
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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Emily get up don't slack around , come on you lazy bum , if you don't Mami is going to shock you , come on wake up.....

Foolish creations that stand before me , scream in agony as I offer your cries to the blazing heavens , .... Awaken my queen we are in need of your leadership , my queen you only have a day to prepare please be ready ..

hmm hmm hmm hmm hmph

" where am I "

" who am I "

" what am I "

" come on take it , and be careful not to set off the alarm " a man wearing a mask said. currently a group of robbers were robbing the musuem at the door of the museum were guards who have been knocked out.

" boss we have got most of the things here " one of the robbers said . the boss wore a white mask , the other robbers wore black masks

" hmm what about that to get it " the boss said they kept taking more priceless items ,

One of the guards who was knocked out got on his feet and aimed his hand at the boss releasing a flame spell that hits the boss , the boss caught off guard flew straight to one of the artifacts and smashed the encasement

"take that you damn Bastard " the guard said barely on his last leg " he said then collapsed on the ground

,The group rushed to their leader to aid him , the leader got up and brushed himself clean off the glass shards then went to the guard who attacked him

" you really are something you still had strength to fight foolish I am a D ranked mage my Mana is ten times yours but you planned to kill me with that, you really are foolish , you fool your just an F Rank but you want to challenge me fool " the leader said adjusting his mask , he then turned to his crew and told them to move out but....

Grrrr Grrrr

he turned to look at the source of it , he saw the room spin upside down he looked at his crew as the all looked at him in fear he tried moving but felt nothing he started to feel liquid around him that was the last thing he felt is head laid without a body with all the blood dripping from it

the crew he left behind were all scared to their shits their leader was taken out so quickly that neither of them saw anything and now that thing after them

" damn I you will pay for what you did to him " one of the thief's said releasing a barrage of spells shooting at a terrific speed , which caused serious destruction around it

the spells hit nothing and there was a deafning silence they could feel their heart as if they were starting at it in the flesh ,

in an instant all of them dropped dead what killed them they didn't see why it killed them they had no idea , a prescence was felt that is all they knew

a being walked out of the museum covered in blood then the Being changed form to a girl someone who was passing by saw the girl who was apparently naked rushed foward to her as she fell down to the floor the passer by looked at her in confusion not knowing what to do he left her and ran away ....

after a few minutes the girl got up and looked at her naked body , without saying anything she ran through the streets many people she passed by only felt a strong gust of wind , then the girl that was running stopped in front of her was a shop that was closed down the girl climbed the roof and got in through the vent

The girl looked round then entered one of the room where there was a bed full of dust she opened the closet and looked inside and picked up a white shirt and black skirt inside and she wore them, they were a perfect on her she went to another room then opened some bottles then food appeared then the bottle broke

The girl started eating " hmm these things are sure as blank as ever , I don't know how long it's been I hope they haven't expired , it seems Mami has gone but where , it's suprisine , hmm I may find something if I look around " the girl who was eating was currently Emily who had increased in height and size with her Pink hair reaching her waist and her green eyes cleared and her rack was now a c +

Emily got up and started to looking round the house , but after 30 minutes if searching she found nothing , but she then noticed something

" hmm the walls are uneven weird " Emily went foward and pushed the wall then the walls opened leading to a door Emily looked at the door with annoyance and burst the door down she then looked round and noticed there were only letters Emily started reading the letters ...

After an hour if excessive reading Emily out down the last letter


" so my mami is in the underworld huh and it seems she is related to a Azorath " hmm Emily said

I am coming Mami I missed you I hope you have not forgotten me

" but I have to be strong to go to the underworld , all I have heard is that it's full of destruction , I don't want to die before I meet her , i also need to find out what happened and why I am alive , but I guess time will tell " Emily said

" my queen it's almost time the gate will open Soon " a dark voice said

" you are the same one who spoke to me earlier , what do you mean your queen and where are you sending me to " Emily responded

" if you ask why you are my queen I will tell you when we meet as for where you are going to , you are going to a dungeon , that's yours but is out of control as it has been abandoned for so long so you will need to defeat the monsters there so that it can regain it's sanity the voice said

" so you where Will I find you * Emily asked

" I am the last beast you will fight

the story has now begun please comment and rate

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