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AI stories created by me and the AI and curated by me.

Allright, if you're reading this, somehow some way, the brain thinky juice said, "Share this Shiz with the world!" loud enough to overcome my procrastination and laziness in order to pop out this little stone, yes you've read that title right I had seen a single ai story I randomly ended up making that made me think 'Damn I need to get this shown' the first chapter I'm releasing for this is that story, now it's not a full on "ChatGPT please generate me a cool anime fanfic" no, instead I used something called HammerAI and wrote the dang story alongside the AI (*Cough* I did use the nsfw side for this one in particular even though nothing really nsfw popped up but if I make any others, I'm going to try sfw ones *Cough*) so, take a glance at something my brain said, "this could actually work as a story, and I need to share it with someone, or I'll go insane with it bouncing around in my head." Now these story's fall under the catigory of very short story, like very very short, wouldn't be out of place in fanfic.net and only have one page kind of short, so welcome into my little Menagerie of Ai stories I made up with HammerAI and felt like posting them. (Author P.S I'll be adding world tags into the search tags when I make a story with that universe and post it here, I'll try and keep it sort of similar to other ones just so it doesn't get too bloated but hey I'm only human, and if it doesn't seem like the tags I've currently added are correct, well, I'm trying to make sure I've got my bases covered, also I'm going to add here a sort of unofficial tag that personally I feel fits with what I'm doing [Script] as in like a movie script or play script, as in this would be really cool to have actually happen on screen.)

Duncan_Quan · Others
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1 Chs

I Just wanna relax in my new robotic life!

(*[A/N]so before I give the actual synopsis, yes I am making one more fic, mainly because the idea shoved itself into my head so violently that I couldn't just put it into the idea book, I had to make it, dunno how long it'll go, but here it is.*) So, I died, dunno how, or why, but I did, I floated for quite some time in the void, the only things keeping me sane(at least somewhat) during that is that when I 'woke up here' so to speak I was in a new robotic body, it's a strange sensation, and that I've had all my memories fully refreshed as if I just made them, since I'm a robot now, they won't degrade anymore(hopefully) anyways... Where was I going with this? Oh right, explaining how I got into the situation that's unfolding. *SLAM* "Hey! Cool robot guy! Join my crew!" said the future king of the pirates. "Yo mecha dude, you got any more of those nano-whatzits the one you gave me before broke" said the strongest hero. "Machine man! I need you to get me more of those Thermo-shurikan you made for me! They absolutely destroyed the training dummys I tried them out on!" said the Jinchūriki of the nine-tailed fox. Yeah, somehow I ended up in a tavern that connects to random anime worlds. Maaan I just wanted to end up on a planet and just lived out this new robot life of mine. [A/N the picture is an AI generated Picture, I have 2 others I can pick from, chose the most relaxed one. I have absolutely no idea where exactly this will go, but I had to do it.]

Duncan_Quan · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Reincarnated as Pre-Grimm Salem in RWBY

(ok, before anything, before I give a good synopsis, this just came to me, and I had to put it into words, and I didn't want to use paper, I own nothing here, not even the picture used, if you are the original maker of said picture let me know if it's not ok for me to use it and I'll try and find something else.) I would say waking up in a room that looks like a seventeenth century royal would sleep in is a little shocking, what's more shocking is the fact I changed genders, and I can apparently use magic!? guy dies in his sleep, when he wakes up, everything has changed, and now is Salem from RWBY way back when she was just a super powerful magic woman stuck in a tower. [I'm going to use the tried and true bulls*it-no-jutsu to get our protag to the main era of RWBY, after all, I don't really know too much of RWBY anymore, cause I stopped watching it after volume 3 and took the advice of "so this is basically" and heard hearsay of the rest of it, I loved 1-3, and understand that 4 onward is like a trainwreck happening right in front of you, so awful, yet you can't look away.] {so, tags seem not to be co-operating, so I'll put some here in the synopsis, Op-mc (cause, pff did you really think that super awesome magic lady was not going to be op), lesbian (mc's a dude who became a woman, of course she's gonna bat for that team but, I will be doing some, magic shenanigans, if you know what I mean ;D), Harem (yes I too was shocked this wasn't displaying, also to all you huge-harem sects out there sorry but it won't be too big, just a single all female team from beacon that Sally was quite attached too).

Duncan_Quan · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

I became A Shota of Mass Destruction in RWBY [DROPPED]

(A/N before we get to the story I just want to put here, this is my second fic so don't expect a masterpiece, the first one, Traveling the multiverse reincarnated as Hollow Knight, is somewhat ok, in my opinion, check it out if you want.) I always loved the characters of RWBY, it was such a shame with what happened after volume three. If I was there, I would change everything. And that thought right there was what made my life end. Well... not that seriously, but yeah, me thinking that got me here. *WHISTLE* "GOOD MORNING TEAM RWBYS!" (a/n yeah couldn't think of a better team name) this, is my new life, as Sanguineous (no last name) from some destroyed backwater town from grim/bandits/grim bandits/the white fang, life will be somewhat difficult now, after all. "SANG! COME ON WE'RE GONA BE LATE!" "on my way ruby!" I'm going to be giving cannon the boot, and death and destruction will be following me quite closely. There will be no place I will truly be able to call home, not until I get rid of Ozma, and remove Salem from the picture. (A/N any and all things in this fic are not mine other than the created character, don't expect a regular upload schedule after all I'm only writing because I felt like it, so if there are times when there has not been a chapter for weeks, don't freak out too hard, a chapter could possibly pop up if Inspiration strikes, and comments give inspiration.) (yeah, I dropped it, sorry to anyone wondering, I just didn't have the creative spark.)

Duncan_Quan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs