
Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength

( I don't own the other character's or the worlds that the MC travels to except himself, and other OC's ) Follow Jin Katsuo, a battle-obsessed boy, as he travels to many different places all for a good fight. Using his favourite Martial Art's he's seen through his favourite web-toon. ( I try to do 2 chapters a day, if I can't due to a reason I'll make one that is long

PoorKarma · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 23: Magic Games : Part 2

After Rocker was healed and woken up, he looked at Jin with pure anger...but Jin didn't care in the slightest.

The rules of the games were simple, it will take over the course of 5 days, and there will be two parts for the each day.

An event, followed by battles. For the events, the teams can send someone to represent them, but for the battles, the audience and organisers choose which member they want to fight.

It was finally time for the first round, and it was called 'Hidden', and the objective is to hide and seek people. To gain points you have to tag the other person, that will give you 1 point. In the arena, there will be dozens of clones that you can use to your advantage.

If you tag a clone and not the actual member, you lose a point.


Jin decided to sit this one out and let Grey do the event like he normally did.


Just like normal, using some weird magic, Rufus Lore, from Sabertooth, won the round with 10 points, 2 points ahead of 2nd place. While both of Fairy Tail's teams were last place.

Natsu was beginning to get angry at the surroundings who were calling them weak.

While all this was happening, the organizers were writing down the list of people they want to fight in the next round.

Since Jin took Lucy's place, he would be going first, but he was fighting someone different from Raven Tail, he would be fighting Kurohebi who uses mimic magic.


Commentator: " Okay folks~ for the first round we have Fairy Tail's Jin Katuso VS KUROHEBI FROM RAVEN TAIL!!".


The crowed booed when they heard Jin's name, but were happy with Raven Tail.

The two stepped up, Jin was bored and had his hands behind his head. While Kurohebi had a creepy smile, thinking that he could beat Jin.

After Learning that the Guild Master of Raven Tail is the son of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, the commentators were interested on the family drama, but wrote it off when it was about to start.

Commentator : "OKAY LETSSS BEGINNN!!".

When the bell was sounded, they both didn't move.

Audience 1: " Why aren't they doing anything?".

They all watched Kurohebi just stand there, while Jin yawned before walking off.

Commentator: "HEY! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING!", he shouted towards Jin.

"Hmm~, I already beat him", he said as he walked back with his hands on the back of head.

As soon as everyone heard that, they looked at Kurohebi's stomach with dozens of punch marks, as he coughed blood before fainting.

Jin had sent dozens of punches when the game started,<Renewal Mach Punch>, and nobody seen it.

Everyone was shocked, while some competitors were excited to fight Jin, as they all watched him walk back to his Guild members.

Erza: "Good job Jin", she said tapping his shoulder.

Natsu:" Nice one Jin~!", he shouted with a smile.

Elf-Man:" That's what a real man does!", he screamed too.

Grey:" Nice going man~".

"Thanks guys~", he replied before sitting down.

After that fight, there was some more between different teams...but not long after the first day was completed.


After a day, it was the third day. On the Second, Jin didn't get any action and was really bored. But then he remembered the event for today ,Pandemonium.

All the teams were gathered on the ground, when the announcer was explaining the event, Jin turned to the team, which now had Wendy back, and said, "Guys~, let me take this one! Please I'll owe you!", they could see he was beaming, and decided to let him have his way.

After telling them that they could choose how many they wanted to face, after giving a break-down on the monsters power-levels, Jin shouted, "GIVE ME ALL 100!!!", with a savage smile.

Makarov in the stands was shocked and said, "CHILD ARE YOU CRAZY!! 100!!".

Jin looked at him with the same smile and said to everyone, "Gramps I can't help it, my blood's pumping.

The surroundings were shocked, and went crazy after seeing Jin's expression.

After successfully drawing first place to go he was about to run up when:

Announcer: "HEY! WHAT ABOUT YOUR MAGIC, IT'S GONNA DEPLETE", he shouted aloud.

"HUH~, I don't even use magic, now hurry!".

Jin's declaration left everyone flabbergasted as they didn't know what to think. But they couldn't ask him any questions as he already ran in-side.


Jin looked around the castle, before saying, "Give me 100 monsters~", as if it was timed, dozens of monsters began crawling out holes.

Jin looked at them with a smile, before he cracked his neck and stretched before his eyes turned purple , "You coming or what~", he provoked the beasts.

There were 50 D-Class Monsters , 30 C-Class Monsters, 15 B-Class Monsters , 5 A-Class Monsters and 1 S-Class Monster.

Jin saw one beast charge at him and try to push his weight over Jin, seeing the charge, Jin didn't even move when it collided with his body, before he lifted and bashed it into the floor, before kneeing it into the face,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Knee Kick, another 5 beasts were coming , so Jin spun his body, dodging an attack before he coated his arms with Haki, he sent a barrage of punches at the monsters, <Renewal Mach Punch x 10>.

He immediately destroyed 6 of them and another 20 were approaching. 5 of the 20 could use magic as they hurled balls of fire at Jin. To combat this, Jin grinded his foot on the floor, combusting the air pressure before delivering a kick of fire,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon Secret Art : Fifth Degree Flame Murder>, the fire kick destroyed their fire and when it struck them....it burnt their innards destroying 5 more monsters.

While he sent that kick, 2 more were behind him, they both delivered an attack, one on the right and one on the left. He spread his leg and got into his stance, before he blocked and deflected both attacks using his arms,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Block and Deflect>, before using his legs delivering 4 horizontal kicks, 2 for each monsters, at their heads and necks,<Renewal Gor Yo>.

The monsters staggered only for Jin to come charging at them, sending punches at their joints using Haki, destroying them in the process,<Torrential Strike X 2 + Haki>.

Jin walked away from their limp bodies, as he looked in-front of him...70 monsters, all with different power levels stared at him...waiting to see who would make the first movement, with hints of wary.

Jin stared at them and chuckled, amused of their wariness, before he bended his knees, and brought back his arms before covering in Haki, he looked at the monsters with a smile.

"I hope you guys like this~", he said mockingly, before...

He extended his arm, and blew past the air pressure, creating punches that hardly anyone outside could see...

<Renewal Mach Punch X 100 + Haki>

The punches damaged the tower itself and tilted it, much to the surprise of the others... on the screen they all saw Jin smiling as all they could see was a blur in-front of him, before he stopped.....

All 70 monsters dropped to the floor, as Jin stretched and looked at the remaining 5 A-Class, 7 B-Class and 1 S-Class yet to appear.....

Not wasting any time, the monsters all sent magic towards Jin...whether it was,<Fire Breath>, <Ice Breath>, or any other techniques...they were all sent towards Jin.

He wanted to end the rest of the 'weaklings' and fight the S-Class so he raised his leg slightly, focusing his power on one point, he covered his leg in Obsidian Black Haki, before he swung his leg at the beam, "Recoilless Kick", he said before....


A massive hole was present in the castle side, as all the monsters were on the floor....adding to the shock and trauma the audience received, thinking back to when Jin said he didn't use magic.


Jin looked to the sound and looked at the gigantic monster that made him look like an ant, "I've faced bigger~", he said mockingly thinking back to the Black-Beard Pirates, Sanjuan Wolf, but put the thought on hold as the monster charged at him..

It covered it's whole body in magic before appearing in-front of Jin at the speed of sound, amusing Jin as it sent a punch at Jin's body...he rotated his waist, dodging the punch before he kicked the Monster in the chin, using the bottom of his foot as a striking force, adding Haki into the mix, sending the Beast crashing into the ceiling,<Renewal Baek Rok + Haki>.

Jin catapulted himself to the monster, before kneeing it's head in mid-air..<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Knee Kick>


It tried to block it, but failed...as it was slowly falling, Jin mounted it's torso, before grabbing it's head, bashing his knee into it's head again...this time Jin used his whole weight and Haki<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Nirvana + Haki>, as they crashed down into the ground creating a.....


When the dust settled, Jin was revealed to be....completely fine, as he looked at the monster and thought, 'Acnologia was more fun.... I wonder where he is?', before he walked out the Castle... he looked at the surroundings as they all had the same expression of shock...


While Jin was still fighting, the whole arena was quiet, when they found out that Jin was magicless. As when they heard him say it, they didn't believe him, but when mages tried to sense his magic, they couldn't find anything.....

But they all still wondered what that energy Jin used,(Haki), to cover his body parts in Black, adding to his power. The Mages had never seen it before, and knew it wasn't magic, only adding mystery to Jin as a whole to both the audience and mages alike.