
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

Wow, this isn't Easy at All

Staring at the figure of God who was floating above his birthday cake, Luca couldn't believe that the being chose now of all times to stop his party.


"I said at 14 and you were born exactly 14 years ago, so don't blame me for being punctual…" God said with sass mixed in with his voice which caused Luca's face to drop slightly.

"Okay…Okay what am I doing…please pick something quick since I don't have all day." Luca clearly wanted to get back to his party, so God didn't delay and told him the info about the task.

" I need you to go to the world of World War Z and ensure that Gerry and his family get to the aircraft carrier…"

The second that Luca heard that name, memories from his past life came up as he remembered watching that movie and both loving and disliking it.

"I thought you said easy…and not too messy…" Luca said with a deadpan look on his face.

"I know it may seem like a lot to ask, but this is the easiest I can do for you right now…you wouldn't want to know what else I could have you do right now…"

"Really because the chances of me dying seem to be extremely high and I don't know how likely I am to survive the zombies there if I'm swarmed…"

Now it was God's turn to give Luca a deadpan look.

"Have you not looked at what gear you were given…most beings wouldn't be able to kill you, so don't say anything until you look at them."

Hearing what God said, Luca's curiosity got the best of him, and he focused on himself to retrieve the gear attached to his soul.

In an instant Deadpool-like armor appeared around him however it was solid armor instead of being a spandex suit. The armor was super easy to move around in and he didn't lose any mobility whatsoever.

Glancing at himself, Luca noticed two pistols on his waist and multiple grenades. Feeling a hidden compartment on his right and left leg, Luca brought both hands to his side and two SMG's popped out of his sides and he raised them to observe the unique looking weapons.

"Nice…but where's the ammo…" Luca glanced up at God in curiously but was met with a 'isn't it obvious' look from the being.

"They are soul weapons…they don't run on ammo exactly, but soul energy…and before you ask how much you have, just know you could fire for hours constantly and not be tired…not that you'd need too…Also the armor is well protected, so as long as you wear it, no zombie will be able to bit you…even a nuke won't kill you, so be happy with what I gave you…"

"Thanks…" Putting the guns away, Luca reached for his back and pulled out the two katanas.

"Nice…" Admiring them for only a second as God cleared his voice, Luca looked up at the being.

"Okay enough messing around…time to leave and please don't waste time…failing right now wouldn't have the best outcome…the multiverse isn't being kind to you right now for some reason."

Not being able to say anything more, a portal appeared and sucked Luca inside of it. Time however didn't resume, and everyone continued to stay frozen even after God left as well to go do something else.


Falling from the sky, he righted himself like a cat and landed on a sidewalk in a crouching pose. Standing up, Luca dusted himself despite getting no dirt on himself, then looked around at his surroundings.

He was standing in front of a two-story blue family house that was most likely somewhere in the suburbs.

Luca didn't get much time to observe though as Brad Pitt, a woman and two children were staring at him with mixed looks.

"Wow, I'm already set up for failure…" Luca mumbled to himself before looking straight at the family.

Gerry got in front of his kids and ushered them to slowly move inside at the sight of multiple weapons adorning the suit of the masked mysterious red man who appeared in the air.

Seeing this Luca wondered how to make the family trust them as he needed to get them to safety, so he could complete his quest.

'What are all their names…think Luca, think… Gerry…Connie…Rachel and…dammit why can't I remember the mothers name…god it was an annoying name…something that most people don't like…they yell a lot…call the manager…Karen…that's it…'

Thinking about some more facts, Luca tried to be as professional as he could with what he was about to say.

"Gerry Lane…Connie Lane…Rachel Lane…and Karen Lane…I'm here from the future…" Right after the words left his mouth, Luca started to scold himself internally, but stayed calm on the outside.

"Something is going to happen soon, and I was sent to make sure your family is safe from the ensuing chaos."

Luca's words didn't do much to calm Gerry, but the mysterious figure did appear out of nowhere, so something was off with the situation.

"What's going to happen?" Gerry spoke slightly loud to the masked man.

"Really that's the first question you ask…dammit, it's really hard to explain without sounding even more crazy…you won't believe me until you see it, but I can certainly tell you that it sucks…"

Trying to show that he wasn't too threatening, Luca disabled his suit and let it return to rest inside his soul.

Luca's appearance surprised the family since he was only a teenager and not some grown adult.

"Where'd the suit go?"

"Okay that's a question I can sort of answer…it's inside of me…but that doesn't matter right now…are you guys still going to Philadelphia?"

At his question the family seemed even more on edge and Luca scolded himself internally but tried to stay as calm as possible.

"Sorry, that must sound weird coming from me, but it's an important question that I need to know, since I wasn't dropped off with much information."

"Yes, we're going there…why would someone send a kid to help us."

Luca contemplated how to answer that since almost any exact answer would make him sound completely crazy on multiple levels.

"It's nearly impossible to explain, but let's just say I'm all that's available… Now if you still want to go to Philly, just let me tag along so I can make sure you're safe…"

"Why shouldn't he call the police on you…" Karen spoke out at Luca.

'She really plays the role of her name well…only if she asked for my manager…would that be God?' Contemplating that for a second, Luca was drawn back to the real world at the clearing of someone's throat.

"Oh sorry…Umm just don't, it won't turn out well for them…soon the police will be needed for a much larger threat than me…anyways can you clear a few things up for me since I want to make sure this is the right day…"

Gerry looked confused but nodded for Luca to continue his questions.

'God, please let me remember the scenes correctly…'

"Did they jump on your bed this morning waking you up?" Luca pointed at both Connie and Rachel who were standing behind their parents.

"Yes…" Gerry said with unease, lacing his voice.

"And during breakfast you ate pancakes…"

"Yes…" at the mention of pancakes, Luca could see Connie's face light up despite the situation.

"While this was happening, the TV was on a channel reporting about martial law and Connie asked you what martial law is…"

At this point Gerry looked extremely uneasy and didn't want to answer the question in fear of what it meant.

"I'm going to take that as a yes…so today should be the day I guess…welp I don't know if you're still in contact with your government friend…I forgot his name, but be ready to call him at some point…road trip time…where's your car…"

Looking around he tried to see their car and noticed it by the side of the house. Luca started to walk towards it but stopped when he didn't hear anybody walking towards him.

"I suggest we get going…as it's either now or never, because I really don't know what will happen if you're late to Philly. However, if you want to risk it, I'm all ears, just know I will do anything to get you to the carrier…"

They all started moving towards him and the car at Gerry's behest, but the man stopped Luca from going any closer to the car.

"Can we talk for a second…" Gerry had a serious look on his face, so Luca obliged.

"Sure…" Walking with the man back over to the porch, while Rachel, Connie and Karen went to the car and got in.

Sitting down next to Gerry, both looked out for a second at the other side of the neighborhood.

"What exactly is going to happen…tell me exactly…no matter how crazy…"

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you…basically there is a disease that is going to go global today and rapidly infect people all across the world. However, this disease is something I could only compare to zombies…people running around biting others and turning them into mindless creatures with the only goal of infecting more healthy people."

Glancing over at Gerry, he could clearly see the incredulity plastered on the man's face at what Luca told him.

"Zombies…" Gerry muttered out loud.

"Yep, and not the easy kind that walks, but the ones that run and are nearly impossible to kill."

"That's completely crazy, but you seem like you're telling the truth…"

Luca glanced over at the man who was having trouble grasping the reality about what was soon to happen everywhere.

"Yep, I am, so do you still want to go to Philly? It's going to be a complete shit show in many ways, and I really can't be 100% certain if I can protect your family."

"Where do we go if it's everywhere?"

"Well, originally you were going to go to Philly, nearly get bitten a few times, head to New Jersey, get stuck in Newark and have to be extracted off an apartment building and taken to a carrier off the coast of New York."

"So is the carrier safe…" Gerry asked with hope in his voice.

"Yeah, but you'll be asked to do your job again…"

Gerry seemed to immediately make up his mind, the second he heard that the carrier would be safe for his family.

"If what you're saying is true, then I need your help to ensure my family's safety." Gerry said while looking at Luca.

Nodding at the man, Luca and Gerry both stood up going over to the car.

"Philly it is, I guess…" Luca mumbled and continued with Gerry towards the car and got inside, sliding into the backseat of the left side of the car.

Connie was sitting in the middle, while Rachel was on the right backseat. Luca looked over at them and smiled trying to calm the weird atmosphere.

"Ohh sorry, I never told you guys my name…my mom usually does it..." Luca mumbled the last part, then quickly came back and told them his name was Luca.

"It's nice to meet you Luca…even if the situation is unique." Karen said in a motherly voice.

"You as well Ms. Lane…" Luca said out of habit from the grueling lessons his mother would give him about seniority and respect.

"Your suit looks so cool…" Connie said out of the blue while glancing back and forth between Luca and her parents.

"Yeah, it is…the one who made it was pretty awesome with what they gave me…" Luca stifled a laugh at talking to people about a suit literally made from God and they had no idea.

"You have some pretty serious hardware on it as well." Gerry said while turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway.

"Sorry if that stuff makes your family nervous…I just use it for protection and if you think the weapons are the serious part, then you won't want to know what the suit itself can handle."

Luca's statement piqued Gerry's interest, but he didn't ask anything more as a look from Karen meant that talks about weapons was a no go.

The car went quiet, and Luca looked out the window, readying himself for what was to come in the next few hours.


Heading into the city wasn't too bad, but the slight rain and the heavy traffic made everything seem slightly off and both Luca and Gerry noticed this.

The man looked back a few times at Luca and every single time Luca would shake his head saying it wasn't the time yet.

Pulling onto an equally congested street, Luca didn't think much of it, until the girls suggested that the family play a game which involves guessing an animal.

This instantly put him on edge as the same thing happened in the movie and he knew the possibility of everything starting soon was near.

Whispering among each other the girls came up with an animal and the parents started to guess what it was.

"Does it live in the jungle?" Karen said as her first guess at narrowing the answer. The girls whispered among themselves, then Rachel said no.

"Do you eat it on Sundays?" Gerry said, which received a quick no from the girls.

"Does it live on the Great Plains of Africa?" After a quick yes from Connie and a delayed I guess from Rachel, the parents finally received a yes for a question.

"Do people keep it in pens all of its life and harvest it for meat?" This question got multiple different exclamations of disgust at his question, while Gerry just laughed.

Luca off to the side, didn't say anything and was completely focused on the surroundings to make sure that everything would go okay.

Karen decided to chime in again for another question. " Is it an animal you'd have for a pet?"

"Yes." Rachel replied and Gerry quickly responded with a real answer.

"Is it a cat?"


They all were smiling and talked about doing another one, when a third helicopter flew over them, which Karen took notice of and mentioned.

Gerry looked back at Luca at the mention of the helicopter and Luca nodded despite slightly wanting to be wrong about the situation.

Unsurprisingly the man hid his tenseness pretty well from his family and continued on like normal.

People started to run around, and cop sirens rang out in the air, with car horns in the background.

Gerry turned on the radio and the second he heard something about rabies, his face faltered for only a second before it came back to the normal look.

Continuing to talk with his family, the man tried to change the channel, but was distracted when a cop car drove by and broke his mirror.

About to step out, Luca stopped him from doing so. "Don't Gerry, let me." Climbing out of the car, he walked over to the mirror and picked it up, then went over to a trash can and quickly tossed it inside, not worrying about what he did.

Jogging back to the car, he climbed back to the seat and shut the door. Both Gerry and Karen looked back at him in confusion.

"It's a safety hazard and you can always get a new one…focus Gerry." At the words, Luca said, Gerry looked back at the road waiting for what was to come.

*Boom* Up ahead a building exploded and instantly the entire family except Gerry started to freak out.

Hearing better than normal people, he watched as another cop drove up the road and passed but didn't stop for the car since no one was outside.

However, what really attracted his attention was the garbage truck coming up behind them, knocking cars to the side.

*Dush*Dush*Dush* Car after car flipped out of its way and it nearly hit the car the Lane's and Luca were in.

Gerry took this as the sign and pulled out into the path that was cleared and started to drive down it quickly.

The girls and Karen were freaking out, while Luca and Gerry were trying to stay as calm as possible so they could be ready for anything.

'When was I this calm…I've never been in a dangerous situation like this…if I screw up bad things will possibly happen…these people could die…real people…I can't take this lightly…'

Focusing even harder, Luca shifted into his suit despite it being slightly menacing and continued to observe.

Turning onto another street because the truck crashed, the car swerved among the wreckage on the street and the people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Luca's attention was stolen when he saw a man among the crowd tackle a woman and bite her on the neck.

'Holy shit that's crazy…' Losing his focus despite telling himself not too, Luca forgot to mention that an ambulance would hit them.

*Crash* T-boned by the ambulance, the car spun out and was hit by another car spinning some more before stopping.

Luca was perfectly fine because of his suit, but the Lanes were shaken up. Realizing his mistake, Luca jumped into action and started to get everyone out of the car as quickly as he could.

Opening his door, Luca climbed out and unbuckled Connie, pulling her out of the car with ease.

"Rachel, we have to go…" The girl listened surprisingly well and climbed out with only a bit of trouble.

Setting Connie down on the ground, he looked over and saw Gerry and Karen climbing out.

Doing a scan for the RV, he saw it park and the driver got out for some reason and ran away.

'Why the hell would he leave a perfectly good vehicle.' Barely questioning it, he yelled at Gerry and pointed to the RV.

The man instantly understood what he meant and told Karen to grab Connie which she did without any argument.

Running towards the RV, Connie dropped Subway Sam, which started the number 12 train.

Gerry looked back and watched as a man was bit and quickly turned into another infected person. He then looked at the back of Luca who was ahead of him in confusion and slight fear at the reality of what just happened.

Climbing into the RV first, Luca went over to the passenger seat and waited for the family to all climb in.

The girls and mom filtered into the back, while Gerry and Luca sat up front. Key's still in the ignition, Gerry was about to pull away when an infected shoved its way into the window.

Luca was ready for the zombie however, and swinging back slightly, he kicked the zombie out of the vehicle in one hit.

Chaos was all around them as Gerry drove away towards the exit of the area and another infected jumped onto the vehicle and tried breaking through Luca's side.

Being a quick thinker, Gerry turned the wheel and scraped the zombie off the RV with a parked car.

Continuing on and breaking through the exit, the family and Luca drove away from the chaos that was about to break out further behind them.

Nobody spoke as Gerry continued the escape from Philly in the RV which wasn't the best vehicle for the job.

Similar to a sentry, Luca constantly was on guard to see if anything unexpected would happen, since this part of the escape wasn't filmed.


Everything went okay and they made it out of the city despite the chaos breaking out everywhere and eventually they were on the open road heading in some direction.

Deciding to speak out for the first time, Luca looked over at Gerry, then the rest of the family. " Is everyone okay…"

"Not really…" Gerry muttered to himself but made sure that his family couldn't hear it.

Standing up, Luca made his way towards Karen and the kids to make sure everything was okay.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Luca noticed that Rachel was having trouble breathing and the realization hit him that he forgot to mention the inhaler in the bag.

'Shit…well that means we still need to head to Newark…'

"No, we're okay…just a little shaken up…" Karen responded while trying to help Rachel breathe better.

"Okay, we'll let me know if you need anything…" After saying this, Luca had a small flashback of a memory and headed towards the back.

Karen told Gerry about the Inhaler and he pulled over the vehicle at her request, while she went to check for the spare.

Luca started to open up each door and quickly found the rifle, then removed it from its place.

Stepping back and looking towards the front when he heard the engine having trouble starting, Luca looked down and noticed the frightened Connie.

Crouching down in front of her, he tried to help her become slightly calmer. " I know this may be scary Connie, but you have to be brave…I used to be in a scary situation like this all the time and I always had to be brave…I know you can be too."

The girl seemed to untense slightly, but the fear was definitely still there, and Luca knew he could do nothing about it.

"Do you need something?" Luca asked with the most calming voice he could.

"Water." Connie all but whispered to him in a meek voice. Quickly responding to what she needed, Luca went over to a cabinet with some water and grabbed a few bottles, then came over to Connie.

Crouching in front of her again, he handed her the bottles and let her go back to her parents.

Going up to the front, he heard the phone ring and Karen picked it up. She then turned back and was about to hand it to Gerry, but Luca beat him to it and grabbed the phone.

They both seemed concerned at this, but Luca put his finger up. " You can talk to Thierry, but don't tell him about me…I don't know if I'll still be around by the time, you make it to the ship, so I won't be much help…also I bring up questions that aren't in the best interest of anybody."

Gerry simply nodded and Luca handed the phone over to Gerry who answered it. He then proceeded to have a conversation about what happened, while making sure not to mention anything about Luca.

Towards the end of the conversation, Karen was able to get the RV started and they continued on heading towards Newark for an inhaler.

Finishing up the conversation, Gerry looked over at Luca and mouthed the words 'you were right.'


Driving into Newark which was somewhat Chaotic didn't seem like the best idea, but Luca was slightly happy since it meant his knowledge could be somewhat useful, though the likelihood was nearly zero at this point.

When they pulled into the store for the inhaler, Luca debated whether to tell them to stay outside and he'd get the medicine, but in the end stayed quiet.

Climbing out of the car with them, he barely attracted any attention since so many people were scrambling for whatever they could.

The family huddled together, while Luca and Gerry mainly stayed on the lookout for anything odd.

Inside the building, Karen was about to grab a cart, but was stopped by Luca. " Stay together and get the medicine."

Luca expected Karen to put up a slight fuss and she seemed to, but Gerry cleared his voice and gave her a 'listen' look. Turning away from the cart, she picked Connie up and carried the girl as they all headed towards the pharmacy.

Heading in front of them, Luca ran into the pharmacy and surprised the guy with the gun who was in there.

Kicking the guy's legs out from under him, Luca grabbed the guy's gun and put him in a headlock.

"You are going to get the best inhaler medication you can for the family that is about to come in and you will do so without saying anything. After that I will give you your gun back and we'll be on our way. If you try anything I won't hesitate to hurt you…" Releasing the man, he struggled to his feet while coughing.

"Okay…" Gerry and his family came in right after the man stood up and watched as he made his way over to a shelf and grabbed some different boxes.

Finishing as fast as he could, the man walked over and handed the stuff to Gerry and his family, then looked at Luca.

"Go ahead Gerry, I'm right behind you…" Turning and leaving, Luca handed the gun back to the man.

"If you try to shoot me while I leave this pharmacy, it won't work and once you realize that I will turn around and shoot you in the head…that will work…" Leaving with a promise, nothing happened, and he headed over towards the family.

They made their way towards the exit but were stopped when two men started to attack a woman in front of them.

'These two idiots really…is the universe working against me to correct things.'

Gerry, being a good samaritan, raised his rifle to get them to stop and all that did was make one of the idiots pull out a gun and aim it at Gerry.

Luca, not wanting to take any risk whatsoever, did something he knew he might have to, but didn't expect so soon.

Quickly unholstering his pistol, Luca aimed the gun and shot the man in the head before he could even fire a single shot.

Karen covered her kid's eyes as the man fell to the ground with a hole through his head and the second person attacking the woman ran off before he could meet the same fate.

Gerry turned around in shock at what had just happened, but it wasn't the first time he'd seen someone get shot, so he recovered quickly and went over to his family.

Holstering his pistol again, Luca stepped closer to the family, while looking around to make sure there were no other threats. The woman ran off without saying anything to the people who saved her.

A police officer saw what happened, but barely paid any attention and continued on to get supplies for himself.

"We need to go now…" Luca said to them and then turned to head towards the exit. The family followed behind closely and Karen covered the girl's eyes again as they passed the dead body on the ground.

Exiting the store, he was greeted to a parking lot without the RV that they used to travel here.

"No…No…No…" Gerry was muttering to himself, while he surveyed the area for somewhere to go.

"We need to get off the streets…" Only a few seconds after he said this, Karen chimed in with an idea.

"Gerry…Apartments…" Pointing in a direction, Gerry looked over that way and noticed them as well.

Glancing back at Luca, the boy nodded to him and without a second thought the man started to guide his family that way with Luca following closely behind.

Pulling his phone out, Gerry proceeded to talk with Thierry quickly to try and get a helicopter to them. However, the earliest wouldn't be till the next morning which was quite a bit of time for them.

Luca listened in slightly and when Gerry said the word flare, he realized that he had changed the future slightly by not allowing Karen and Connie to go off and get supplies.

"Shit…Shit…timeline change…" Muttering to himself, Luca quickly tried to come up with a plan to fix what he'd caused.

"Gerry, tell him that you'll have a way to signal the helicopter when the time comes okay…"

Peering back at Luca, he nodded his head, then told Thierry what Luca had said, to ensure that he'd be rescued.

Finishing the call quickly after that, the family and Luca head towards the apartment buildings.


Running onto a side street, they were about to continue forward, when a car exploded causing the girls to scream out loud.

*Crack* Only a second later, an infected fell from above and landed on the car behind them, then started to convulse.

Moving forward to the other side of the road, the family ran into a building trying to get off the street.

Being the last in line, Luca raised both of his pistols and fired multiple times incapacitating six infected near him, before following the family inside.

Rushing through the apartment building that was nearly completely dark, Luca and the family made their way up each floor using the stairwell.

The ghastly moans of the zombies rang up through the stairwell and the family moved even faster trying to find a good place to exit.

When they reached the blocked part of the stairs, both Gerry and Karen tried to get inside by breaking the door handle and Luca stood watch.

The first of the infected onslaught came into view and couldn't even take a step before it met a bullet from Luca's gun and fell over shaking.

One after another the infected were shot until a pile of shaking bodies was left, one set of stairs below them.

Finally getting through the door, everyone went in, and Gerry started to board up the door since more were likely to come with how much Luca just shot.

Standing off to the side, Luca watched as Connie wandered off, seemingly guided by a higher power to meet the family that lived there.

'Is fate trying to correct itself…huh…' Gerry and Karen finally noticed her absence and ran after her with Rachel and Luca following them.

Karen darted into a room that was open and found a horrifying scene but luckily it wasn't her daughter, so she didn't stay for too long.

Continuing on through the hallway, Luca was the first to hear Connie's voice as it rang out through the hallways.

"Let me in…Let me in…" She was screaming at the family that lived there and when Gerry and the others came behind her, two separate families destinies intersected.

Rushing inside with them, everyone piled into the apartment, then the door was shut and bolted, then blocked with a dresser.

They started to speak in Spanish as they guided the Lane family over to the living room to sit down. Luca however stood by the door and motioned for Gerry to stop and come talk.

"I'll be back in a few hours, so you don't need to worry…"

"What the hell are you doing kid…" Gerry said with actual concern lacing his voice which surprised Luca.

"Fixing a mistake…now just as a heads up…try to get these people to leave with you…it won't turn out well for the parents if they don't…"

Turning around, Luca unblocked and unbolted the door, then went out, shutting it behind himself.

Hearing the calls of the infected through the halls, Luca ran through the place searching for a way to exit the building and make it back to the store.


On his way out of the building, Luca took note of every single hallway and stairwell he took to get out of the apartment structure.

During his travels, he ran into a few infected which were promptly stopped with a bullet to the head.

Continuing out of the building, he stealthily made his way back to the store hoping that the flares weren't completely cleared out or else he'd have a few issues.

Reaching the parking lot, he stopped in place when he heard dozens if not hundreds of infected voices ringing out in the direction he was headed.

'What the hell…why couldn't this be simple at all.' Creeping closer, Luca glanced at the store and noticed that it was a complete wreck and most of the windows were shattered.

The inside however seemed obscured at first, until Luca realized that it was a wall of infected standing around inert.

'Why the hell are they like this…shouldn't the gunshots make them go crazy and run after them even if it's nothing…'

Confused, Luca came closer and closer, until he was nearly by the door, glancing inside at the hidden horde of infected.

'That's a lot of zombies…what the hell can I do…hmmm…' Looking around for anything whatsoever, Luca found nothing, so he decided to improvise and hope it worked.

Backing away towards the other side of the parking lot, he placed down a few grenades from his vest, with new ones appearing on it a second later.

After doing this, Luca made his way to another part of the parking lot close to the building and raised his pistol at the stack of grenades.

'This better work…' Pulling the trigger, a gunshot rang out, but was barely audible at the consuming sound of multiple grenades going off at once.

Luca barely had to wait to see if it worked as the screaming and movement from the building meant something.

Rushing out of the structure like a swarm of insects, the infected ran towards the sound, like they hadn't eaten in forever.

Once the last one that he could visibly see was out, Luca ran inside and started to scour the destroyed isles for any flares or devices that could be used as a way to signal a helicopter.

'God you guys really tried to squeeze in here…" Shelves were knocked over and items scattered the floor. Most of the stuff he saw was useless items that no one would think of taking.

Heading to the area where he thought they would be, Luca started to push stuff aside on the ground and felt like he was digging for treasure.

"*Groan*." Hearing the sound of an infected nearby, Luca rose and turned around. What greeted him was a single infected staring at him.

Reacting as fast as he could, Luca drew one of his katanas and sliced the zombie's head off before it called out anymore.

Dropping to the ground in a heap, Luca was about to continue looking when he saw a cart a few feet away from him.

"Really…" walking over to the cart, he found a dozen flares stacked in a cart with some other survival supplies including a backpack.

Trying to be quick, Luca stuffed everything into the bag and threw it over his shoulders.

"Time to leave…" Walking towards the exit, he was about to step outside, when he was greeted by the stares of hundreds of infected who were looking into the building.

"Fuck…" Right after he said that all of them ran towards him trying to eat him like he was the most delicious meal they had ever seen.

Not even bothering with his pistols, Luca put his hands by his legs and pulled out both SMGs and aimed them at the approaching horde.

"Say hello to my little friend…friends." Pulling the triggers, he lit up the horde with bullets that came out like a never-ending stream. One after another the infected dropped to the ground twitching, however another would just climb over the body of its fallen brethren.

Firing non-stop, the horde didn't wane whatsoever and instead continued to increase in size with each second. The main cause of this was the bullets being fired and how loud all the infected were when grouped together.

Slowly, the wave moved towards the building and forced Luca inside, which gave the infected more room to attack him.

Searching for a way out, Luca saw none, and feeling that there weren't many choices, he made the one that would test if God was telling the truth about his suit.

Holstering one of the SMGs, he pulled out a grenade and chucked it into the crowd. Not even waiting for what would happen, he grabbed another and threw it. A new grenade appeared in the place of the ones that were thrown.

*Boom* The first grenade exploded and took out some infected, while stunning quite a few more. Luca was barely stunned, and he started to lob them left and right into the horde.


Explosion after explosion rang out and dozens of infected were shredded by each one. The building that was already a mess, was barely even recognizable as a store on the inside and was more reminiscent of a brutal war zone.

The horde that was overwhelming him, slowly shrunk in numbers despite the extra's showing up. Eventually it was only Luca in the building that was nearly consumed with bodies of infected.

Infected were strung everywhere, blood was splattered across the walls and floor and standing in the middle of it all was Luca, who was perfectly fine.

Using his pistol, Luca finished off any of the ones that were still moving fine and slowly made his way outside, while climbing through the pile.

Luca was grabbed a few times by the infected stuck underneath, however a simple slice using a katana solved the problem completely.

Exiting the store with what he needed, Luca noticed that night was nearing its end and it was time to get back.

Jogging towards the apartment building, he followed the path he mapped out in his mind.


Bounding up the stairs, Luca made his way onto the floor that the Lanes were on and went directly to the door.

Banging on it a few times, he waited for someone to answer the knock. His hearing was better than normal, so he heard when someone made their way to the door and looked out at him.

"It's me, open up, I got what we needed…" Hearing a dresser slide out of the way and a bolt being released, Luca was greeted by Gerry who immediately gave him an odd look.

"You've got something on your shoulder Luca…" Glancing at his shoulder, Luca noticed a decent sized piece of skin, which he quickly tossed to the side.

"Sorry…zombie troubles down at the store…I got these though…" Removing the backpack and stepping inside the apartment he handed it to Gerry.

Shutting the door behind himself, Luca locked back up, while Gerry looked through the backpack and what he acquired.

"Nice you got the flares…"

"I said I would…though it was slightly more complicated than I thought…anyways it's almost time to go…" Luca said while peeking around at everyone who seemed to have just woken up.

"Shouldn't you get some sleep…" Karen said with a slight bit of concern.

"Nope…I'm a-okay, but thanks for worrying…now can everyone get ready… I have a birthday party to get back too." They all gave him an odd look but decided not to ask and got ready.

"So, you convinced them to come as well…I wasn't expecting that…"

"They weren't originally…however the large amounts of explosions and gunfire earlier made them change their mind." Gerry randomly said while getting ready to head out.

'I mean…does this count as me indirectly saving their lives…who knows…' Going over to the couch, Luca sat down and waited for the family.

Standing by the door all ready, Luca was at the front while Gerry and the father of the other family stood at the back.

"There should be almost none in the building, but I'm not 100% so be alert." Opening the door, Luca came out first with one of his pistols in hand, while the others followed behind.

Heading towards the stairwell that went to the roof, Luca guided both families at a steady pace.

Once he made it to the stairwell, Luca went in first and listened for any infected whatsoever. Not hearing a thing, he motioned for the families to follow him up the staircase that went to the roof.

Step by step, they climbed all the way up to the roof of the building and made it without any infected problems.

Karen had the flares and she waited with them as everyone waited for the sound of the helicopter.

Only a few minutes passed before the sound of an aircraft rang out in the surrounding area and they noticed the helicopter coming near.

They were all happy and started to get ready, while Karen laid out the flares for the aircraft to see.

Luca however was completely different from them as his hearing was better and it allowed him to hear the infected moans get louder and louder in the distance.

Running over to the side of the roof, he viewed out and was horrified at the sight he saw.

Out by the store and extending away from it was a massive horde of tens of thousands of zombies.

'What the fuck…this universe is trying to kill us…' the sound of the helicopter caused them to become active and start moving in the direction of the apartment.

The first of the zombies were at the building when the helicopter was about to land and quickly piled up, forming a pillar of bodies.

"They need to hurry up…" Luca yelled out to the group and motioned for Gerry to come over to him.

Coming over to Luca, Gerry looked over the edge and was horrified at the sight he saw occurring.

"What is that…my god…"

"A pillar, so those people better hurry up…" Luca wanted to pull out his guns and start shooting but waited until the helicopter landed. He waited since the possibility of the helicopter being scared off by gunfire was decent.

Hovering over the edge slightly, the door opened, and a few soldiers got out. Both families started to go over to them, while Gerry stood by Luca.

"Go along Gerry…my job is finished…"

"What…now isn't the time to play hero Luca." Gerry said this with a resolute tone in his voice.

"Before you go getting any ideas that I'm going to die, just know that I won't…my employer should pull me back to my time since I will have completed my task…it was great meeting you Gerry…ohh and just to change the timeline up a bit…don't give the doctor a gun and check the bathroom for any extra baggage…"

Not wanting to speak to Gerry anymore, Luca motioned for him to go to the helicopter, then focused on the rising tide below.

Pulling out his SMGs and chucking grenades, Luca started to destroy the horde that was rapidly rising up the building.

The man listened to Luca and ran towards the helicopter and got inside after telling the soldiers Luca would be staying behind.

Gerry had questions thrown at him left and right as the aircraft took off, but all he could do was focus on Luca who was on the roof fighting the horde.

Right as the helicopter pulled away, Gerry noticed multiple hands grab the edge of the roof and the horde started to spill over the top of the building.

Luca knew that his mission should be done, so putting a load of trust in God being punctual, he ran towards the edge of the building and jumped over the edge.

Free falling for barely a second, time stopped, and the figure of God appeared in front of him.

"I said to make sure they made it to the carrier, however this is close enough, so the task is complete…as a benefit from being the moderator, I'll give you the option to take one thing from this world back with you…"

At hearing this benefit, Luca floated there while thinking about what he could get from God.

"Before you even suggest it…I will not give you a live strain of the virus from this world…this shit is scary, so keep it here…"

Luca had thought about that in his head, but God crushed all thoughts about it completely for him.

'Damn this world doesn't have anything crazy…something useful I guess that isn't easy to acquire in my world without questions being asked…'

"What the hell goes through your mind kid…I will not give you a nuke…psycho..." God mumbled the last part to himself.

'Damn…I wasn't going to use it…maybe a memento then…Gerry's rifle…'

God seemed to perk up at Luca's thought and the rifle appeared in front of them.

"Take it…" Forcing the weapon into Luca's hand, the boy couldn't help but wonder what to do with it.

"Hug it tightly and think about absorbing it." Listening to the godly being, Luca was amazed as it absorbed into his suit and disappeared. Feeling something form on his suit, he looked at the inner part of his right wrist and watched as an Apple Watch-esque object formed.

Touching the screen in awe, a tiny picture of the rifle appeared and popped out like a hologram.

"Did you steal this from Ben 10…oh wait, forget I asked that…" Remembering that the being was the moderator of the multiverse, he stopped that train of thought and touched the rifle.

Generating into existence, the rifle appeared in front of Luca in all its glory.

"Sweet." Touching the button again, the rifle disappeared and so did the hologram. Turning his gaze back to the godly being, he waited for what it would say next.

"Now you should absorb the suit before you have to answer a million questions on how it appeared on you…"

In an instant, Luca shifted dimensions and was back at his birthday party with time still stopped around him.

Observing everything, Luca felt off about what he'd just experienced in such a short amount of time. All of the things he saw, what he did, who he killed, all of the infected he killed. It all made his birthday take on a new meaning he would only understand.

A new chapter in his life of uncertainty and a larger purpose which was vague and confusing. He couldn't predict the future, so doing what he's been doing since his reincarnation, Luca was going to take each day one step at a time.

Making sure he looked normal, God received the signal and started time again.

"Happy birthday Luca…" Everyone in the room yelled out at Luca, who looked at all of them with a slightly different gaze then he had before. No one noticed the glint in his eyes that hinted at a person who changed in all but an instant.