
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

035 Li Yuanhao, the hero of Xixia

When Jian Yumei beheld the lustrous and translucent ancient jade on the table, his heart stirred with astonishment. Could it be that a person from ancient times truly visited last night?

Yet, from whence did this person emerge, from which dynasty did they hail? What meaning lies behind their journey from that distant antiquity to this present moment? And what does this jade signify?

These questions left Jian Yumei deeply puzzled. Although he had experienced many peculiar occurrences during his recent meditation sessions, this event still left him perplexed.

Taking the jade in hand, Jian Yumei approached the threshold of his master's abode.

"Is it Meir?" queried the master from within.

"Yes, master!" replied Jian Yumei.

"Come in, I had a premonition that you would come seeking answers. I've been awaiting your arrival!" said the master.

"Very well, master!" Jian Yumei exclaimed, surprised.

Entering the room, Jian Yumei found his master already awake, seated at the table.

Approaching, Jian Yumei handed the jade to his master. "Master, take a look at this jade pendant. What do you think its origin might be?" he inquired.

Taking the jade, the master's expression shifted slightly. He carefully examined the piece, scrutinizing the inscriptions upon it.

The characters engraved upon it were in seal script, bearing the words "Zi'er." However, the characters on the reverse side were unfamiliar to Jian Yumei.

Though he had encountered such characters in some books before, they seemed to belong to a different ethnicity. Unable to confirm their origin, Jian Yumei hoped his master's vast knowledge could shed light on their provenance.

After studying the inscriptions intently, the master looked at Jian Yumei for a long while.

"These are Western Xia characters," the master declared.

"Western Xia! The dynasty that coexisted with the Song Dynasty for many years before being vanquished by Genghis Khan!" exclaimed Jian Yumei.

"Yes, indeed. It was once a powerful empire, establishing its own great achievements amidst the deserts, boasting a splendid culture of its own. However, due to their relentless resistance, they dealt a significant blow to Genghis Khan. In the final siege of Western Xia, Genghis Khan fell gravely ill and was on the brink of death. At that time, the last emperor of Western Xia had already submitted to the Mongol army, but fearing a change of heart, Genghis Khan left a testament, ordering his subordinates to conceal his death. Upon Genghis Khan's demise, the emperor of Western Xia surrendered to the Mongol army. Following Genghis Khan's wishes, the Mongol army killed the emperor, then massacred the city and its inhabitants, destroying all remnants of Western Xia civilization. Thus, Western Xia has remained an enigma within Chinese civilization!" the master explained, heaving a sigh.

"However, this jade is undeniably a relic of Western Xia, undoubtedly authentic and of exceptional quality. But from where did you obtain it?" he inquired.

"Last night, in a daze, I suddenly saw a figure standing by my bedside. Clad in the attire of an ancient general, his gaze was both commanding and lonely, fixed upon me. Though I was startled, I soon drifted back into slumber. This morning, I found this object on my table. Were it not for this, I would doubt the person's visitation and dismiss it as a mere dream!" Jian Yumei recounted.

"Oh! Can you describe this person to me?" the master inquired.

Jian Yumei proceeded to describe the person's appearance in detail, including their armor, accessories, and footwear, to which the master listened attentively, casting an unusual glance at Jian Yumei.

After Jian Yumei finished his detailed description, the master spoke, "Meir, but this person is you!"

"What?" Jian Yumei exclaimed.

"Yes, Meir, this person is you. This is how I perceive you at this moment! See for yourself!" the master replied.

"But how can that be, master?" Jian Yumei was astounded by the master's prolonged scrutiny.

"Meir, indeed, this person is you. The current manifestation of yourself as I see it! Do you not believe me? Look for yourself!" the master urged.

"Where do I look, master?" Jian Yumei inquired.

Approaching, the master extended his right hand, forming it into a sword finger, pointing it at Jian Yumei's brow.

"Close your eyes, focus your mind, and observe. But do not let your thoughts wander, for it may endanger your very life!" the master cautioned.

"Very well, master!" Jian Yumei closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of white light flickered before him. Gradually, the light transformed into a spectrum of colors, coalescing into images and scenes. Initially blurred and indistinct, with Jian Yumei's concentrated effort, the images grew increasingly clear.

Jian Yumei beheld grand scenes of war, featuring the ancient general—himself! He witnessed the figure commanding vast armies, besieging cities amidst deserts, his gaze resolute, amid the fervor of battle.

Beside these scenes, a voice distinctly identified the person as Li Yuanhao.

After a considerable time, the images faded, dispersing into fragments that gradually receded into the distance, leaving Jian Yumei surrounded by the same white light.

Jian Yumei kept his eyes closed, allowing his spirit to rest.

He neither thought nor felt anything specific, yet it seemed as if he contemplated everything.

Upon opening his eyes, he found his master gazing at him.

"I am truly Li Yuanhao!" Jian Yumei