
Treasure Hunt Around the World

novel10706529 · Urban
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8 Chs

Price Battle

Walking into the gun store, the owner, Brown, in his fifties, immediately greeted Steven with a smile.

"Steven, welcome back to our business!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian could only smile bitterly.

In the past six months, he had visited this place several times, but each time he came to sell guns instead of buying them.

The owner, Brown, may look friendly and amiable, but he is definitely a shrewd businessman. He could call a new gun that has only been used a few times as a scrap that is worthless and offer a very low price to take it away.

But today is different. There is no way this old man is getting away without paying a fair price!

"That's right. I'm here to sell guns again today!"

Ye Tian smiled and walked up to Brown.

"Very welcome. Take out your treasures and let me appreciate them."

Of course, Ye Tian was welcome. He had spent quite a bit of money here over the past few months and was considered a high-quality customer.

Ye Tian didn't immediately take out the gun but said seriously, "Brown, can we go somewhere else? This is not an ordinary gun. It is an antique pistol, and it is quite expensive."

"Wow! That's great! Can you tell me what brand of pistol it is? And what is its origin? I don't accept illegal firearms, it will cause big trouble!"

Brown was first excited and then became very cautious.

He knew Ye Tian's situation and that he was already in a precarious position. How could he have antique firearms for sale? The source might be a problem.

"Rest assured, the gun is legal, and the source is clear. I just got it through an auction at the warehouse. Preston Warehouse Company can provide proof.

The pistol is a Luger P08, produced in 1940. How about it? Are you interested? If you are, we can talk about it. If not, I will have to go to another store."

Ye Tian smiled and explained.

After hearing this, Brown was immediately excited and almost jumped up.

"Wow! You are a lucky guy. You actually found a Luger P08 in a warehouse. God has started to favor you.

I've always wanted to collect a Luger, but I haven't had the chance. You are an angel sent by God to me. Let's go inside and talk!"

If they weren't separated by the counter, Brown would have hugged Ye Tian and kissed him!

Then, Brown asked his assistant to watch the store and led Ye Tian into the negotiation room.

Before opening the backpack, Ye Tian joked, "Brown, how's your heart? If it's not very healthy, I suggest you prepare some medicine first, and then I'll take out this pistol. Otherwise, you might get too excited and have problems. Then it won't be worth it!"

"Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm strong enough to kill a cow now. Hurry up and show me your treasure. I can't wait!"

Brown was excited, rubbing his hands together, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian's backpack.

"Okay, the surprise moment has arrived!"

Ye Tian unzipped his backpack and gently took out the gun box.

"Wow! It's so exquisite. This must be a collector's item. It's really well protected."

Brown's eyes started to shine.

Then, Ye Tian opened the gun box, revealing the Luger P08 inside.

Brown's eyes instantly widened, and his eyeballs almost flew out. He stared at the shiny metal pistol with his breath short and sharp, like a train, almost frightening!

"Please enjoy it. I believe you will fall in love with this treasure!"

Ye Tian pushed the gun box to Brown with a smile.

"I have fallen in love with it! It's so beautiful. It's the best thing the Germans have ever produced, the most elegant pistol!"

Brown was so excited that he was incoherent.


Ye Tian burst out laughing.

Then, Ye Tian sat quietly with a smile on his face.

Brown, on the other hand, was crazily clutching the Luger. Especially when he saw the skull logo on the grip, his excited eyes almost burst into flames.

The room became very quiet, and no one spoke. Only the sound of their breathing and the sound of fidgeting with the gun could be heard.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Brown reluctantly took his eyes off the pistol and looked at Ye Tian.

"Thank you very much for bringing this treasure. It's so beautiful!"

"This is indeed an artwork among pistols, and I like it very much too."

Ye Tian responded with a smile.

"Can we talk about the price now? I really want to make it part of my collection!"

Brown's hand was still on the pistol, and he seemed determined to get it.

"I came here to sell it, so why don't you make an offer? If it's reasonable, I'll leave it with you. I believe you will make a fair offer. After all, this is a Luger P08."

Ye Tian planned to let the other party make the first offer and then respond accordingly.

Brown pondered for a moment and then said, "This pistol is in very good condition, 100% original, the production serial number is very clear, and it hasn't been fired many times. It should be considered a top-notch pistol in the collection.

The current auction price for a Luger P08 is $20,000. Considering that we have a good relationship, I will offer $8,000 for this pistol. What do you think?"

Ye Tian's heart leaped. This is indeed a nobleman among pistols! But this price is still far from its true value!

So he didn't reply but just smiled meaningfully at Brown.

Seeing Ye Tian's inscrutable smile, Brown understood that it was impossible to get the pistol at this price.

"Okay, $10,000. This price is very fair. After all, this is a private transaction, not at an auction, and it's impossible to sell at such a high price."

The price is indeed very reasonable for an ordinary Luger, but is this an ordinary Luger? Obviously not!

"Braun, you should have seen the SS logo above the grip, which indicates that this is a pistol for the use of the Nazi Party's elite troops. And as for what the skull represents, I don't need to explain it, right?

So do you think the price of $10,000 is appropriate? It's better to negotiate a new price. Otherwise, I'll have to leave. I believe there are many people who like this gun and are willing to pay a high price for it."

Braun's face turned red and he looked a bit embarrassed.

It seemed that he had to spend a lot of money today, otherwise he couldn't let this skull Luger slip away from his sight. This was an investment that was worth more than ten times the bank insurance! How could he miss it?

There are countless gun collectors in the United States. As long as he bought this gun, he could play with it for a while and then sell it at two or three times the profit. Was there anything more profitable than this?

Thinking of this, Braun became more determined to take down this pistol and no longer beat around the bush with Ye Tian. He directly offered a price that matched the value of this pistol.

After all, as a businessman, having thick skin is a necessary psychological quality. In a blink of an eye, Braun's face returned to normal and he smiled and said, "Since you know so much about Lugers, let's not beat around the bush. How about $20,000?"

This price was still reasonable, but who would complain about having too much money?

"I think $30,000 is a more reasonable price that meets my expectations," Ye Tian smiled and offered a counter price.

"$22,000, this is my limit. If it exceeds this price, it means I have no fate with this beautiful baby," Braun said painfully and hesitantly looked at the Luger on the table, his hand still rubbing it.

"26,000 dollars is the final price. If you can't accept it, then forget it. I'm going to go see the Brooklyn Bridge. I used to work over there and know a lot of wealthy people who collect antique guns. I think I can get a very good price," Ye Tian continued to attack with a small threat.

Braun pressed his hand tightly on the Luger and didn't relax for a moment. He didn't want this pistol to fly away from his sight and fall into the hands of those Wall Street bastards in suits.

"$25,000, how about we take the middle ground? If it's okay, I can write you a check or give you cash, brand new $100 bills!" Braun said, trying to find a compromise.

"I insist on $26,000. Let's go to the shooting range and if it shoots normally and has no issues, then we'll make the deal at $26,000. If any other flaws appear, the price will be $24,000. What do you think? I think this is the best solution and everyone will be happy," Ye Tian proposed a new suggestion that was very tempting.

Apart from wanting to earn more money, he also wanted to experience this world-famous gun. Since he had the opportunity, he couldn't miss it!

Braun hesitated for a moment, then stood up excitedly and extended his hand. "Ok, deal! Let's go to the shooting range."

"Deal!" Ye Tian stood up excitedly and shook hands with Braun. Then he picked up the gun box and went to the underground shooting range with Braun.

Ten minutes later, the crisp sound of pistol shots began to ring out in the underground shooting range. As Ye Tian continually fired the Luger, a burst of bullets poured out of the barrel and hit the human-shaped targets on the range, causing them to sway constantly, especially the head, which was shot to pieces.

After the shooting, Ye Tian checked the gun barrel and excitedly exclaimed, "It deserves to be called the Swiss watch of guns! It's so precise! It's like pointing and shooting!"

"Let me also experience this elegant gun of the nobility!" Braun had long been itching to try it out. He took the gun and began to load bullets into the magazine.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of gunfire rang out again, and it was very satisfying to listen to.

After satisfying their desires, the two of them left the shooting range and completed the remaining steps of the deal.

Half an hour quickly passed, and Ye Tian walked out of the bank on another street with a proud and satisfied look. He only had $50 in the morning, but now he had $6,000 in his pocket, and his bank account was no longer empty, with $20,000 in savings.

Life had become beautiful again!