
Treasure Hunt Around the World

novel10706529 · Urban
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8 Chs

Hope around the corner.

It's already nine o'clock in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tian hasn't left yet, he's waiting for someone.

"Knock, knock..."

The knocking sound came.

"Just a moment, coming!"

Ye Tian responded and smiled as he walked towards the door.

He was greeted by a stern face, the landlady, a middle-aged white woman with broad shoulders and a waist circumference of around 200 pounds!

"Hey, Susan, good morning!"

Ye Tian smiled and greeted her.

The landlady, Susan, gave him a less than warm smile and got straight to the point.

"Good morning, Steven. Is the rent ready? If not, then you'll have to leave. You've been two months behind on rent, and I can't give you any more leeway!"

The rent here is one thousand dollars a month. When Ye Tian first moved in, he had some money and paid for a quarter. He thought he could find a job soon enough and could afford the rent, so he wasn't too worried.

But bad luck had been following him. He had been rejected countless times in his job search, and all of Manhattan had rejected him!

The little money he had was barely enough to make ends meet, let alone pay the rent!

So when a quarter had passed and it was time to pay rent again, he could only drag it out day by day.

Now he had been behind on rent for two months, and today was the deadline. If he couldn't pay it, he would have to pack up and leave, homeless on the streets. This was one of the reasons why he had jumped into the river in despair yesterday.

Susan was a nice lady, but when it came to money, she was ruthless. And as a renter like Ye Tian, it was already very difficult for her to give him two extra months of leeway.

"Susan, thank you for your generosity and not letting me become homeless. I know today is the deadline, and the rent is ready."


Hearing Ye Tian's words, Susan was stunned and exclaimed.

She had already prepared herself to come back empty-handed today, but she had to take back the house no matter what. Whether Ye Tian would be homeless or not was none of her concern!

But Ye Tian's answer was completely unexpected, which was why she was so surprised.

Soon, Susan's face lit up with a big smile.

"Great! You're a trustworthy gentleman!"

Ye Tian blushed slightly, but didn't reply to the compliment.

If it weren't for yesterday's encounter, he would have really broken his promise today.

"Are you only paying the two months you owe, or are you paying for a few more months?"

Susan asked excitedly, her blue eyes gleaming with the sight of green dollars.

"Pay for another quarter besides the two months owed! Wait a moment, I'll get the money for you."

After saying that, Ye Tian turned and went into the bedroom to get the rent.

Susan walked to the window and shouted downstairs.

"Paul, come up quickly!"

"Okay! Be there in a minute."

Someone downstairs responded loudly, and then there was the sound of a car door slamming shut.

Ye Tian heard it as he came out and couldn't help but laugh.

Paul was Susan's husband, and he was obviously here to clean up the room and kick him out.

Soon, Paul came up, and Ye Tian opened the door to greet him.

Paul greeted him with a smile and looked into the room, his eyes wary. But when he saw Susan counting the money, his expression changed immediately. He became warm and friendly, a completely different person from before.

Ye Tian didn't care about all this and smiled as he let him into the room.

Soon, the two of them happily counted the money and put it away.

It was only then that they noticed the changes in the room. It was clean and tidy, and it looked very comfortable. They were very satisfied, after all, it was their own house, and no one wanted it to become a pigsty!

Looking at Ye Tian, they also noticed many differences.

At this moment, Ye Tian looked radiant, full of energy, and his eyes were shining with confidence. There was no trace of depression or listlessness.

"This is what life should be like. You were too decadent before!"

Susan praised him.


Ye Tian nodded. He was different from before!

"Have you found a job? I heard you used to do financial analysis. Have you returned to Wall Street? If so, you won't be able to stay in Brooklyn for long. The Upper East Side is where you should be living."

Susan asked with interest, her eyes full of envy.

In the eyes of Americans, Manhattan represents wealth, and it is indeed so. In the eyes of New Yorkers, Manhattan is the city, and everywhere else is the countryside.

The Upper East Side is where the upper class lives. It is brilliant, luxurious, and dazzling, and it is home to America's most elite group of people.

The Upper West Side is a residential area for the middle class, quiet, restrained, and full of expectations.

Ye Tian used to live in the Upper West Side and was ambitious to make his way into the Upper East Side, but unforeseen circumstances have stripped him of even the qualification to live in the Upper West Side now!

Upon hearing Susan's question, Ye Tian couldn't help but think of his old house, glamorous job, and life.

But all of that is now gone, and he is just a tenant in Brooklyn.

Soon, he came back to his senses and shook his head with a smile.

"I haven't found a job yet, let alone going back to Wall Street. It's probably going to be difficult to go back in the future!"


Susan and Paul were both surprised.

But they didn't continue to ask, as it involved other people's privacy.

After chatting for a few more minutes, the two of them got up and left.

As they were leaving, Susan turned back to Ye Tian and said, "Don't be disappointed, keep trying. I've heard a saying from you Chinese people, 'The road ahead is a dead end, but hope is just around the corner.' It's very reasonable, and I'm giving you this saying too."

"Thank you! I will pick myself up!"

Thanking Susan for her inspiring words, Ye Tian saw them off.

He then packed up and headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to test his vision's ability.

It is one of the world's four major museums, with all kinds of antiques from different eras, enough for him to figure out his vision's abilities.

After leaving his apartment, Ye Tian went to the sixth floor and knocked on Jason's door, ready to return the padlock he borrowed yesterday.

According to Ye Tian's understanding of Jason, he should still be in bed at this time.

Sure enough, Jason's voice soon came from inside the room.

"Who is it? What's up?"

"It's me, Steven, returning your padlock," Ye Tian replied.

After waiting for five or six seconds, the door opened, and Jason, with a messy head and sleepy eyes, stood in the doorway.

Ye Tian had no intention of going inside, so he handed the padlock over.

"Good morning, Jason. Here's your padlock. Thank you!"

"No problem! It's just a lock," Jason took the lock and rubbed his eyes with his other hand.

"Okay, you go back to sleep. I'll leave now," Ye Tian turned and left.

At this moment, Jason suddenly became as clear-headed as ever and took a step forward to grab Ye Tian's arm, his expression filled with excitement.

"Steven, wait, I have something to ask you."

"What is it? Speak up," Ye Tian asked in surprise, not understanding what he wanted to ask.

Jason looked around the hallway, seeing no one else around, he leaned in close to Ye Tian and asked mysteriously, "Did you pick up an antique pistol from that $1 junkyard yesterday? And did you make a lot of money selling it?"

"Ah! How did you know?" Ye Tian asked cautiously, not denying it.

There was simply no way to hide it. The storage company and Brown's Gun Shop had all spoken up! How could he keep them all quiet?

Seeing Ye Tian's attitude, Jason understood that the rumors were true, and he became even more excited.

"The news has spread around the second-hand shops and the regulars who participate in warehouse auctions, and even the Brown's Gun Shop staff have said so. You're so lucky! Tell me, how did you know there was an antique pistol in that junkyard? It's unbelievable!"

Ye Tian shook his head with a smile. "I had no idea there was an antique pistol in there! It was purely luck that I stumbled upon it. There's nothing much to say."

After hearing this explanation and recalling the situation at the junkyard yesterday, Jason could only agree with Ye Tian's answer.

Ye Tian didn't even plan to participate in the warehouse auction. It was only by chance that he picked up such a big bargain.

"What brand of antique pistol? The gun shop staff couldn't tell clearly, and I'm really curious," Jason asked again.

"Luger P08, produced in 1940," Ye Tian replied before leaving, leaving Jason stunned.

"My God! To find a Luger P08 in a $1 junkyard is so crazy! God! Are you crazy? Why don't you give me this good luck?"