
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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Han Zhu wanted to discuss with Han Li and the others what to do next, and just as he raised his head to say something, the two of them found a place by themselves, took out spirit stones and elixirs, and prepared to practice.

Han Zhu was speechless as he watched the operations of the two. I could only helplessly say: "Xiao Li, let's discuss what to do next!".

Han Li sat cross-legged on the bed, then took out a bottle of "Gathering Spirit Pill" from his body, poured out a few pills and put them in his mouth, Kacha Kacha took two bites.

Glancing at his second brother, he said in a lazy tone: "Second brother, you can decide these things yourself. When the time comes, tell us, we will listen to you." The little girl next to him also nodded. .

Han Li ignored the gloomy Han Zhu and started to practice. He felt that the past twelve years had delayed his practice a lot, but his second brother had already returned, so leave these matters to him! He has to work harder.

Han Zhu stared at the two salted fish speechlessly, but he could only shake his head helplessly, and shot a few spells at the place where the two were practicing, and two shields separated them.

After all, there is no defensive formation on this ship, if those few people disturb the cultivation, it will not be a trivial matter. It might be okay for Han Li to be more determined, but the little girl will definitely suffer backlash.

Han Zhu began to think about what to do next. Although he had seen the plot, such small things were usually taken in one stroke, and now they could only rely on themselves.

First of all, it must be made clear, "Gou" is necessary, the last bloody lesson, but it slapped his face. Now he regrets it a bit, he would not have learned formation if he had known.

Originally, he only planned to be a salted fish by Han Li's side, but now he has become the protagonist, and Han Li has become a salted fish. "No! This must be changed."

Just when he was quietly thinking about what to do next, Han Zhu frowned suddenly. As a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he practiced the ancient exercises such as "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Qigong" and "Star Body Refining Jue" , his five senses are very powerful.

As early as when someone approached their room dozens of meters away, he had already discovered it. With his spiritual sense, he frowned even deeper. Sure enough, it was the middle-aged businessman as he guessed. It seems that he still didn't give up. .

Han Zhu thought for a while but still didn't cast the spell and blocked him from the door. He wanted to hear how the middle-aged businessman wanted to impress him.

Soon there were faint footsteps outside the door. The businessman surnamed Gu looked preoccupied and hesitated at the door for a while. Finally, he became cruel and was about to knock on the door.

Han Zhu watched his movements, and said blankly, "Do you have other business? The door is unlocked, come in by yourself!".

The middle-aged businessman was startled when he heard the voice ringing in his ears. But he immediately realized that it was the Master Immortal Master inside who was telling him to go in. So he hurriedly tidied up his clothes, respectfully agreed, pushed the door lightly and walked in.

Han Zhu was standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the turbulent sea outside, and an ethereal air emanated from him.

Seeing such a scene, the middle-aged businessman saluted respectfully and said: "Master Immortal, I still want to talk to you about that matter, can I ask Master Immortal to give me a chance?".

The middle-aged businessman didn't dare to make any detours, so he directly made his intentions clear. After hearing this, Han Zhu finally turned his head and looked at him. He said blankly: "Of course. But! You should also know that ordinary things can't impress me."

The middle-aged businessman was overjoyed when he saw Han Zhu's indifferent expression and didn't directly reject him. It seemed that there was still hope.

The middle-aged businessman quickly said respectfully: "Master Immortal Master! As long as the Immortal Master is willing to help, no matter whether the matter is successful or not, the Gu family is willing to pay a large amount of Lingshi as a reward."

"And if the immortal master really won the business qualification of the big island for the Gu family. The Gu family is even willing to serve as the guarantor for the settlement of Kuixing Island for the immortal master, an outsider on the island. Let the immortal master become an official resident of Kuixing Island."

"The most important thing is that regardless of whether the immortal master will hold a position in Kuixing Island in the future, the Gu family is willing to dedicate 70% of the profits from the transaction to the immortal master within the next five years." When the middle-aged businessman talked about 70% of the profit, his face was a little distorted, and it seemed that he had made a lot of determination.

Even Han Zhu, who had been prepared for a long time, was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help touching his hairless chin. He didn't expect him to be so courageous.

Han Zhu didn't answer him right away, and asked a little strangely: "What? Do you need a guarantor for staying on Kuixing Island? Why didn't you mention it before!"

Although Han Zhu's words were extremely gentle, it made the middle-aged businessman break out in cold sweat instantly, and hurriedly explained: "The immortal master misunderstood! There are generally two types of foreign immortal masters left on Kuixing Island. It's just that the immortal masters live on the island temporarily, they don't hold positions on the island, they usually live for several years, and they will decide to stay or stay according to their preferences."

"The other is to have a local rich family as a guarantor, and you can go through the formalities of permanently living on the island. This kind of immortal teacher not only pays much less spiritual stones than the previous one, but only they are eligible to be The position on the island, and can participate in the ten-year spiritual land competition on the island."

"The one with the higher ranking will be able to obtain a cultivation place with different strengths of aura. And because it is not easy for people outside the island to find a guarantor on a big island like Kuixing Island, so they will be negligent in the next moment. I didn't mention this matter to the immortal master!"

The middle-aged businessman was afraid that Han Zhu would misunderstand, so he slapped him to death, and told everything in one breath, not even daring to wipe the cold sweat off his face.

After hearing this, Han Zhu's expression returned to expressionless, "So that's how it is!" . For a formation master, is it important to have a place to practice? .

However, he thought of Han Li, and glanced at Han Li who was silently cultivating with his eyes. There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and he had to put more burden on this kid's shoulders. As the future Old Demon Han, being a salted fish is not right It may make you a salty fish, so let's fight honestly! That is your destiny.

When the middle-aged businessman saw a cruel smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, his heart suddenly turned cold, "It seems that I can't get out of this door today. Are you still too greedy?"

But he didn't regret it, what if he succeeded! That is a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times the profit, the businessman will only die in the pursuit of finances, he slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

Han Zhu looked at the middle-aged businessman who was swearing to death, and just smiled lightly, "I agree to the conditions you said, but 70% is not enough, we have to ask for 80%."

The middle-aged businessman was overwhelmed by this huge surprise, and just kept nodding there. Sometimes happiness comes so suddenly.

He thought he was going to die, but the immortal master agreed directly. Although he added 10% more, so what! Even if they only leave 10% for their family, it will still be enough to eat.

Han Zhu glared fiercely at Han Li who was pretending to be practicing. "Come here soon and listen to the rules of fighting."

Han Li quickly put on a bitter face, just when Han Zhu showed a cruel smile just now, he was startled awake by a cleverness.

A bad feeling appeared in his heart, sure enough! Next, the second brother agreed to the middle-aged businessman's request. He didn't even need to think about it.

Just as Han Li was about to struggle, he was stared back by his second brother. I could only walk over dejectedly, and said as I walked: "Second brother, in the past twelve years since you left, I have been fighting every day. I have very strong combat experience now, so I don't think I need to exercise!" .

Han Zhuniao ignored him, and said to the respectful middle-aged businessman, "Tell him about the rules to be challenged. As for whether your family can get a place on the island, it's up to him." .

The middle-aged businessman was overjoyed when he heard the words, and looked at Han Li with bright eyes, as if he was the reborn parent. Han Li felt uncomfortable when he looked at him, and stared at him.

A murderous aura directly enveloped the middle-aged businessman, pulling him back from the beautiful hallucinations, and hastily apologized to Han Li continuously.

Han Li snorted coldly. You must know that he has killed hundreds of demon cultivators in the past ten years. For such a small character, he doesn't even need to use spells, and he can stare at him to death with just one look.

Han Li said impatiently: "Speak quickly if you have anything to say, don't push yourself around there."

The middle-aged businessman quickly started to talk, the look in his eyes just now was too terrifying, he felt as if he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"It's actually very simple, that is, the two sides fight, and any means can be used, but there is one thing that can't hurt the opponent's life, and it can only cause serious injuries."

Han Li looked at the middle-aged businessman who had withdrawn respectfully, with a look of bitterness on his face. Didn't he just want to practice hard for a while? Why is it always him who gets hurt every time.

Han Zhu looked at the bitter look on his face, and said secretly in his heart, "I just told you to look indifferent, but you still want to be a salted fish. Do you really think your second brother is a gentleman?".

Han Zhu pretended to cough: "Xiao Li! Second Brother, this is also for your own good. Although you killed many demon cultivators a few years ago, that is all in the past. We have to look forward."

Then he pointed to the sea outside the window and said: "See, how vast the sea is, our goal will be like the sea, endless."

In the next hour or so, Han Zhu made up for him the ideological education courses of the past ten years. He originally planned to attend the blood refinement secret realm, so he gave it to him. It's a pity that something happened later, so I can only make up for it now.

The little girl who was cultivating silently wiped the cold sweat off her forehead calmly, took a look, and immediately pretended to start cultivating seriously, as if she hadn't seen all this.

"Xiao Li remembers the words of the second brother, life is endless, and fighting is endless. As monks, we are fighting the sky, the earth, and the people. In order to pursue the illusory avenue, we have to keep fighting."

"Okay! Second brother will only tell you so much today." Han Li, who was originally downcast and only nodded his head, cheered up when he heard these words.

He said loudly: "Don't worry! Second brother, I know that we are fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people. Life is endless and fighting is endless."

Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction, and then let Han Li go to practice. He glanced at the little girl who was seriously practicing, and originally wanted to give her an ideological education class.

never mind! never mind! It's a girl after all... Seeing her second brother's eyes, Han Xingyue finally moved away from her body, and heaved a long sigh of relief.