
Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength

( I don't own the other character's or the worlds that the MC travels to except himself, and other OC's ) Follow Jin Katsuo, a battle-obsessed boy, as he travels to many different places all for a good fight. Using his favourite Martial Art's he's seen through his favourite web-toon. ( I try to do 2 chapters a day, if I can't due to a reason I'll make one that is long

PoorKarma · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 40 : Bond Between Brothers

The God of High-School Finals would start in three days time. In the mean time, Jin and Mori were having fun, basically fighting whenever they could and running around the neighbourhood.

On the Last day till the tournament, they were walking down a road, enjoying the view and relaxing. , before.....

Mori : "Hey Jin~, I've been wondering, how do you know, <Renewal Taekwondo> ?", he asked with a confused face.

".....I met you're grandfather, Jin Tae-Jin, once.....", he stated with an awkward expression, trying to find an excuse when there was hardly any one who knew the Martial Art.

Mori : "REALLY! How is he? When did you meet him?!", he bombarded Jin with numerous questions.

".....It was a long time ago.....I can't really remember", he stated whilst he scratched the back of his head.

'He believed', he thought before he sighed.


It was currently night-time and the two were laughing as they walked on a bridge.


Whilst they were walking, they noticed a girl was walking with a sword in her hand....

Mori : "Hey isn't that Mira~", he said with a smile, before he followed her.

'Isn't this where she loses her sword...but It shouldn't happen now because that day, I was fighting Mori', Jin concluded, before he followed her with Mori.


At the same time, a tall lazy looking young man, with brown hair, and light-brown eyes was walking down the same bridge:

Daewi Han : 'They use Nano Technology right? Looking at it's effect.....they should be able to help Seung-Tae's disease as-well.

When he put the thought on hold, he looked in-front of him and saw Jin, Mori and Mira.

He decided to fasten his pace, and make it towards them, but he still walked leisurely.



Mira was walking home when she felt like she was being followed.....Her eyes turned sharp, and she darted her head back.

Behind her was a man with white hair, named Jin Katsuo, who she saw in the preliminaries. And there was also Jin Mori, the one who took her sword during the preliminaries, but gave it back.

Yu Mira : "WHY ARE YOU TWO FOLLOWING ME!", She shouted loudly, as veins sprouted on her head.

"Yo~, we were just on our way home that's all~", Jin uttered, trying to calm down the situation.

Mori : "Hey Mira~", he chuckled with a big smile.

Looking at her anger rising because of Mori's appearance , "hehehehe~", Jin chuckled, which made her look at him.

Mira : "Wh-", before she could finish, another person came from behind them....

Daewi Han : "Yo guys~", he uttered with relax.

"Yo~", Jin replied with a smile.

Mori : "Daewi!", Mori shouted with a smile.

The three talked while Mira kept walking in the front.

Mira : "Can you please stop following m-", before she could finish once again...

Gang Leader : "Lights~", he stated before motorcycle head-lights beamed on the others.

Gang Member : "This is payback for what you done to us before!", one shouted, remembering the pain : Mira, Mori and Daewi delivered to them....


But sadly, before they could finish they were all on the floor, as Jin, Mori, Daewi and Mira delivered monstrous on them.....but at the last second

One of them threw a lighter at the gasoline on the floor....leaking from one of the bikes that Jin, Daewi, Mori and Mira destroyed...


'So it's still gonna happen huh~', Jin thought, as Mori jumped in-front of the flames, blocking it from reaching Mira with his back.....

Whilst they were on the floor, Jin noticed the sword was about to go into the river bank, and so he darted.....


And caught it just in time.....however, his body was leaning on the railing, and turning down-wards towards the river. It was about a 10 ft drop....Jin was gonna brace himself, but Daewi grabbed on to his shirt at the last second..


Helping Jin and Mira as the 4 got her sword back....


After the incident, the four of them became good friends, as Mori didn't keep the sword the whole time in the preliminaries despite how many times she asked for it back, and he saved her from getting scarred, whilst Jin and Daewi stopped the sword from getting lost....

After walking Mira, Jin and Mori went their way and said good-bye to Daewi...

It was late at night, so the two went to sleep immediately....


In Jin's dream, 2 people stood against a number of gods....showing smiles as the loop of binding on both of their heads glowed.....



'RagnarÖk', Jin thought with a smile when he woke up. He knew that the day it happens.....he's gonna have so much fun...


After walking up Mori, the two walked to the venue for the finals.

"ARGHHHHHH!!!!!", The stadium was packed with thousands. All screaming, excited for the event to start....

And it quickly did as Mira, Daewi and Mori all easily won their matches.....

Up next was Jin's fight. The whole time he was getting ready, he felt a murderous gaze on him.....turning around, he could see Manseok Gang staring at him, before looking at Mori.

Jin didn't really care for the stares, but he did want to fight Manseok again....

Walking up to the arena, the crowd didn't cheer, as they looked at his level of 6. Not knowing his real strength, they just watched....


In the arena, Jin stared at his opponent and waited for the start of the battle...a couple of seconds later....

Judge T : "BEGIN!!!!", He roared, signifying the start of the battle.....


Jin immediately charged and delivered a barrage of blows in a split second, <Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Torrential Strike>, before he turned around and walked away.....

The audience wondered why he was walking away and didn't know he'd already won...

Judge T : "WINNER! JIN KATSUO!", He shouted, knowing that Jin already won.

Audience Member 1 : "Huh? How'd he win?", One member said a-loud.


Sounded, before they all darted their eyes to Jin's opponent.....countless punches caved in his stomach before he slumped to the ground...

It took a few seconds.... but the crowd finally roared....

Audience : "WOAH!!! WOOOO!", They all shouted, noticing Jin was very strong.....


Whilst Jin was walking away, he could feel the same stare from before.....

Turning to Manseok, he revealed a mocking smile before he chuckled, "hehehehhe~", before he kept on walking slowly...


Manseok couldn't control his anger.....he grinded his teeth and finally charged at Jin who was still in the arena, not caring about the rules.....

At the same time, Mori was sleeping, but woke up when he saw Manseok charge at Jin.....he didn't like Manseok at all, and decided to charge in himself.....



Everyone watched as Manseok dived in to fight Jin. The Judges couldn't wait and charged in themselves to stop Manseok....

But before they could, Manseok fired a kick at Jin's head.....

<Northern ITF Taekwondo : Front Kick>

BANG-!!!!!! CRACK!!!

Before it could even connect.....Jin had already blocked and deflected it, sending his foot into the ground, causing a crack to form....<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Block and Deflect>

Looking at Manseok's angry face, Jin couldn't stop himself.....as he spun his body, before he raised his left leg, kicking Manseok's head in a wide arc.....


Manseok stumbled to his right, as taking the full force of the kick stunned him.....

Jin wasn't going to let him rest for even a second.....as he kneed him in the stomach with immense power.....

<Renewal Taekwondo : Baekdu


Bashing into the ropes of the arena, Manseok coughed out blood....he slowly got up but felt something ominous and life-threatening coming towards him....


Appearing on the left of Manseok....Jin spun his waist and raised his left leg.....right before he was about to bash his skull in.....


Mori came directly in-front of him....Forming 3 after-images, Mori bashed his leg into Manseok's head three times....

BANG!!! BANG!!!! BANG!!!!

<Renewal Taekwondo : 3rd Stance Hwechook>

At this point....Manseok was already unconscious...

Jin slowed the speed of his kick, but when he noticed Mori was done...he fired his left leg, smashing Manseok in his skull, pinning him into a wall and killing him.....


<Renewal Taekwondo : Front Hwechook>


When he was bashed into the wall.....Jin and Mori were surrounded by the Judges, who all looked threatening as they aimed their fists towards the two...

Judge T : "Mori Jin, you are hereby disqualified, please come with us", ", And Jin Katsuo, please come with us too", he stated, as the Judges still had their fists towards the two....


Whilst the two were 'bullying' Manseok. They had no idea that their power levels had shot up. Jin had lowered his strength and had a power level of 14, whilst Mori had his power shot up to 13.

The crowd were in disbelief, and didn't know what to think....

The Judges were also surprised, and had their guards on, whilst they confronted the two...


With the guards surrounding the two. Jin really wanted to fight them all at once. But finally gave in, as he knew he'd have more fun in the future. The two were escorted out of the arena whilst the crowd applauded and went crazy because of their strength..

Crowd: "WOOAHH!!! THEY'RE CRAZY STRONG!!", They all shouted, still shocked at the state of Manseok, who was brought back to life using Nano Technology, but was in a severe condition.....


Whilst they were exiting the arena, both Jin and Mori had smiles all over their faces:

Mori : "Jin that was fun!!", he shouted, as the surrounding Judges heard.

"I know right~, hopefully more fun like that happens.....", Jin retorted, before the two laughed together...

Both of them : "ehehhehehe~"....