
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

Traveling Again and The Conversation

Months passed after traveling to the world in which World War Z happened and each night Luca would dream of the events that happened.

The screaming and groaning infected who ran at him like a wave of ants dead set on devouring his whole being. Each bullet he fired as it tore through flesh and bone of what was once a human. Grenades exploding and body parts being flung in all directions.

Luca told himself he was ready for anything if it meant being able to have a loving family he could return to, but now that he'd actually done those actions it was completely different.

Most of what he'd killed was infected who would most likely never be human again, but the man he shot in the store was human, a shitty human but human, nonetheless.

Luca didn't know if he felt regret for his actions, but more of a mysterious feeling that what he'd done marked him in a certain way, changed him.

The only reprieve he had from the thoughts was when he played sports or did something physical that would take his mind to another place.

He didn't want to approach the feelings he had, so Luca went even harder than he did before into different sports and was constantly moving.

Dakota and Jenson both noticed the change in him but didn't know what it was from since Luca was being more obsure than he ever had been with them.

He would simply brush it off and say that he just wanted to move more and that sports were amazing, but they could see something was wrong.

On the sixth month anniversary to his 14th birthday, Luca was in the middle of school, when all of a sudden time stopped around him.

God appeared in front of him in his usual ethereal form and peered at the distracted form of Luca.

"Hey kid…tough week…" Hearing the voice of God, Luca glanced up at the figure.

"Where too." Luca said shortly while staring off into the distance stuck in his thoughts, trying to understand the feeling.

"Okay, be that way…you'll figure it out anyways…I'm sending you to the world of War Games where you are tasked with making sure that David never accesses W.O.P.R in the first place."

"Nice…can we get this…wait what…" Luca rose from his seat instantly once he realized what God was asking of him.

"You're sending me to a world that could possibly be destroyed by nuclear fire from a machine that wants to play a game. "

Luca didn't know what to think about the situation since it seemed the multiverse wanted to kill him.

"Trust me…the other options are worse…also all you need to do is make sure David doesn't start the game…however you do it doesn't matter…"

"Don't they say when someone from the government tells you to trust them, you should run away…"

God formed an offended look on his barely discernible face. "I'm not the government…I am the moderator of the multiverse which is at a much higher level…don't compare me to such office workers."

"Wow…okay, so does that mean I can put a bullet in his head…" At hearing what Luca said, God changed expressions.

"Maybe it's worse than I thought…you can do that, but how will it affect you…killing someone who doesn't understand what he did…an innocent person…"

"Holy shit did I just say that…what's wrong with me…" Trying to understand why he just suggested such a hardcore means of completing his task, Luca still couldn't come up with an answer.

"You'll find out eventually…now time to go and experience the past…have fun Luca…"

At the last words of God, Luca shifted dimensions and journeyed to a new world where he simply had to stop the end of society from happening.


Shifting dimensions, Luca fell a few meters and righted himself onto his feet landing perfectly fine.

"Where'd you come from…" Turning, Luca was greeted by the sight of David and Jennifer who were the two main characters in the movie War Games.

'Guess I'll pull a World War Z for this as well…'

"I'm from the future and I'm here to stop you before you end the world…" Equipping his gear, Luca pulled out a pistol and aimed it at David.

Both teens were frightened and froze at the sight of what they thought was the person who would end their lives.

Holding it at them for a second, Luca made sure they were frightened enough before lowering it and holstering the gun.

"There is a computer game you want to play David…don't do it…it will lead you down a rabbit hole that will end the world…this is my warning, now if you access it at all, I will shoot you…do you understand me…you better watch him Jennifer because I'll kill you too…actually to be sure…"

Walking towards the teens they flinched; however, Luca made his way around them and towards David's house.

"Come on…I need a few things…" Opening the door to David's house, he invited himself inside. Heading straight up to David's room, he stood by the door waiting for the two of them to get up there.

David came running upstairs with Jennifer lagging behind him. "What are you doing?" Muttered David, while he stood there looking at the masked figure of Luca.

"I need to make sure you can't do the shit you normally do, so hurry up…I need to get back to class…" Putting his hand on the gun, David listened to him and unlocked his bedroom door.

Heading inside, Luca immediately went for the computer and started removing different pieces of it making the system inoperable for David for the foreseeable future.

"Hey…" David was about to complain, but Luca's hand on the pistol made him completely silent.

"Nice setup you have for this time period…anyways, now that my job's done, I better never find out that you continued despite my warnings…ohh by the way, just do the work instead of changing your grade through the system…you're a smart person…do better…"

Exiting the room with a few of the parts, Luca made his way downstairs and out of the house, onto the sidewalk.

'Time to go…hurry up God…hurry…' Time froze, and God appeared in front of him with a somewhat happy smile on his face.

"He's still alive…good, though the threatening isn't something you'd normally do…you have completed your task and in return I will give you one item from this world…and before you ask again, the no-nuke policy is still in effect…also you can't take the W.O.P.R…"

"Cool I didn't even want either of them…" Luca was completely lying, and God knew it as well, but they didn't say anything more, until Luca came up with his answer.

"Can I have the model Pteranodon that Falken flies towards the end when David and Jennifer meet him…" This was the only thing that Luca could think of that was worth his time.

"Done…hug this as well..." Appearing on the ground was the model Pteranodon that could fly through the air.

Reaching down for it, Luca picked the model up and hugged it which caused the Pteranodon to be absorbed into his suit.

On the inner part of his left wrist another dial identical to his right one formed. Knowing what it could do, Luca left it alone and returned his gaze back to the being who ran the multiverse.

"Easy, right…now it's time to get back to class." God waved his hand after speaking and Luca shifted dimensions back to his classroom.

As time was still frozen, Luca absorbed the suit and sat back down in his seat and waited for time to resume. He still hadn't figured out his issue, but traveling again revealed to him that he truly did change and needed to figure out what was wrong.


Coming home at the end of the day, Luca stepped into his home and was instantly greeted by his mother who gave him a hug.

"How was your day sweetie…' She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Umm Interesting…" Luca had a somewhat confused and sad look on his face and Dakota noticed instantly.

"What's wrong Luca…you know you can tell me anything…"

'She can't know…just say nothing…why can't she know though…you always tell her everything…but this could change everything...and…and…'

Dakota could see he was battling with something internally and wanted to plead with him to tell her what was wrong, but she didn't want to seem overbearing.

"You know how you tell me you'll always love me…" Luca mumbled under his breath while looking at the ground.

"Yes Sweetie…no matter what…"

Resolving himself, Luca raised his head and stared right into his mother's eyes with conviction as clear as day.

"You'll probably want to sit down for what I'm about to say and please listen to everything I tell you before making any judgments."

Heading into the living room, Luca and his mother sat down on the couch staring at each other.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Luca cleared his throat ready to tell his story to one of the most important people in his life.

"This isn't the first life I've lived…" Right after he said this a confused look came over Dakota's face.

"In my past life, I was very sick most of my life and permanently stayed in the hospital since it was the only place keeping me alive. My parents in that life were pretty terrible people, however the one thing they did for me was pay for the hospital bills. Doctors from many places came to visit and tried to figure out what was wrong with me, but never had any luck. I was a medical mystery that was never figured out and I died when I was 16,"

Dakota was confused, but she still had tears in her eyes from what she was hearing about her child. She didn't want to imagine her child dead, but what he said made her think about it only for a second.

"Death wasn't the end for me though…let me pause here actually…do you want to hear everything or an overview, because what I say next may change your view on life and existence itself."

"Could you tell me everything, Luca...you may have to explain in more detail for me though…"

Nodding his head, Luca continued the story of his life. "My soul if you want to call it that…continued on and I met God…however it isn't like how religion portrays the being, so don't worry…I know how you feel about religion…basically God is like a moderator and he keeps everything working, so it doesn't fall apart. Anyways I met God, and he told me that my death had a reason that is confusing even for me, but basically God created a cure using my body for a sickness that plagued many universes and in return I could be reincarnated…

Dakota put her hand up at the last thing that Luca said.

"Sorry I know you said to wait, but I can't…Reincarnation, you're saying you died and were reborn after meeting…God…"

"Yep and because I gained a bunch of good karma for what happened to me, I was able to get wishes along with being reincarnated."

"Wishes…really...how many and what for…"

Luca stopped for a second and debated on if it was okay to tell his mother what he wished for since one of them literally forced them to be his parents in a way. Dakota could see that he was hesitant, and being a mother, she did the only thing she thought would comfort him.

Reaching over, she pulled him into a hug and held it to convey how much she loved him.

"Four…and my first wish was…to have parents who would always love me…I wanted to truly be loved…" Dakota moved back a little to look at Luca's face.

Despite how much love Dakota had given to him throughout his life, Luca was still unsure if she would feel the same, especially if the love seemed forced.

"Do you think I'd stop loving you if I knew you asked God to be loved," Luca nodded slightly and expected her to pull away, however instead she pulled him into a tight hug and held him.

"I'll always love you Luca…no matter what…everyone wants to be loved…and I feel amazing knowing God chose me to be your mother…I was chosen by an actual god..."

Hugging each other for a minute, they just sat there, until Luca started to pull away, so he could finish the conversation.

"My second wish was to have Deadpool's healing abilities since I didn't want too ever be sick again…"

"As in that comic book guy with cancer, your father fanboys over like every other week and dressed up for Halloween as…"

Luca smiled at her saying this and nodded his head.

"So that's why you've never been sick whatsoever…" Dakota mumbled to herself, and Luca nodded since he could hear her.

"My third wish was that I'd be able to heal any injury on another person. I wanted this in case you or dad were hurt too badly for normal medical science to work."

Upon hearing his third wish, Dakota pulled her son into a hug and rocked back and forth with love.

"You used up a wish from God…so your father and I could be safe…" She started to cry slightly which baffled Luca completely.

"Why aren't you saying I'm crazy…I haven't given any proof yet to my claims…"

"Knowing you Luca, you wouldn't have said anything unless you had evidence to back up your claim…also I know you're not one to tell a lie."

Luca smiled at her being so trusting of him. "Yeah, I do have proof, but I need to stand up to show it…"

Slowly releasing her son, Luca stood up in the living room and backed away a bit. Activating his suit, Luca became encased in the armor right in front of his mother.

"Wow…you must really like Deadpool…just like your father…wait are those real pistols and grenades…" Luca nodded at her observations and quickly tried to clear up the situation before it became out of hand.

"I've only used them for protection…well sort of and I've never messed around with them…"

Dakota frowned at Luca. "Used them...What do you mean sort of…"

"Umm well a condition of me receiving my wishes was that I had to work with God and complete tasks…and the task I did today required a threat…it was justified though since the person I threatened could have possibly ended the world…"

Dakota's frown only got worse at what he said. "So, you're telling me you died and received a lot of karma, only for you to have to work for God…"

"Yeah, but I get to travel to other worlds, and I've already done it twice…"

"Twice, when was the first time…"

"On the day of my 14th birthday in the middle of the party…I traveled right before the cake was blown out…"

"Where to young man…" As soon as she asked this, Luca started remembering some of the things he did and cringed slightly.

Dakota picked up on this. "Did God make you do something bad…"

Luca raised his hands in the air and waved them at her. "No, I did everything of my own volition…Umm you wouldn't know the world I was sent to as the movie hasn't come out, but basically it is a world overrun with zombies.

Dakota's face turned into one of horror at the thought of her child heading to such a world.

"It was pretty bad, but I met a really nice family and helped them out…though I did a few things to protect them…things that have been stuck in my head…"

She stood up when he said this and walked over and hugged him again.

"You don't need to tell me baby…if you were protecting them, it doesn't matter what you did…as long as you can come home to me and your father alive…that's all I care about."

"What if I killed someone though…"

"Did you…" She said while moving her head back with a concerned look.

"Yeah…but it was to protect Gerry and his family…the guy I shot was trying to attack a woman…he was a bad person…he was bad…"

Seeing her son breaking down, Dakota pulled him into a tighter hug and held him until he was able to calm down.

"I wasn't there sweetie, but I know you're a good boy and have amazing judgment, so don't beat yourself up over it…I'm sure Gerry and his family are grateful for what you did…though I do wish you wouldn't have to go to places like that at all…"

"I only need to complete a task once every six months, so it's not too bad…and I've been able to take something back from each world…"

Using the dial on his left wrist, he generated the Pteranodon to show his mother.

"This is what you took back…" She said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey…it's a remote controlled Pteranodon and there wasn't anything else I could take back…God is really picky with what I'm allowed to take…" Luca mumbled the last part, but his mom still heard him.

"What have you asked for Luca Everett Ramsey…don't tell me it's something bad…" Seeing the look on his face, she instantly knew it was.

Luca being the way he is around his parents immediately broke and told her. "It's not like I was going to use it or anything and God said I could have anything, so it briefly popped into my head that it'd be interesting to have a sample of the zombie virus, God said no, so then I thought about something else, and a nuclear bomb came to mind…"

Dakota's jaw dropped at what he said and without thinking, she smacked Luca in the shoulder. It didn't go how she envisioned it as her hand bounced off in pain.

Grabbing her hand, she held it while looking at Luca who was still in his suit.

"Ohh Mom, I'm sorry…let me fix it..." Grabbing her hand gently, for the first time, he used his healing ability.

Dakota quickly felt the pain in her hand go away and when Luca let go, it was perfectly fine.

"This doesn't clear up what you thought about asking for…I can't wait till your father hears this…wait…tell him the other stuff before you show him the suit or say you can heal like Deadpool, I don't need him forgetting what you wanted…"

Leaving no room for argument, Dakota gave Luca one more hug and left the room to go process everything she heard and make dinner.