
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Three Great Natural Disasters

When the middle-aged man saw the three immortal masters, he often looked at him with puzzled eyes. He himself was also in a daze, "Didn't the sky wind attack the place where the immortal master stayed before?" The middle-aged man showed a strange look.

Han Zhu hastily coughed dryly: "We have never seen Tianfeng in the place where we practiced before! What is Tianfeng, and it can be compared with monsters?"

Han Zhu said frankly, with a look of indifference. Hearing what Han Zhu said, although the middle-aged man was a little suspicious, he still explained honestly: "Tianfeng, monsters, and ghost fog are known as the three major natural disasters in our Seven Star Sea."

"Needless to mention monsters, the immortal master must know more than I will say. Most of the monsters in the sea are huge in size and proficient in water attribute magic."

"We mortals definitely have no way to deal with them. Only you immortal masters can kill them. The sky wind is a hurricane that appears from one end of the Seven Star Sea twice a year and blows to the other end at regular intervals."

"Wherever it passed, the waves were raging, houses were destroyed and people died. If they didn't live on the island protected by the fairy array, it would be a disaster, and few people survived."

"And I heard that once the immortal masters are involved in the wind, it is extremely difficult to escape, and they may even be buried in it."

When the middle-aged man said this, there was a bit of fear on his face. Han Zhu had to sigh, "The world is so big, there are so many wonders, especially in this world of cultivating immortals with Taoism."

Han Li next to him asked suspiciously: "What kind of natural disaster is that ghost fog?". It is better to understand these three major natural disasters clearly, and be prepared in case they encounter them! .

The middle-aged man heard the same question from the immortal master next to him, and finally confirmed that these immortal masters were willing and came from other places, and they didn't know anything about the sea.

He didn't even know the most mysterious ghost mist among the three major natural disasters, and he really didn't know where this immortal master practiced before, but he didn't dare to ask this question, he could only guess secretly in his heart.

"Could it be from the land, but this is the Sea of ​​Chaos Stars, besides other sea areas, how can there be any continents nearby? Suppress the strangeness in your heart.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to neglect and continued to tell Han Zhu and the others: "Ghost mist is the most terrifying and mysterious of the three natural disasters in Qixinghai."

"I heard that it is a black mist that often floats erratically on the sea. Not only us mortals will surely die if we see it, but even the immortal masters will not be able to hide from it."

"Because all living things covered by this mist never come out again. Immortal masters are no exception! However, although this mist is powerful, it only appears in one place at most, and never gets close to the larger ones. islands".

"As long as you dodge in time, you can save your life. So although it is terrible, it is the least murderous among the three major natural disasters."

As the middle-aged man spoke, he showed a look of rejoicing. When Han Zhu heard this, he thought about it in his heart.

"According to the principle, this situation has occurred. It must be that some kind of formation has played a role. Could it be that the formation left over from ancient times slowly evolved? This possibility is the greatest. It seems that there is a chance to win Go see it yourself, maybe you can learn two ancient formations."

Han Li looked at the second brother listening with great interest, his eyes flickered from time to time, "It seems that the second brother has discovered something, and it turns out that the smartest among them is the second brother. He didn't think of anything, he just felt these things. It's all dangerous."

Han Zhu felt that he understood everything, and asked after a moment of pondering, "Why did you want me to live in Kuixing Island so much just now? And now this ship is going to this island, right?".

Han Zhu stared at the middle-aged man's face, and there was no expression of joy or anger on his face. Seeing Han Zhu's expression, the middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly knelt down again. Just as he was about to shout for mercy from the immortal master, Han Zhu kicked him back with a look.

Seeing that the middle-aged man showed some hesitation, Han Xingyue quickly said with a pure smile: "Uncle, don't worry, we are all good people, and the second brother will not kill people casually, especially mortals."

The middle-aged man looked at this fairy who was covered with a veil and only showed a pair of big eyes. He looked like a good person. Taking another look at Han Zhu, who was expressionless but not showing any anger, he quickly smiled at the fairy ingratiatingly.

"The immortal master must not blame me. In fact, there is nothing to hide about this matter, but the immortal master has not asked before." Han Zhu and Han Li, who are veterans in the world, knew the evasion of this matter as soon as they heard it, and Han Zhu rolled his eyes fiercely in his heart.

The middle-aged man saw that the two immortal masters understood his evasion, smiled awkwardly, and talked about the reason of the matter.

It turned out that the ship was indeed on its way back to Kuixing Island just after a business trip. This middle-aged Gu is not a mortal born and raised on Kuixing Island, but a person born on an island attached to Kuixing Island.

After he made a fortune in business, he created a small mortal family and just moved to live in Kuixing Island. He soon discovered that the real profitable business was the long-distance trading from the big islands to the other big islands.

And this kind of business can only be done by mortals on Kuixing Island, and the middle-aged people were originally engaged in the reselling business between the affiliated islands. After moving to this island, they naturally want to take their business to a higher level.

But after the family moved to the main island, the middle-aged man originally wanted to start his own old business, but he soon discovered to his astonishment that it turned out that this kind of long-distance trading business on the big island is not something you can join casually. Yes, but a certain share has long been set by the immortal master on the island.

Only ten families on the island can do this business of getting rich. Moreover, these ten families are not fixed, but the candidates are determined by fighting skills held every three years.

Those who want to participate in this business invite an immortal master to challenge the immortal art. Only those who have qualified for the last time have successfully challenged the immortal masters before they can obtain the permission to trade between the big islands.

When the middle-aged man heard the news, he immediately panicked. Because he used to do short-distance business, he never encountered monsters and beasts, and never hired any immortal cultivators, so the number of immortal cultivators he knows is pitiful! .

He originally planned to pay a large price to hire one slowly after the business was obtained. But now it was too late, because when he got the news, the day of three years of martial arts was not far away, how could there be time for him to contact and search slowly! .

You must know that although there are many immortal masters in Kuixing Island, most of the immortal cultivators are proud and arrogant. There are very few immortal cultivators who are willing to accept the employment of mortals, and most of them have some distant or close relationship with these mortals. Help out.

And the other few immortal masters who could have made a move are also embarrassed to challenge them because they know these ten immortal masters more or less.

When they first met Han Zhu and the others, hope was ignited again, so they were willing to ask Han Zhu to make an offering regardless of life and death.

Han Zhu glanced at the middle-aged businessman, and immediately remembered a sentence from his previous life: "As long as a businessman has 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human laws; for 300% profit , it dares to commit any crime, even at the risk of being hanged."

Seeing Han Zhu's strange eyes, the middle-aged man was so frightened that he wanted to kneel down again, but finally he endured it. He could also see that this immortal master didn't like others kneeling down on him.

Han Zhu thought for a while and then asked: "Why do you leave it to ordinary people to deliver goods to various islands? Shouldn't the immortal masters have magical tools such as storage bags? Isn't it fast to transport goods by flying?" Is it safe again?".

When the middle-aged businessman heard Han Zhu's question, he smiled wryly and said, "The immortal masters are joking. Although you have some storage bags, the immortal masters cherish them very much. How could you borrow them from ordinary people like me?" Used to hold some vulgar things."

"And every time there is a transaction, there are a lot of transactions between the major islands. Although the storage bags of the fairy masters are extremely magical, they can't hold much."

"Elder immortal masters would not do this kind of transportation with status!" The middle-aged businessman carefully explained to Han Zhu and the others.

Hearing this, Han Zhu nodded speechlessly. It was because there were too many supplies to fit in. From this point, it can be seen that the resources of this chaotic sea of ​​stars are indeed countless times richer than those of Tiannan Xiuxianjie.

Han Zhu looked at the middle-aged businessman and began to meditate quietly. In an instant, there was no sound except the crashing of the waves. The middle-aged businessman looked at Han Zhu with cold sweat on his face, with a hint of anxiety, hope and apprehension on his face.

After a long while, Han Zhucai said calmly: "We can't do anything about what you want us to do. Because our cultivation base is really not high, even if we agree, we are just asking for shame."

You just came to Chaotic Star Sea, so you must keep a low profile. It hasn't been long since the bloody lesson, and he is really scared now.

He just wanted to find a place to hang out for a while, and he planned not to reveal his identity as a formation master. Just as an ordinary monk, he followed Han Li.

Han Li glanced at the second brother who was lying there with his eyes closed, but in the end he didn't say anything, just stood there quietly.

Seeing the disappointment on the face of the middle-aged businessman, Han Zhu said without any sympathy, "But we also plan to live in Kuixing Island for a while, and I wonder if we can be your boat."

The disappointment on the middle-aged businessman's face couldn't be concealed, he could only smile and say: "Of course there is no problem, the immortal masters can do it for as long as they want."

He hurriedly asked an old man next to him to take Han Zhu's best cabin to rest. The old man brought them to a large cabin, and Han Zhu carefully lit up the cabin. Not only is the space large enough, but there is no feeling of stuffiness.

But what surprised Han Zhu the most was that there was a strange little tree planted in a flowerpot in the corner of the room. This tree has a straight trunk without any branches, and is covered with palm-sized triangular leaves.

Moreover, the whole tree was gleaming with silver light, as if it was made of pure silver. Looking at the tree, even Han Li and the little girl next to him showed curiosity.

Seeing this scene, the old man quickly explained: "It seems that the immortal masters have never seen this silver horn tree before! This tree is indeed not a common thing. Not only is it gorgeous in appearance, but it can also be placed in a stuffy place, which can make people feel better. The air becomes fresh and pure, which is really a rare treasure for those who go to sea."

"Even a person as rich and powerful as our proprietor, only got three or four." Han Zhu smiled lightly after hearing this, and said nothing.

This old man is also a smart person, how could he not understand the meaning of trying to please his proprietor.

He said to the old man: "Okay! We don't need you here. Tell your host that if there is nothing wrong, don't bother us. If you encounter monsters or the like, you can come to us. If we can help, we are still willing to help." A gleam of joy flashed across the old man's face, he quickly bowed respectfully, and retreated.