
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

Birth and Childhood

The first thing to grace his sight after leaving God was a blurry woman whose voice was more soothing than anything he'd heard before.

"Oh, my beautiful baby Luca…" Hearing the name, he came out of his transportation induced trance and realized the situation at hand.

'Holy shit did I just get birthed…' Trying to look around, he could barely see anything in his surroundings other than objects that were extremely close.

"Shouldn't he be crying…" The woman said and he instantly realized that he was already acting abnormal.

'Welp, I guess I'm Luca then…got to play the role somewhat…actually I can create my own role now.' Coming to the decision to assume a new identity, Luca forced himself to cry which wasn't very hard and bawled his eyes out which made his new mother happy.


Only a little over a day passed before Luca and his new family left the hospital to go back home.

From what little he could learn using his baby ears, Luca learned that his father was in the picture and was quite supportive of his new mother at that. He also learned that his full name is Luca Everett Ramsey from the muddled conversations he listened in on.

English was also the language spoken around him which meant it wouldn't be too hard for him to adapt to where he was. The most important thing to Luca at the moment that he figured out was the date that he was born, which was October 21st, 1993.

On the way out of the hospital, he had to wear quite a bit of winter gear which gave him the idea that he was most likely somewhere colder.

Driving home wasn't much for Luca since he slept most of the time and only woke up right at the end.

Within only a day, Luca already realized that he was going to sleep a lot over the next few years to try and pass the time where his motor functions were non-existent.


A month passed for Luca in his new life, and he was learning more and more as time went along.

He figured out that he lived in a small town called Dover in the state of Vermont which is in the United States. He briefly pondered what this meant since Modern Family was based in L.A all the way across the country, but he decided to enjoy the now and figure all that out later.

His current pastime activity was to watch his parents do chores and other activities because it amazed him at how much two people could love each other. Luca's past parents were never this affectionate to each other and never showed as much love to him.

Luca learned that his mother's name was Dakota and that his dad's was Jenson whose name he found odd at first, but it's slowly starting to grow on him.

They constantly included Luca in the stuff they would do since it always put a smile on the baby's face. Neither of them realized the true reason of why Luca had the look on his face.

Having to act as a baby became tiring at times though for Luca since he wasn't entirely sure exactly what was normal for a baby to do, so he had to improvise quite a bit.

This led to certain times where his mother would get worried about him since his behavior was abnormal for the age he was.

During this time, he also met his grandparents on each side who were away when his mother abruptly went into labor.

He only had one grandparent on each side of his family due to reasons he hasn't figured out yet, but either way having grandparents was a crazy new experience for Luca.

All in all, the last month has felt both amazing and extremely odd for Luca because of the parental love shock that he received.


A year passed for Luca and things have become interesting for many different reasons that made his life both a mess and interconnected at the same time.

He wasn't the best at hiding his oddness which caused him to go to the doctors and be diagnosed as a baby way ahead of his age. However, he wouldn't receive an IQ test for a few more years since he wasn't old enough.

His family being supportive helped him along and tried to accelerate his young education which was both good and bad. Luca didn't have to hide as much, but still had to be careful not to reveal anything that he couldn't possibly know.

They wanted him to be the best he possibly could which Luca loved and tried to do his best at everything. Talking more clearly at an earlier age than others, walking better than kids his age and doing any activity better.

He absorbed the love his parents gave him like a sponge, and it seemed like they had an infinite amount to give.


Five years passed since his reincarnation and Luca was thriving more in his new environment than he ever thought possible.

His parents were the main reason because of all the support they gave, and he always tried to do his best. However, he had to disappoint them slightly when his IQ test came, since he didn't want to score so high that he would gain a world record of any kind.

Luca's ability allowed him to practically never fail the test and he most likely could gain an indefinable amount for his IQ.

During the past few years, he took interest in many different subjects and fished for what he could to figure out his situation completely.

From what he learned, his grandmother on his mother's side passed away in a hit and run and his father's dad left one day and never returned.

After his father told him about what his grandfather did, Jenson had to reassure Luca that he would never do that and always stay with him.

Hugging his dad helped Jenson calm down from his emotional state which was rare to come by.

This life was different from his last in that he was able to move around and be physical instead of being stuck in a hospital bed, so Luca did everything physical he could. Running, swimming, jogging, soccer, football and practically anything that could get him outside.

Since he had the abilities of Deadpool he practically never tried out and he never had any injuries that would stay for long.

However, Luca was almost discovered by his parents when he was four and climbed up a tree, they told him not to, which resulted in him falling and breaking his arm. Used to pain from his last life, Luca forced it back into place and watched in amazement as it healed in only a few seconds.

They walked by only a second later and saw him on the ground and knew he fell, but thought he was unhurt.

After this he made sure to be careful, since one day if he did something like that in front of people it wouldn't be good in about a million different ways.

His parents did notice that he was never sick and took him to the doctors which freaked Luca out because of the possibility of being sent to a research lab. His worries were unfounded though as all the doctors could discover was that he was just extremely healthy and not the fact he could heal from anything.

Luca chalked it up to some weird thing God did to make sure nothing bad happened in his new world.

Dakota and Jenson both wanted Luca to go into advanced classes for his age, but the boy pleaded for them to let him attend normal classes since he wanted to do school like any normal kid would.

Hospital life didn't allow for proper school and now he had the opportunity, so he would take it.


Now ten years old and in fifth grade, Luca enjoyed every minute of his life and tried to waste as little as he could.

Playing multiple different sports throughout the seasons, both on teams and recreational, he barely had any free time.

His nights were filled with school and other research that he was doing into fields that interested him which was mainly programming and technology.

Luca quickly became adept at it and slowly came to a point where everything was new not just for him, but for others. He wanted to use the knowledge he was gaining to help out his family.

They weren't in a bad position or anything, but he wanted them to live a better life than they already were. Luca wanted to give back to them with interest since the love they gave and are still giving him means more than life.

His interests have attracted some attention from certain individuals, but Luca managed to still stay mostly under the radar, though his true intelligence was starting to show.

Becoming too engrossed in certain subjects caused him to cross the line that he originally set for himself in terms of how much giftedness he would show, even if it was from a wish to God that gave him his learning ability.

Only having a few more years left before he would start having to complete tasks for God, Luca made the best of the time he had.

He didn't know what he would be asked to do, but Luca has been preparing himself since he will do anything to stay with his kind and loving family. There is nearly no boundary he is willing to cross to make sure they are safe and happy.


Having come to the monumental day of his first time doing a task for God, Luca reminisced about the past few years.

Puberty was kind to him in many ways and through his healing ability, he never ran into an acne or pimple problem whatsoever. He also grew faster than most of his classmates and put on muscle much faster causing him to have a buffer physique than most kids his age.

Luca also started to hang out with his grandpa Damien and do activities like fishing and hunting. He wasn't as much of a fan of hunting and fishing, but the bonding with his grandfather made up for it completely.

His grandma Johanna also started to do things with him as a way to one up Damien and Luca quickly realized they had a rivalry about who could be the best grandparent to him.

Being sly, Luca fed into both of their egos so he could spend a bunch of time with them and get the best of both worlds.

His parents also did a lot with him, but mainly helped him participate in different activities that he wanted to.

The forefront of Luca's interest right at the moment was programming a software which would become a shield for a computer that would combat anything foreign and harmful. Whether it was a virus, a worm or someone trying to gather data, the shield would completely stop and destroy it.

He focused on this after his mother had a scare with a computer virus that he quickly solved on the spot much to her surprise.

Since Luca was technically in the past compared to his old world, he had to get used to things being different technology and societally wise.

Things continued to change and finally he was at the biggest moment of his new life so far, where he would travel to another world and complete a task.

Luca was confused on how everything would happen as it was his birthday, but it quickly was answered when during his party, time stopped completely and the figure of God, he hadn't seen for the last fourteen years appeared in front of him.

"Long time, no see…" Was the first thing that God said to him.