
Treasure Hunt Around the World

novel10706529 · Urban
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8 Chs

Finally, the life become better

Soon, Ye Tian returned to his residence.

It was an ordinary apartment building, and he rented one of the units and had been living there for five months.

As he opened the door, a foul smell immediately hit him. The room was extremely messy, as if it had been hit by a tornado. It was a sight to behold!

In the past, Ye Tian had been living a hopeless and decadent life, with dirty clothes, smelly socks, beer bottles, and leftover food containers scattered all over the place.

He had grown accustomed to this situation and had turned a blind eye to it, living in this harsh environment for several months.

But now, hope had returned, and he could no longer tolerate this. "This is just a pigsty, not a place for humans to live!" he exclaimed as he stood at the door. He then stepped inside and began cleaning and tidying up.

He rolled up all the dirty clothes, smelly socks, and long-unused bedding and prepared to take them to a nearby laundry later. He also filled two large bags with garbage and threw them into the downstairs trash bin.

An hour later, the room was completely transformed, clean and fresh, and the air was no longer filled with unpleasant odors.

Though he was sweaty and exhausted from the cleaning, Ye Tian felt content and had a radiant smile on his face.

The only thing left to clean was himself. He hadn't taken a shower since he went diving earlier that day, and the smell of the Dong River wasn't pleasant. He was also wearing old clothes he had found in the warehouse that had been sitting around for a while, emitting a strange odor.

After admiring his newly cleaned room, Ye Tian went into the bathroom to wash away the bad luck that had been clinging to him for so long.

When he emerged from the bathroom, he felt like a new person, his confidence restored.


What had happened to his body? He could now investigate.

Ye Tian went to the window and drew the curtains to prevent anyone from seeing him. He then stood naked in front of the mirror to examine his body.

His reflection showed a slightly weak and malnourished body, but everything was the same as before he went diving, with no visible changes or scars.

There was no trace of the white light that had entered his body in his memory.

What the hell was going on? Was it all just his imagination? But how could he explain the changes in his eyes?

Ye Tian was completely confused and sat down on the sofa, thinking about what had happened to him.

Since there were no signs of change in his body, he decided to test his X-ray vision.

Excitedly, he stared at the wardrobe, and to his surprise, he was able to see through the wooden doors and see the clothes hanging inside.

"Wow, this is so cool!" he exclaimed.

As he continued to test his X-ray vision, he found that he could see through the sofa, the bed, the table, and even his laptop, seeing all the components inside.

Ye Tian became more and more excited, even a little crazy with happiness.

This was something that would drive anyone crazy! He was now like Batman or Spider-Man, a superhuman with the power to save the world!

Thinking of himself as a hero, Ye Tian laughed out loud, but suddenly heard a loud roar from next door.

"Shut up, you bastard! Do you want me to call the mental hospital for you?"

The neighbor was a bastard who never considered other people's feelings when he and his girlfriend were having sex. Their moans could be heard throughout the entire building.

Every time Ye Tian heard this, it was the most painful time for him.

"You're the bastard! You pervert!" he yelled back.

Ye Tian suppressed his laughter and cursed angrily.

Then, his brain immediately had an idea.

"Let's see what this jerk is doing!"

Thinking about it, Ye Tian immediately turned his gaze to the wall and stared intently at the next room.

It was all beige, and nothing could be seen.

After a few attempts, Ye Tian found that his vision seemed to only penetrate halfway and could not see through the thick wall over 30 centimeters to the other side.

"I don't believe this!"

Ye Tian challenged the wall again and started to see through it.

But he still couldn't get through, and he continued to try to see through the wall.

After several tens of seconds, he made no progress, but he persisted.

Suddenly, dizziness struck, and the next second, Ye Tian fell onto the sofa.

"Well! I shouldn't have been snooping on other people's secrets! I'm not Superman, I can't save the world!"

At the moment of fainting, Ye Tian had this thought in his mind, and then he knew nothing.


When he woke up again, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

He was awakened by hunger. As soon as he opened his eyes, the sound of his stomach growling came into his ears.

But he couldn't think about eating now. With a slightly clearer mind, Ye Tian immediately looked at the wardrobe near the bed, checking if his eyes could still see through.

Very unfortunately!

He stared at the wardrobe for ten minutes, even making his eyes tear up, but the wood was still wood! His vision could no longer penetrate the wardrobe door to see what was inside.

Then he tried other objects, but the results were the same!

Did his X-ray vision only last for a day? Did God just lift his eyelids slightly, pity him for a moment, and then take away this gift?

Ye Tian was extremely disappointed and a little discouraged.

But he quickly thought of the $6,000 in his bag and the $20,000 in his account, and his mood improved a lot.

He had already gained a lot, at least his life had turned around, what more could he ask for?

After sitting in the room for a while, he temporarily put aside these thoughts and went out to eat.

After dinner, he carried two large bags of dirty clothes and went to a nearby laundry.

When everything was done, it was already midnight.

With a little excitement and some disappointment, Ye Tian fell onto the bed and ended this day of ups and downs, with mixed emotions.


The next morning.


The alarm clock rang exactly at 7 o'clock.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. Like last night, the first thing he did when he woke up was to stare intently at the wardrobe beside the bed.

There was no obstruction, and the clothes in the wardrobe appeared clearly in his eyes again!

The X-ray vision had returned! The surprise reappeared!

"Yay! God has finally opened his eyes, it's great!"

Excited, Ye Tian jumped up and down on the bed.

"Damn it! Be quiet!"

An angry shout came from next door.

Who cares now!

After the excitement, Ye Tian gradually calmed down and began to think about the changes in his eyes.

It seemed that the X-ray vision had a time limit. Based on yesterday's use, it could last for about ten minutes a day, and then it would disappear.

And not all objects could be seen through, at least not through thick walls.

At the same time, he could see the unique light emitted by antiques, but ordinary objects showed no anomalies.

As for whether all antiques emitted the same light, that was unknown and needed to be verified step by step.

After all, he had only seen the Luger P08, and he didn't know how he would react to other antiques.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately decided where he was going today.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York!