs: birth of the misfit king

please comment and rate thank you

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