
Triggered Hearts

Alex's past wasn't great, she lost her dad 'cause of divorce, her mom had gone wild about money and uses her sister Katie for producing money and forces her to be a model. They got separated, Katie had to go with her mom and Alex had nowhere to stay but remain in the house with nothing but bad memories... Then later on, when she got into college she finally had found her long lost sister and reunited, now they both share a dorm nearby the University their currently studying in. P.S My grammar ain't that good considering english wasn't the first language i learnt.✌️

canned · Teen
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9 Chs

Typical Tuesday

*Beep Beep Beep!*

A loud alarm was disturbing my beauty sleep and it was stuck in Alex's head all morning.

"Hmm, that was never there in my entire semester until now, this beautiful morning,it had to produce the MOST annoying sound on earth!" A door in Alex's bedroom opened to see Katie being pleased. "Why are you here?"

Alex questioned, "Did you like it?" she was laughing like a seal, enjoying the best moment of her show. Alex wondered "Like what exactly?". "Hahaha, this" she went towards my mini table beside my bed and lifted the small red alarm clock in front of my face. "Oh I did!"

Katie was happy and was laughing "NOT" her smile turned upside down into a frown, Alex got the last laugh and pats the small head of her sister "thanks for bringing up my mood sis!" she went downstairs and cooked their meal. Katie brightened a smile again to hear those words from her loving big sister, she replies in the air "You're Welcome.."

At Mystical University, Leo was hanging with his dudes Alex Black, and his brother Alec Black. Katie and Alex both said "Goodmorning!" and the guys were shocked to hear some girls greeting them on the morning but it was heart melting. "Yo, Leo who are these gals here?" AlexB questioned

"Oh right." he clears his throat and introduced Alex and Katie "The girl with the hair pastel w/ blue color is my girlfriend Katie, she's the apple of my eye." Alex glanced at AlexB and caught her attention, AlexB was carrying swords at his back, a snapback,and loves to wear black as she noticed.(He seems interesting..)

"Mhmm, who's the other one?" AlexB questions, Leo gulps and nervously speaks"Oh.. She's the sister of Katie quite intimidating and that's all I know." AlexB stood there silently and commented on Leo's introduction of Alex, "Wait.... Isn't the name 'Alex' is supposed to be a boy's name!?" Alex mood drops and started to darken a face "Yeah, but it's not for you to decide what gender should that or this name be. Know your place Alex Black".

"OOF" Alec whispered into the ears of AlexB.

"Wait, how'd you know my name!?"AlexB confused. "You ARE quite popular in the university"Alex replied to him. "well you're like me, but a girl version tough acting, intimidating, cool,savage,and a player"

Alex facepalms to hear a bunch of description that some were false,"Do I really look like a player!?oh and tough 'acting' hmm!?" She leans close to AlexB and thuds to a wall, then she squints her eyes. "Well, kinda..If im being honest" His cheeks turn to red and goes back to the group ashamed."Well good" Alex inflates the cheek on her right and rolls her eyes.

Leo introduced Alec "Ok Katie, Alex, this is my guitarist, Alec! He's clumsy sometimes,funny a dancer, and a band member. On my right here I've got my boy Alex Black! He's a bad boy in this university, popular, attractive, and interesting to know". They all shook hands and smiled at each other before heading to class Leo said something that caught everyone's attention,"Hey guys lets meet up in the beach after classes, we've got business to do there" He waved goodbye and went along with his schedule to his class, Alex and the rest did the same.