
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Goodbye Dwarfs Kingdom

Claude asks himself "If they had powerful monsters like Nanons, why didn't they attack the pirates?"

Claude went to the king and took the paper, and while he was outside he decided to ask him, "Why didn't you use nanos to defeat the pirates?"

The king was amazed at the question, as he did not understand it at first, but after he understood it, he started laughing"Summoning a monster like Nanos requires a lot of energy, so the energy they used to summon it took a whole year to collect."

Claude was shocked and froze in his place, he destroyed a whole year's misery in minutes, then he turned to the king And he looked sad on his face, "Then why did you use him on me?"

The king whispered in the ear of the newest guard, and that guard went to get something, and after five minutes he came backAnd he has an energy ball three times the energy ball that summoned Nanos.

"This is why we sacrificed Nanos. The energy that leaked out during the battle made us able to collect three times what we lost," said the king.

Claude felt pity for the dwarves, and decided to help them, "O king, bring all the inhabitants to the square in ten minutes." The king marveled at Claude's request, but agreed to it.

All the residents gathered in the square and Claude was standing silently in the highest place in it, and after he knew that everyone had come, he extended his hand forward and summoning circles appeared in the square, it was like a circle of nanos but stronger, and after seconds a number of nanos came out of the circles They were three hundred in number, and they were standing as smooth as mountains, everyone was terrified at the sight, Claude went down and headed to slash the Nanos, "Listen to me, all of you are here to do one thing and that is to protect this kingdom, so if you have any objections, present them now." Claude Shouted.

One of the Nanos arrogantly advanced, "And what if I refused?" He said. The Nanos' voice was full of arrogance and arrogance. Claude looked at him, then extended his hand, "Then I don't need you." Then he closed his fist, and the Nanos' body exploded, leaving nothing to his armor. Nanos came out. Another in his circle "And now is there any objection?"

"Sir no sir" The Nanos shouted on one voice.

Claude asked the Nanos to bring him a certain item, the Nanos went and came back after five minutes, and they had a ball that stored energy the size of a whole mountain and it was so heavy that ten Nanos could hardly carry it and placed it in front of Claude, Claude started filling the ball with energy shocking all the citizens Claude's amount of energy and then they were shocked even more when the ball was full in one minute.

Claude asked the naos to take the ball and put it on top of the palace, in a place he made especially for this ball, where he could bear its weight and also distribute the energy to the whole kingdom. Ten of the nanos tried to lift it, but they failed, then all the nanos tried to carry it, and they were three hundred in number, and they barely lifted it For a second, "You are really weak." Claude said to the Nanos, then he went to the ball and lifted it with one hand easily. Everyone was shocked, so how did he lift something that three hundred imperial beasts could not lift?

At night, a party was held in honor of Claude, and it was a giant party with wines and girls, but Claude was chaste, so he did not drink alcohol and did not watch girls. The dwarfs had not held a party like this since the king's coronation fifty years ago.

In the morning Claude took a boat and headed towards Orcs Land

I am sorry that the previous chapters were short, but I promise you that from the next chapter I will return to writing long chapters