
Triggered Hearts

Alex's past wasn't great, she lost her dad 'cause of divorce, her mom had gone wild about money and uses her sister Katie for producing money and forces her to be a model. They got separated, Katie had to go with her mom and Alex had nowhere to stay but remain in the house with nothing but bad memories... Then later on, when she got into college she finally had found her long lost sister and reunited, now they both share a dorm nearby the University their currently studying in. P.S My grammar ain't that good considering english wasn't the first language i learnt.✌️

canned · Teen
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


*phone rings*

Alex picks up her phone and saw her sisters name on the bright screen, vibrating through her hands. she answered and said "Hello? Alex speaking" "u-uh yes hello?Alex!?" "Uhuh, its me". "Oh thank God! I need you to come here right NOW! I'm going to give you the address to this place, and please be careful!"

"ok-" before Alex even got the chance to tell her of what's going on she hung up on me instantly, wondering if she should go, or this will be just a waste of time on her dirty tricks.

*1 text message received*

She picked up her phone again to see this address of her sister has sent her, the address became so unfamiliar that Alex didn't know what will happen to her eventually

"I have to give it a shot, lets see this 'important' call from her"

as Alex started walking to the direction of where she's heading, Alex came across an unfamiliar guy leering at her, she didn't want to be followed so she ran as fast as I can.

Alex has finally arrived to the destination that have been sent to, but it was located inside the university she's studying right now, at this time of day the school grounds should have been quiet and closed.

But since Alex is a transferee at Mystical University, she has no idea what the hell was going on. The address was located inside the auditorium and I had to go and check it out!

As she opens the door to see her sister, her body was frozen. To see a guy pinning her sister on a wall, then Alex realized how much danger this guy put up against her dear sister.

Alex whispered underneath her breath, talking to herself "I will teach this guy a lesson of doing harassment to my dear annoying sister!"

| Crimson Forme |


/From this transformation, Large red wings grow out from my back , black devil horns, claws, Red devilish eyes and Im wearing a white crop top with a printed rose on the middle, tattered sky blue jeans and shoes. Everything was in a whole new level/

Not to mention that the opponent himself had great powers himself. "What was that sound?, I can feel powerful magic..."Leo didn't know who or what made that noise. "She came.." Katie said consciously.

"Oh..This is gonna be fun!"raises one of his sleeves and walks towards Alex without hesitation. "Wait!, oh great im gonna be doomed" Katie said in fear.

↓In battle↓

"Hello girly!" Leo grins with pure evil on the surface of his lips. "Tch, i dont have time to call you names, lets get this battle started!"Alex made the first move to pounce on Leo. "Sounds good to me" Surprisingly, Leo had dodged the fearsome pounce Alex was going to do and gathered his fingers making a fist.

A few punches and kicks later...

"Is that all you got?!?" "watch me girly!"

He tried to punch Alex as if she didn't notice, she dodged it pretty easily, like it was nothing

but then Alex underestimated her opponent, They had punching noises everywhere! he had one punch that has landed on Alex, although she's not that weak of protecting of Katie from being hurt by some random stranger.

Alex put up all of her anger in one punch and rapidly hits on Leo. She managed to hit him multiple times, "This is for my sister!" with that angry scream the last punch to knock him out was shocked to see him hold down her fist, at that moment he said "Sister you say, Who is she?" Leo questioned Alex unconsciously.

"The one you're harassing a moment ago" Alex said, with a scary face and tends to threat Leo.

"oh wait a minute, YOUR HER SISTER?!?"

(Damn, I never thought someone's sister is amazingly this STONG?!) Leo stood there paralyzed of what he thought that popped up in his head. "Indeed person I've never met"

Katie came closer to them saying " Hey sis?"

Stares at him fiercely "Don't hey me!, who is this man?".

"Uhm about that.."