
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 13: Life in Westeros


~~~ flashback 1 year ago. ~~~

The people of King's Landing are trying to go about their daily lives. At the past few moons it is more akin to keeping unnoticed by anyone really.

Conversations are kept in a minimum. Work was done as quick and as efficient, but then home became their next immediate destination. A solace all under the Mad King's reign embraced.

The King's madness is increasing at frightening levels. People are now burning by the day. The faith refuse to defend them. Allowing judicial trial be mocked by the king's lust for fire. Even a trial by combat has been desecrated and yet the high septon says nothing. Even his preachings earns him nothing more than glares of condemnation now just as he allowed be done to the people at court. Unfortunately they can do nothing.

When faith turned it's back on them, they looked to their prince. He sang for them, his solemn voice reached out to them. They believed that their prince suffers with them. Non could be farther from the truth.

No one truly knows anything, not even those that called him friend, nor family. Their Silver Prince was too busy bemoaning what may be, that he has been blind to the suffering of his own people. Even his own mother.

Ser Barristan was standing by the prince when it happened. As said prince scoured the Targaryen family library. A *BOOOOMMMM!!!* echoed across the city. The land began to shake, and then beyond the horizon showed a giant ray of darkness and fire rose to the sky, and then, *ROOOAAAARR!!!*.

All covered their ears at the sound. The sky suddenly parted, the very clouds vanished as the stars shone. And above all else, the very sun itself shone light in one direction. As if the world itself only has attention in one thing upon the face of their vast world.

For several minutes the sound of the wind exploding in the sky echoed across the city. People watched as the swirling darkness struggle against the light as if trying to cover the world underneath it's shadows. All the while, the light of the sun and stars continue to fight against it. This frightened the inhabitants of the city.

Many prayed to what ever god they believe in. Some even offering up bread or what food they had to appease the wrath of the gods. After several minutes a flash of light occured. A roar and then the giant pillar of darkness slowly vanished. And the dark clouds began to melt away. When no more sounds came, the stars vanished as the sun itself returned to prominence. The sun though felt different. It isn't just warm to them. It is giving a sort of celebrative feeling. Relieving the masses of their fears.

People began to whisper of the event. Specially since aside from what had just happened, there was another thing of note to be taken from the world shattering event. The city was badly damaged. Cracks show on the walls of every house but none has fallen, except one. The Sept of balor, reduced to rubble. And the only one left standing was the father.

The news traveled fast across the seven king kingdoms. There was no way to hide something of such magnitude. Travelers and merchants soon spoke of the same event happening everywhere. The common whisper amongs the people is a 'Battle between Gods'. This both frightened and enraged the Mad king and ordered the destruction of the statues of the Father, much to their confusion. To the common folk's anger, the court simply nodded. Including their High Septon and their Prince.

Things soon calmed down after that. A word from across the narrow sea reached the ears of the king a month after. The Doom has lifted. Valyria could be seen again. They say every person of note in Essos has already immediately prepared for an expedition. The mad king of course believed himself the only true owner of Valyria's treasures. And so the prince was sent to their ancestral land along with his kingsguard.

Many volunteered into the voyage hoping for treasures. Six months later, they all returned defeated.

The land was teeming with hostile forces. Foreign kingdoms and even pirates. All of which desired the treasures within. The journey to the lands itself was hard fought already. But they reached it, after much sacrifice. The treasures they sought? There were nearly none.

The entire place was near empty. It seemed as if the dragon lords never died with their treasures and were able to evacuate. Leaving only useless Relics and lesser artifacts. Open Vaults, already looted, and no treasures.

The Prince was able to secure very few, and even then. They weren't much either. But they found something far more sinister.

Among the great number of explorers, there is one place all gathered to see. A mountain cleaved in half. Towers scattered as if tossed around than collapsed.. And above all, a Giant demon. Torn to countless pieces. The place itself was torn to shreds. And not even the ground was spared. Every person that ventured in the Ancient lands saw for themselves the great monster. One they called, the Doom of Valyria. More horros were soon found, corpses of monstrous dragonic creatures littered the land.

Months of searching yielded no better result. Soon he had returned bringing back nothing of note. And so to appease the king they bought back as much as they could, tapestries and Valyrian history in the form of books and scrolls as best as they can. The prince wanted the demon's head but there are too many people. And he had a feeling if he tried to get it, he will end up fighting for it. Sadly his forces are already too exhausted. And he has no doubt the travel back would be more perilous.

After their return, they received nothing but derision and scorn from the king. The place has already been looted. The king threw a tantrum, like a child that was denied what they wanted.

The other news to the court is the rising power of Pentos. Though non truly paid much attention to it but those who wanted to trade.

Life continued in king's landing. For the masses has their lives to live. A tommorrow to work for just so they may eat yesterday. With all that happening to the common folk. The people of the King's Court has another dilemma entirely.

~~~Line Break - Present Time~~~

"Are you sure of this Lord Varys." asked prince Rhaegar

"Certain my prince, the announcement was public after all." Replied Varys

"Why have we not heared of this before now!?"

the prince asked harshly.

"His majesty the king believed it unimportant and has sent the spies in the East to the Westerlands my prince."

"Tell us about him."

"I am not sure of what it he is exactly my prince. But Ronan Sieghart is many things. He is an inventor first and fore most." Varys then explains about Ronan Sieghart of Pentos. But the more Varys spoke the more troubled the prince became. An inventor, a builder, a craftsman, a blacksmith, a pious, and even a warrior. "Some say he is blessed my prince. The favored son of the Gods. Some even go as far to say as he IS a son of the gods." He then mentioned the miracles pertaining his faith.

"You believe this Lord Varys? What's next? Grumkins and snarks?" snorted Pycelle.

"I wouldn't know grand maester, after all he makes the the 'learned men' of the citadel seemed inadequate. Who knows, he might discover more in his life time than the generations of the citadel combined." replied Varys in a calm manner. That had the Grand maester sputtering.

"Enough, what is clear is that we been blind to the goings on at the happenings outside the seven kingdoms. How soon can this be rectified?" interrupted prince Rhaegar

"Not until your father recinds his orders my prince."

*sigh* "...very well."

The doors then opened as Lucerys Velaryon walked into the small council chamber.

"My apologies for being late my prince."

"it is alright. It seemed important Lord Velaryon. Can you enlighten us?" asked Rhaegar.

"One of my chief Captains my prince delivers good news. The patron house of House Velaryon has arrived in the Saltpans. He wishes to meet in person."

"How important could this person be that you would be late for your own prince?" asked Ser Hightower.

"He's name is Ronan Sieghart, lord Hightower. The newly risen Golden Key holder of the iron bank."

Everyone was stunned at that declaration."I think you missed out the 'Gold' part on that new Keyholder report you just did Lord Varys" said Grand Maester Pycelle

"... wait how long have you been in contact with House Sieghart?" asked Lord Qarlton.

Lord Velaryon raised his brow at that. "You are master of coin, you should know. House Velaryon has been trading their goods from Essos to Westeros for nearly a year now. I myself personally delivered The Queen her favorite skin care product just this morning." his reply had the master of coin sweating. Luckily for him, the prince's attention is elsewhere.

"I would also like to meet this Magister from beyond the Sea, Lord Verlaryon. Tell me what can you tell me of this man."

"well.... I hear you should never insult his wife..."

~~~ Line Break ~~~

Quincy Cox is but a simple landed knight. He was granted Saltpans, but nothing more. Though he knew the place has potential to be more than just a simple village, the Lords of the Riverlands are too busy fighting for a lousy title to be bothered allowing another player to have the potential to join. House Tully's hold on the Riverlands grow weaker by the day. And so despite asking the paramouncy for a city charter, he was forced to let this place rot as it is.

He remained poor, because his lords prefer it this way. He was walking at the beaches of the town when he saw it. A great white ship sailed towards them. It was obviously for someone important due to the massive size and the escort it has with it. As soon as it docked he walked to the harbor to meet this foreigners.

A young man came down from the plank first. Sought the harbor master and payed the necessary fee for docking. Though he overpayed, by a lot. The young man gave ten gold dragons per ship. Turns out they paid for extended docking. Even so.... so much gold spent for docking. He can feed an entire family for an entire year with one coin.

He then asked the youth about the owners of such ships. He didn't really expect to be harboring a Keyholder of the Iron Bank of all things. They will be heading straight to Harrenhall. First the Martells now this. And so he simply stood aside as a travel party assembled at the nearby road.

To his surprise, they assembled a carriage. He knew those things had to be carried whole. And even from looking at it's parts there are a few he doesn't really understand the use for. Once they were done, the beauty of the carriage becomes visible for all. He has seen the Royal Carriage and he knows this one makes the king's own looked like it was made for lesser Lords.

The carriage was steel for sure instead of wood, but this one looks shinier, like silver. The wheel has something soft wrapped around it. And the windows has glass. Colored glass showing some sort of beast with three horns.

Then armed men began to flow out of the ship. Their foot stomps frightened him abit. They marched as one, marching alongside their horses. The knights escorting this person looked more like sons and daughters of Lords. Their armor is finely made, a full plate armor from head to toe, layered with leather. Each has a long sword, a short sword and a heater shield. Not including the bow, quiver and spear on their individual horses. 25 men in Bluish armor and 25 women in red.

The women arent looking anything less beautiful with their armors on too. He then saw two people more armed, slightly different. The woman was wearing a set of armored dress, standing beside a fully armored man. what set them apart is that they have a more decorated helmets and weapons.

As soon as he steped forward, the knight's attention shift to him. The knight's hand on the hilt of his sword. He hasn't pulled but he was ready for sure.

'This man has better escorts than the King!' Quincy screamed in his mind.

He was about to greet them when the men and women suddenly stood in attention and from the ship came a family.

The woman has a long red hair. Wearing a dress. She carries a baby in her hands. Standing next to her is a handsome man. Foreign clothes for sure. It is form fitting showing off his broad shoulders and strong chest. And upon it lies a Golden key of elegant design.

They then disembark and went straight to the carriage and then left. He stood there dazed at the wealth he was shown that he didn't get the chance to introduce himself.

He's chance at possibly making any form of connection with such people was lost, so he decided to speak with the captain instead.

~~~ Nymeria POV (OC) ~~~

'I was born lucky they said'

She was named by her mother just minutes before she passed. Her mother was of Rhoynish decent, but her father was of Valyrian.

She was what many lords considered 'exotic'. She has been passed from one lord to another. But much to my luck, I have remained unspoiled. As is their desire to preserve my beauty. Still does not mean they do not take liberties at me. I had spent the majority of my life in Pentos, and been spared the worst of man. I consider myself lucky, compared to what I have heard happen to other slaves in other cities of Essos.

I have always been a fighter. I had been held and used in many ways by the masters that owned me but amongs the dedpicable ones that owned me, none have taken my first. Cause unlike many, I fight. And I was very good at it.

My last owner was too angry when he came home, he tried to force himself at me. During the scuffle, I ended up slitting his throat. By law I was to be executed. But Lady Elesis asked that a trial be performed. This baffled the magisters. We were slaves in all but name. For anyone to stand up for us, is to stand up against the ruling powers of Pentos. It has never happened before.

In the end they organized a fake trial. And despite their arguements and testimonies being torn to shreads by Lady Elesis, I knew I was to be sentenced to death. It was then that Lord Ronan told me to demand a trial by combat, so I did. And Lord Ronan himself actually championed for me. The fight was unremarkable, but Lord Ronan wasn't. He killed the man in three seconds. And I was declared innocent.

The next week, Lady Elesis herself came over. My debt was bought off, and my owners changed once more. I don't know what was talked about but I know it has become extremely difficult to do business in Pentos for the widowed wife and son of my late lord. Specially if the people whisper of being enemy to a quickly rising house adding to that the popularity of said house. The other nobility kept their distance not wanting to experience the same backlash. And so my owner readily agreed in exchange for support from Lady Elesis herself. After that, my life has never been better.

I was to be her handmaiden. But the training I went through was much more than that. I was to be her sword, her handmaiden, and her assistant. I was trained to be a warrior strong enough to defend her. I was educated in accounting to be someone of help. Someone to relieve work off of her shoulders if need be. I was trained in espionage, not just to spy but to be able to sniff them out and further defend my charge. I was trained in economics, so that I may handle her businesses when needed be or told to do so. I was trained as if I was to be a lady of a noble house. And I am glad to say I excelled at them. Now after five months of service, I have paid off my debt and had become a free woman.

And now I serve a family not because I need to but because I want to. Hearing laughter from beside me, I looked.

Seeing the Lord and Lady themselves just embracing, making faces, playing, all together spending time with their daughter made my heart ache. I keep within me a secret. One I would most likely get killed for, if it ever found it's way on my Lady's ear. I have fallen inlove with my Lord. Then again anyone would, just seeing how he treats his lady wife.

My attention was bought forward when a scout came for us. "Dame Nymeria, there is trouble up ahead. A caravan donning the banner of house Martell is being attacked by bandits, and they are being overwhelmed."

Looking to the carriage window I saw Lady Elesis looked pleadingly at her husband. Ronan gave her an apologetic smile that saddened Lady Elesis, he kissed her in the lips and then kissed their daughter in the forehead making the baby giggle. He soon stepped outside and said. "Lead me to them. The rest of you will stay and defend my family."

""""""Yes, my Lord!""""""

He then rode off with ten of his personal guards. I looked to Lady Elesis herself and saw her gaze at me. There is worry in it and above all determinarion. I sighed knowing of the challenge to come in convincing her not to continue onward.

It is times like these that make me doubt I was born 'THAT' lucky.

~~~Lewyn Martell POV~~~

Lewyn Martell has already killed five of this savages at yet they kept coming. He stands before the carriage and defending both his niece and his grand niece. And as time goes by more of his men laid dead.

He then heard a scream coming from the carriage. He rushed inside to see that one of this bandits has grabbed the princess out of the carriage window and his niece Elia is screaming as she struggle against a knight trying to keep her from chasing over her daughter. Just as he was about to give chase he heared the stomping of horses. Looking back down the road, he saw a group of well armed knights. He feared they were hostile not recognising the banner. Though his fears were lessened when he saw them tore through the bandits. He's eyes though was fixed to someone donning a formal cloth instead of armor. More regal than any he has ever seen.

He tore through the bandits with ease. Which both amazed and worried him. But then he saw where he was headed and decided to rush forward himself.

Lewyn cut a man to the left with a horizontal swing, the man guarded, he then pushed against said man. Noticing his opponents footing weaken he gave it a shove forward breaking the sword lock and shoving the bandits weapon to the side. Before the bandit could recover Lewyn bought down his sword in a diagonal swing planting said sword at the neck of the bandit. Pulling sharply, the bandit fell clutching the wound.

He then guarded against an attack to right. The bandit failing to strike a killing blow continued relentlessly. Lewyn blocked three times until he parried a downward strike. Bringing the bandit's weapon to the ground and leaving him open. Lewyn cut off the man's head with an upward slash.

He then noticed the silence. Looking around he saw a man holding the crying Rhaenys in his arms walking towards him. Before he could reach for the girl she was grabbed by her mother who inturn cried as she whispered soothing words to her baby daughter as she held her.

"Greetings Princess Elia." said the man.

Elia looking dazed at what had happened couldn't form any words and so Lewyn answered.

"My apologies Ser, she means no disrespect. She is simply in shock right now."

"It is alright ser." The a kingsguard felt the man's gaze at his armor. "You are a kingsguard, may I have your name Ser?"

Lewyn knew the tone. Proud but respectful. Obviously a lord. And despite seeing his armor and still not bowing means he is someone of the higher echelons of nobility. And so he answered, not wanting the ire of said man. "I am the former prince, Lewyn Martell of the kingsguard my Lord. And you would be?"

The man removed his hood showing his handsome face. He has sharp blue eyes, strong jaws, full lips, with blonde hair streaked with blue. The man then reached out his right hand.

"My name Ser Lewyn, is Ronan Sieghart."