
Chapter 9: Breakthrough

It's been 4 weeks since Jin beat up Stain, he got up and stretched refreshed and ready for training, as he was going to his local shop , once again he walked past the Electronic store and curiously looked at the TV on display through the window.

As soon as he saw it, a vein appeared on his head as it seems Stain had been arrested 2 weeks ago because of the Hosu Incident, he wanted to fight Stain again but now he couldn't unless a miracle happened.

'Wait won't a new wave of villains appear', he thought, and he soon became happy as he could pass his time. Ever since that last fight with Stain, he's thought about becoming a vigilante, but didn't want to waste money on a costume as he was poor as it is as he barely made it by through: animals in the woods, finding a lucky coin or even robbery to survive.

He missed the cooking of U.A's chef, Lunch Rush, but there was nothing he could do. He decided he would start his first day as a vigilante because of money shortages and boredom, plus the more battle experience he got, the better it would be in the long run.

After he was done with buying he was daily loaf of bread and some water and some other stuff, he went home and put on a white t-shirt with black pants and wore sandals along with a red jacket tied on his waist. He believed there was no need to be extra with your hero/vigilante or even villain costume.

Anyway, it was now 7pm after he waited a bit in his house(he was asleep), he shut his door and yawned as soon as he was outside, along with a couple of stretches, he suddenly disappeared....

<1 hour later>

It's been an hour and Jin found nothing, and so he took a nap in a forest ,as the wind hit his white hair, he closed his eyes ,not even a 30 seconds later, he opened them immediately afterwards as he heard a distant voice screaming," ARGHHH!", he quickly got up and noticed the sound was coming from deeper into the forest while he was out in the outer area, and so he ran there, to only stop and see a large blue flame rampaging the trees.

'Wait blue flames, isn't that Dabi, but why is he in a forest.... unless im in the Beast's forest', Jin realised he was in the forest which the Vanguard Action Squad invaded to kidnap Bakugou, which led to the fight with All for one, when they rescued him.

As soon as he realised this he was happy but also wondered if they kidnapped Bakugou already and if Muscular was smashed by Midoriya.

Putting those thoughts away he ran towards the flames.

<5 minutes later>

Jin arrived and noticed everyone was mourning and saw Midoriya injured on the floor, " I came late", he sighed as he looked at Midoriya one more time as he knew he was gonna be fine so he went back home, as he knew the rescue attempt was going to happen soon.

His Martial Arts has improved but he feels like he's missing something. The past two days, Jin has been non-stop training and finally he stopped as he looked at the time as he left for Kamino.

<20 minutes later>

As All for One forcibly uses Kurogiri's quirk to teleport all the villains and Tomura away, he deals with All Might and Gran Torino, Jin appears on the battlefield as he yells," Hey All for One", and with a smile he appears next to him and sends a kick to his left, right and his face,<3rd Stance Hwechook>, sending All for One into the rubble. All Might watches on and remembers Jin as he says," Ji-Jin get out of HERE!", he says with a lack of breath, clearly worried as he knows the extent of All for One's power.

To which Jin replies with," Naah, this guy's mine if you want you can join but i don't care", he says with a smile as he only stares at where All for One went.

Before All Might could reply, All for One came out from the rubble,"Arara, what do we have here, to think you'd need help from a quirk-less kid", he stated condescending All Might while mocking Jin at the same time.

When he says that Jin turns for the worst, and gets angry as he states," Let me show what this kid can do , how about that old man", he says smiling while numerous veins appear on his head.

All for One's arms turned red as he used <Spring-like Limbs> empowering his body to make it stronger and faster as he appeared before Jin, before he could say anything more he's smashed into the rubble, as an air shockwave was released from his All for One's Arms,<Air Cannon> he then charges at Jin to which Jin stabilises and sends an upward kick towards All For One, to which it's reflected to Jin as All for One uses,<Impact Recoil>.

Before he was about to continue his assault All Might hit All for One from the right by shifting his weight and putting all his power into a punch as he yelled," ALL FOR ONEE!!", He's sent flying damaging a-lot of the Kamino Ward.

Jin stands up and cracks his neck and looks All Might, as he says,"Rest, he's mine", with a smile of happiness, before he looked at All For One and rushes at him and says," I'll make you regret that", with a sadistic smile.

As he charged All For One stands up but doesn't see Jin, VOOM! sounds, as Jin suddenly appears in front of him, spins 180°and kicks All For One in the face, as Jin followed with another kick with the other leg,<Spinning Top Kick>, blowing up a building, as he waits for All for One to come back he wipes the blood on his mouth and yells," COME O-", before he was catapulted as All for One stands and says "Multiplier...Spear-like bones", as he seemed to grow 4 arms, all of which were spears appearing out of them. Jin was caught by All Might before he told him," HURRY ALL MIGHT THROW ME AT HIM, I CANT CALM DOWN!", he screamed as his blood-lust and itching for battle increased.

Reluctantly All Might threw Jin with his full power, "DETROITT THROW!", All Might states as Jin laughs as the wind hits his face.

BOOM! All might's throw slammed Jin into All for One sending both into a building but Jin felt the pain as<Impact Recoil>, was used against him, while All For One states," I'll make you feel despai-", he stopped as he looked at Jin, surprised that Jin was smiling the whole time.

His red eyes never wavered and his smile brightened as he slammed into All For One before he delivered a kick side-ways filled with enough force to push All For One back a couple meters, <Recoilless Taebaek>, but Jin didn't stop there no matter how many times ,<Impact Recoil>, was used against him, his smile grew and kept on growing as he used all the Renewal Taekwondo techniques he knew.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH YOUNG BOY!", yelled All For One before he healed all of his injuries <Super Regeneration >, followed by ,<Hypertrophy> as he enlarged his arm till it was larger than Jin's whole body.

"YES, YES JUST LIKE THAT"", Jin said as he still charged in, throughout the fight, he was gaining enlightenment on the Martial Arts as his smile increased, his aura overpowered All For One's, he was so into the fight, he didn't even notice his missing arm...

He mastered all of the techniques, and his movement itself flowed like a gentle river, the faster All For One got, the faster he got.

<Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Mode>

The two created havoc in Kamino , the rubble piled as their blows created destruction.


All For One used nearly all of his Quirks at once and floated above Jin before he went to strike, BANGG!. Sounded... it was if two beasts fighting in Hell as Lava and Fire encased their 'arena', making the atmosphere more chaotic.

Jin's techniques were soft but beast-like as he delivered blow for blow," THINGS LIKE THIS MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE!", he yelled before as he sent All For One crashing dealing damage that he couldn't heal, as All For One's power was slowly diminishing because of the continuous use of so many Quirks at once, he looked at Jin's eyes seriously.

All For One expressed his shock," Y-You Monster", he said as he could the pure joy Jin was having, right before Jin used one of his most powerful combinations, ranging from kicks that cut that clouds as his feet sinked through the ground,<Recoilless Dragon Sign Hwechook> and dozens of punches so fast All Might couldn't see them,<Mach Punch X 100>, ... their sheer wind pressure pushed All For One to the extreme.

Suddenly, Jin's whole personality changed as he looked at All For One with a serious expression.... before he raised his leg and swung pausing mid-way as if he broke through a wall... before sending pressure enough to finish All For One ,<Recoilless Kick>, causing a sonic boom...

--As the Dust Cleared--

A man in a black suit was on the floor with only a torso present before heroes took him and imprisoned him in Tartarus.

Jin breathed heavily as he let go of his blood-lust and his excitement, such a state of concentration took a heavy toll. Before he fainted, he told All Might to take the credit, as he didn't need all the attention as the helicopter recording couldn't see through the destruction the two monster's caused.

While they were fighting All Might also participated but didn't have any more strength left, so he didn't have to endanger his life like normally and was grateful for Jin.

--2 days later--

Jin woke up and realised he was in another hospital," Again?", he said as he had been to the hospital multiple times and was tired of it.

He looked at his arm and realised that his left one was missing. When he was asked if he wanted to reattach or have a metallic one by the doctor , he declined as this was his first true fight, so he wanted the memory to always be with him.

Unbeknownst to him, Midoriya and All Might was at the door, and when they came in.... he was already gone as the window was left open as he disappeared into the night.....

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PoorKarmacreators' thoughts
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