
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chaotic Star Sea

The three of Han Zhu did not hide their whereabouts, and flew a few laps over the entire ship. Their spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire ship, and they did not find any immortal cultivators on board.

As for why they made such a high profile, it was entirely to deter these mortals. Only in this way would they be obedient. Although Han Zhu's own goal was to keep a low profile, if he kept a low profile in front of a group of mortals, then what kind of immortal would he be cultivating.

When they suddenly appeared above the ship, some sailors spotted them, and soon the whole ship became noisy. After a few loud yells, a large crowd of two or three hundred people poured out of the cabin. There were so many names that it immediately filled the bow of the ship.

When the group of people saw the three people staying in mid-air, their faces showed a bit of awe, and they bowed to Han Zhu and the others one after another.

But judging by their appearance, they are not afraid of immortal cultivators. It seems that this has become a norm. A middle-aged man with the most luxurious clothes in the crowd stepped forward, said a few words nervously, and then stood with his hands tied, as if waiting for Han Zhu's orders.

Han Zhu and Han Li looked at each other, their eyes showed a look of surprise, it was actually another language, Han Zhu could only helplessly pass on a message with his divine sense: "Give me your language books here. I".

When the middle-aged man heard the voice that suddenly came to his mind, he didn't show any panic. He just nodded respectfully and gave instructions to the person next to him, who hurried to the boat cabin.

Soon, he ran back again with a thick book in his hand. Respectfully handing it to the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man quickly picked up the book and smiled at the leader, Han Zhu.

Han Zhu grabbed the book expressionlessly, and the book appeared in his hands instantly. Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

This is definitely not a method that can be obtained in the Qi refining period, at least in the foundation building period, his expression has become more respectful, he thought he was an immortal master of the third Qi refining period, but he seems to be more careful.

Han Zhu flipped through the entire book quickly, and a "ding" sound came out of his mind instantly: Ding... found the ancient language, yes/no hang up.

"Yes" ding...the on-hook bay is full, yes/no to replace the on-hook bay.

"Yes" ding... The replacement is successful, the book needs energy and is now connecting...

Ding... Free energy is detected, the concentration is 1 degree, and the learning speed is ⅹ1 times.

Han Zhu quietly closed his eyes and stood there. Han Li and Han Xingyue looked at each other without saying anything, and stood quietly in the air with him.

The people below also stood there obediently, not daring to move at all, you must know that the immortal masters are not good-tempered people, if any one is unhappy, killing them is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

After a cup of tea, a ding sound finally came from Han Zhu's mind. Ding... The ancient language hangs up.

During this period of time, countless words have been pouring into Han Zhu's mind. The moment he hung up the phone, he has completely mastered the language of Luan Xinghai. The language used here is an ancient language, which was passed down from the spirit world .

Han Zhu suspects that the language used in the spirit world should also be this kind. He hung up the ancient teleportation array first, this is a life-saving array in the future, he must hang up to complete it before he can rest assured.

Han Zhu said to the two of them: "Don't resist, the two Taos are wrapped with countless words of spiritual consciousness, which invaded their sea of ​​consciousness. Fortunately, both of them believed in Han Zhu very much and did not make any resistance.

The sea of ​​knowledge of the two was instantly filled with countless words. Seeing that the two had entered the state of learning, Han Zhu stepped out of the flying sword and came to the board in an instant.

The middle-aged man and the other crew members were startled at the same time. Then hurriedly and respectfully once again, made a big gift to Han Zhu. "Xianshi" At first, everyone thought that calling this time would be the same as last time, and would not get a reply.

Unexpectedly, since the immortal master asked calmly, "You must have noticed that I don't know the local language. I learned it just now, and I already know it. Don't be so alarmed!"

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces again, and they just read it so simply, closed it quietly for a few minutes, and learned it! Everyone looked at Han Zhu more respectfully.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, but immediately showed surprise. Hastily and respectfully said to Han Zhu: "Master Immortal Master, the villain's surname is Gu, the owner of this ship, if there is anything that Immortal Master needs to do for you, just ask."

"Then he said a lot more, roughly meaning that he intends to invite Han Zhu and the others to live in Kuixing Island where he lives, and his family is willing to provide all the expenses and expenses for the cultivation of the immortal master."

"Kuixing Island?" Han Zhu rubbed his chin, carefully recalled the plot, it seems that there is such a place, as for the worship that the middle-aged man said, Han Zhu directly ignored him.

Seeing Han Zhu's indifferent expression, the middle-aged man's eyes showed a look of disappointment. Although he knew that there was no hope, he said again: "The immortal master must have just come to our Chaotic Star Sea!"

Han Zhu glanced at him indifferently, and nodded without knowing whether to do so. The middle-aged man quickly brightened his eyes, and then said excitedly: "The immortal master is in our Chaotic Star Sea. Immortal cultivators like you usually make some island offerings. In this way, what resources do you need to collect? Our families can quickly help you." You collect".

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and he suddenly stretched out a palm. A fireball quickly formed in his hand, and it suddenly grew to a size of five or six meters. sweaty.

Everyone stared at the five or six meter fireball with terrified eyes, they knelt down quickly, and said loudly, "Master Immortal, please forgive me!"

Even the middle-aged man kowtowed his head in fright, and kept yelling, "Master Immortal, forgive me, Master Immortal, please forgive me."

Han Zhu looked at everyone speechlessly. He just wanted to show his strength and told the middle-aged man that his family couldn't afford them. Unexpectedly, it would turn out like this.

Han Zhu could only disperse the fireball in his hand, and said to the crowd speechlessly: "Make more!" Everyone looked up at Han Zhu in fear, and saw that the five or six-meter fireball in his hand had disappeared. They all let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's not like they haven't seen it before. Immortal masters use fireballs, but the most powerful ones are only one meter in size. What the hell is that five- to six-meter super fireball just now?"

Middle-aged people know more, and their hearts are even more terrified. He has seen immortal cultivators in the foundation-building period make shots, and the most powerful fireball technique has only reached about three meters, which is said to be the peak of the foundation-building period.

Could it be that the immortal master in front of him is the legendary Jindan Daoist, that is a legendary figure, if he stomps his foot casually, the whole island may be silent.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man quickly knelt down again. "The real man is a boy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and offended the real man. Please let the real man spare the boy's life."

Han Zhu shook his head speechlessly again, he still understands the term "real person", which is the name for Jin Danqi.

Han Zhu also became a little impatient, waved his hand and said: "Stop talking about it, I don't like your little life, we are new to Guidi and we are not familiar with the situation here, what do you give me?" Let's introduce!".

The middle-aged man heard that Han Zhu didn't want his life, so he kept ordering excitedly. Han Li, who was studying in the sky, suddenly felt a wave of spells on the ship. Reflexively, he drew out a flying sword, and his spiritual consciousness immediately enveloped the entire ship.

Seeing that no other monks appeared, he glanced at the second brother suspiciously. Seeing him shaking his head at him, he put Feijian back in peace. With the little girl beside him, they came to behind Han Zhu, stood there quietly, and listened to the middle-aged man's introduction of the surrounding situation.

The middle-aged man glanced at the other two immortal masters who had just fallen down, and quickly smiled at them, before starting the introduction.

"Since the immortal masters came here from the outside, they should know that this is the sea area of ​​the Chaos Star Sea, and this is the southwest corner of the Chaos Star Sea."

There are three big islands nearby, Weixing Island, Kuixing Island, and Sangxing Island, and of course there are dozens of other small and medium-sized islands, all of which are inhabited by immortal masters and mortals."

"The people here are actually the same as the customs in other sea areas. Each island will have an immortal master with the highest mana as the island owner, responsible for guarding the island. If other immortal masters are willing to settle on the island and hold certain positions, they will be The island owner distributes a certain number of spirit stones for cultivation every year.

But from now on, you must obey the instructions of the island owner. Of course, if you want to live on the island but do not want to take up positions on the island, not only will there be no supply of spirit stones, but you will have to pay a certain amount of spirit stones to the island owner every year. Can stay on the island.

"Speaking of this, the middle-aged man paused, with a look of envy on his face, as if he was extremely yearning for the cultivator.

The middle-aged man glanced at the three immortal masters, and then said: "Ordinary people like us who live on various islands, some have organized small families to collect resources for immortal cultivators. Either pay the same spirit stones, or you will not be allowed to live on the island."

"Because these islands have been set up by fairy masters, there is no need to be afraid of monsters and winds, so that we mortals can live in peace."

"Besides, the immortal masters have great powers. When we mortals go out to sail, most of us will try our best to hire one or two to go with the boat."

"In this way, if we encounter any monsters in the sea, we may still have a chance to survive. Of course, the immortal masters who are willing to be hired are those with relatively free status."

"Tianfeng?" When Han Zhu heard this word, a trace of doubt flashed across his face. Monsters, he knows! This "Tianfeng" is a ghost, is it a pirate, or some kind of sea clan? "