
Triggered Hearts

Alex's past wasn't great, she lost her dad 'cause of divorce, her mom had gone wild about money and uses her sister Katie for producing money and forces her to be a model. They got separated, Katie had to go with her mom and Alex had nowhere to stay but remain in the house with nothing but bad memories... Then later on, when she got into college she finally had found her long lost sister and reunited, now they both share a dorm nearby the University their currently studying in. P.S My grammar ain't that good considering english wasn't the first language i learnt.✌️

canned · Teen
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9 Chs

Spill the Beans

"Uhm you see..I was gonna tell you when you got here, but you thought of the wrong idea and started pouncing on Leo."

"So what is it that you wanna tell me?"

"Look, if you're gonna freak out at this state you can leave the auditorium."

And then at last, Katie answered Alex's question with no more hesitations. "Alex, meet my lover...LEO!" Alex was about to burst into an oblivion when she heard Katie spilling unbelievable words to Alex's ears.

Leo wrapped his arm on the shoulder of Katie

"Sorry I didn't told yah about this earlier pal"

He expresess his emotions of kissing the forehead of Katie, she was pleased of his loving action. Alex suddenly pouts and says "Damn Katie, I'm jealous of you" she happily sighs and thought of something threatening.

"So wait you are not going to panic or anything?" Alex laughs and replied "why should I, Oooh.. Am I going to embarrass you in front of Leo?"Alex slowly heads out of the auditorium, before stepping out the large drama area she pauses and uses telepathy to communicate with Leo. (Come with me, to the B.A Hallway )

He gulps, it ain't that far and with no more choices he walks out with Alex waving a goodbye with a matching flying kiss to Katie "I'll be back asap!" Katie smiles and stands there until Leo comes back.


On the way to the hallway, Leo was confused of why she wants him to come along, it was bothering him. They both we're cold and don't have the sense of talking. "Hey, why are you taking me with you anyways?" Leo had to break the walls and start communicating with Alex, "You'll see..but I think we are far enough" He got confused and replied "Far from what?".

Alex darkens her mood and answered, "Far enough so no one can hear us, not even Katie.." Alex places her hand on Leo's neck and raises him up pinning him on a wall she looks up to him and said, "If you're gonna break a piece of her heart, then death is where we're going to meet. She's been through a lot got that?!" she puts him down and he starts breathing heavily he coughs and speaks, "y-yes ma'am" -coughs-

"Good, now lets go back".

An Hour Later...

"We're back!" Alex brightens a smile that things are going good with Leo so far.

"Aye! what did you guys talk about anyways?"

Katie questioned, Alex replied to Katie's question "A Rule that if he breaks, I'll enjoy beating him up with every bit of my anger!" She smiles confidently in saying that in front of her." Katie was surprised but overwhelmed at the same time "well that's messed up...You didn't hurt him-"

Interupting to what Katie was about to say, Alex was a proud big sister "Oh yeah! I did! It was fun scaring a guy and threatening them, don't yah think Leo?" she gazes at him horrificaly and Leo definitely said "YES" Katie was worried about Alex that she'll just end up turturing Leo for eternity she sighed and waved goodbye.

"It's getting dark we should go sis, bye Leo" Katie smiled at him dearly, Leo ran to her giving Katie a passionate goodbye kiss for a moment afterward Alex disturbed them saying, "Alrighty! See you tommorow Leo!" Alex quickly grabbed Katie away from him and

went home before anything will be in there way.

At their gate,outside their house.

"Look, just in case if you start asking me if I like your boy. I WILL NEVER LIKE HIM. uwu"

"well i do understand that you know?"

"oh..uhm... really?"

"indeedilly" "come on I'll make dinner for us"

Katie rushed inside the house and did her routine immediately for Alex to make food.

"Works everytime"she smiles and goes inside their house and cooked an omelette for the both of them and prepared the table to eat on. It was shiny as gold, squicky clean, and food was served! She's the big sister that any sibling could ever wish for.(In my opinion😅)

Although I'm new around this entire app, im getting used to it the more frequently I use it.

Would you like to have a sister like Alex? Let me know what you think in the comments!

cannedcreators' thoughts