
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Orc's land

Claude is in the middle of the sea, heading towards the Orcs land, he goes to sit in the bow of the boat and watches the calm waves.

While watching this beautiful nature, he remembered words the king said to him just before he left.

"Claude, can I see the parts of the map you have?"

"Of course, why not" Claude took out the pieces and showed them to the king. The king began to look at the pieces, and after examining them for five minutes, he looked at Claude, "You haven't gone to the land of the orcs yet, have you?"

"No, I haven't yet."

The King smiled and proudly pointed at one of the pieces, "So this is from the Pirate Kingdom."

Claude opened his mouth in shock and could not close it, for he knew that it was possible to differentiate between the ordinary map and this one, but he did not know that he could differentiate between the two parts of the map.

"How did he know that? Is it possible to differentiate between the two parts of the map?"

"Your question is wrong. The real question is how do you differentiate between all pieces?" Claude did not understand any of the words of the King and maybe you too.

The king saw Claude's face, and he was in a completely different world than his own. It was a body without a soul. The king sighed, "Well, in short, the person who made the map knew that The Drago Kingdom , the Grizel Empir, and the Seven United Islands will not care about the pieces, but they may agree to collect the pieces and search for the island, and for that he gave them marginal parts so that if they were collected, they would not benefit the collector in knowing the location of the island, but for the rest of the places he gave them the pieces which you can reach To the island with itSince you haven't been to the Orcs land the yet, imprint this piece from the Pirate Kingdom."

"That means I have to head towards The king saw Claude's face, and he was in a completely different world than his own. It was a body without a soul. The king sighed, "Well, in short, the person who made the map knew that The Kingdom of Drago, the Empire of Grizel, and the Seven United Islands will not care about the pieces, but they may agree to collect the pieces and search for the island, and for that he gave them marginal parts so that if they were collected, they would not benefit the collector in knowing the location of the island, but for the rest of the places he gave them the pieces which you can reach To the island with it Since you haven't been to the Orcs Land yet, then this piece is from the Pirate Kingdom."

This means that I have to go to the orcs land first." Claude thought

Claude returned from memories and had arrived in the unknown continent, and it does not contain within it any being except monsters, and it is ruled by Drago Kingdom, except for a part of it where orcs live.

As soon as Claude touches the black ground beneath him, he urges a great negative energy, and realizes that Drago is an unjust kingdom and bad rulerHe headed straight towards the land of Turks, and as soon as he arrived, a person stood in front of him in the gate and prevented him from entering, and there were ten orcs behind him, that person was exactly the person who watched Claude's match with Nanos, as he was wearing the same robe, he took it off And his muscular body appeared, he was trying to scare Claude, but Claude's reaction after seeing him was laughing, "You saw my ability yourself with Nanos, I don't think you want to mess around."

The orc was shocked, but hid it and laughed arrogantly, "Good then you recognized me, but may I ask how you recognized me among all the crowd?"

Claude pointed at him with a sarcastic look, "You're not good at hiding your aura. A person can see it from space. Also, if there was someone in a dwarf kingdom who could defeat a real dragon with one blow, they wouldn't be afraid of some pirates."

"This child is also wise and strong. Can I punch him?" The orc was thinking, and then punched Code without any warningThe hit was fast, but for Claude it was 0.1 speed "What? Does this person want to test me? Well, if I dodge it, he will think that my reaction is fast, and if I block it, he will think that my reaction is fast and that I am strong, but if I return it, he will think that my reaction is fast and I'm strong and fastʼʼ

Claude thought about all this and imagined it, and the punch did not reach halfway yet. Claude looked at the orc's hand until it approached his face, and those were the most boring moments in Claude's life, so it was more boring than staying in the palace and reading books. Claude walked towards the orc's stomach. Slowly, he stood in front of her, and then looked at his face, and he felt pity, for his face was full of confidence and pride, as if he was saying, "You did it to death." Claude sighed and prepared to punch the orcs, and his hand swept back as far as he could and gathered a huge amount of energy And sharp features were drawn on his face, the orc seemed to be sweating even though he couldn't see it or absorb it, Before Claude could punch the orc with millimeters, he stopped his hand and hit it with one finger.

Not only did the orcs fly into the city, but he flew to the end and fainted, and he realized that Claude was just playing with Nanos, and if he had fought Nanos seriously, he would have won with one puff of air from him.

After the orcs woke up, he went over to Claude and knelt down to him, "I recognize you as the strongest person here, and I am willing to give you the piece of paper you want."

"What do I want with your confession, get out of my face" was what Claude would say until he heard the word "Wareqa", and he did not know what to say, so he walked on the principle of silence as a sign of satisfaction and did not utter a word. He stood on the hip and grabbed Claude's hand. "Your name is Claude, isn't it? I am." Alice is the leader of the Orcs Land " Alice dragged Claude with him to a waterfall. He turned to Alice, and he saw a satisfied smile on his face, "You are what…." Before Claude could finish his words, Alice threw him into the waterfall, where it was a place different from the rest of the unknown continent. It had green trees and Birds chirping, mountains and rivers, and there was a large statue carved on the mountain of an orc with two horns.

Claude looked closely at him and saw that his hands were very close to each other until they were not adjacent to each other. The statue seemed as if it was in a contemplative position, and Claude felt a closeness towards it as he felt that he had read about it in a book before. Alice entered the waterfall during that and He was about to point to the location of the piece, but Claude pointed before him, "The piece is there" and was pointing to the space between the statue's hands. Ace was shocked to know Claude that as soon as he saw it, the paper does not even reach the size of part of the statue's fingernail, and the space is wide The paper may be anywhere in it, but Claude knew its location after seeing the place for less than a minute.

"Well, you're right, but be careful when..." Claude jumped towards the hands of the statue before Alice could complete his warning. Claude saw the piece, and as soon as he touched it, a crack began to emit from it, preventing Claude from taking it, and lightning began to come out from everywhere. His flight from there, "What is this happening?" Claude asked, but he did not receive any answer. "Alice" looked around to find Alice, and here he realized that his mother had run out of his skin, the statue began to crack, and a barrier appeared preventing Claude from leaving this cursed place The part carved in the shape of an eye fell, and it appeared that there was a real eye inside it. Claude realized that what he would face now was much stronger than a real dragon, because if he was only a little stronger than him, Alice would not have escaped from the place.

The statue completely collapsed, and Claude was shocked when he saw it, because it was not green with red, and it was emitting fire and emitting from his body a negative, evil aura and tremendous heat, Claude realized here that this was not an orc with horns it was a demon.

I told you that I'm going back to writing long chapters, So I what do you think about this chapter

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