
Traveling the multiverse reincarnated as Hollow knight

Dave was an ordinary guy, nothing going for him and nothing really going against him, one day when simply minding his own business and crossed the street to head home from a day of work, well I think we all know where that is heading, so let’s focus on someone else... ah here we go *ahem* This is the story of a man who defied fate itself and strove to be different, will he succeeded, well let’s find out (*so I got bored one day and had my phone in hand and went why not so here is my first ever written story criticizing is fine and wholeheartedly accepted due to not having any experience*) [*any object, place, person or reference in this story is not owned by me and I would like to credit to the actual owners of them*] ((*please don't expect a stable update of chapters, this is on a whim and just something I decided to do for some fun*))

Duncan_Quan · Video Games
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26 Chs

The planet broke before the guard did!

"-Warhammer!" I said to Hornet.

"...are you ok Ember?" Hornet says.

"no I am not! the walls of the next tunnel are covered in Aquila's of the imperium of man!" I say in a panic.

"what's the imperium of man?" Hornet asks.

"the imperium of man, is a galaxy wide empire of humanity, due to the hostile nature of every other being in the galaxy the imperium became the most xenophobic entities ever!" I say.

"that sounds bad." Hornet says.

"that's underselling it by miles, the imperium at one point lost a lot of technological knowledge but the level they were at before they lost a lot, was greater than the doom slayer." I said.

now that shocked her.

"but, didn't you say that the doom slayer is one of the most powerful beings you know?" Hornet asks.

"and the imperium is higher than him yes." I confirm.

"then, what do we do?" Hornet asks.

"we train." I say with the most determination I've had ever.

"we train harder than ever before, and, we try and go in peacefully and hope and pray whoever we have to face is not the emperor of mankind." I say.

"alright, where do you want to start." Hornet says, looking very angry and determined.

"uh, Hornet? what's with the scary face?" I ask.

"you said who leads this imperium is the 'emperor of mankind'?" Hornet asks.

"y-yeah?" I say, kind of scared and aroused, scaroused.

"the one who sent that monster called himself the 'emperor of mankind' he slaughtered everyone I could have a conversation with, a few thousand years ago." Hornet said, looking kind of somber.

Hornet then had me take us back to hub via warp, so we could go to the previous tunnels.

my routine for the next month consisted of this; wake up, eat a light breakfast, do the Saitama work out, skip lunch to keep doing Saitama work, get beaten into the dirt by Hornet, make a hearty dinner, kill creeps, work on mastering the Arifureta alchemy, take a shower, cuddle with Hornet as we fall asleep, rinse and repeat.

[one month later.]

I have finaly mastered the alchemy, and I've been able to lift two tons, I still have not gone bald (thankfully), and I now have a few extra mask shards (lots of geo for that).

and now, I stand before the tunnel, the second to last one, number seven, Warhammer.

I gulp and take a step.

...To be continued, at some point, in the future, perhaps.

(a/n I know I know, very short chapter, not a lot going on, but, there is a very good reason for that, I now have a second fanfic I am working on, right here on webnovel, it is called: I became A Shota of Mass Destruction in RWBY, I had the idea pop up, and just, wanted to write, with this one, I'm going to be taking several leaps, I hope it won't be too bad, but be warned, its got an over powered mc.)

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comments give idea's and are nice.

(check out my second fic, if you want to)

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