
Chapter 14: Life in Harrenhal

~~~ General POV ~~~

'So this is him then, Lewyn Martell.' I don't really know the guy aside from the fact that he lead ten thousand spears in the battle of the trident and died there. I had been standing with him beside the carriage, seeing to the clean up of the encounter.

"They are too well armed for a group of bandits." I said. He then replied with a grunt and a small nod. I saw his eyes flicker to everyone stating his worries. So I nodded in understanding.

"I have more men down the Road. I believe it would be best for us to travel together."

Lewyn was contemplative. He doesn't fully trust the man. Quite frankly he doesn't have much of a choice either. He just lost a great deal of men. And his charge is too important to be travelling unguarded. After all killing this bandits doesn't mean there aren't more down the road.

"I believe you are right Lord Sieghart. Your company would be most welcome."

"I shall inform them then." Ronan then rode off.

The carriage driver couldn't help but asked Lewyn. "Can we even trust him mi'lord?"

Lewyn then put his attention to said Lord's knights. "Trust him to defend the future queen of the Seven Kingdoms? No. But trust him not to kill us? Then yes."

This Knights are extremely well armed. And from what he had seen, they know how to use them. Their wepons are finely crafted. He had seen Lord's sons donning less. But what stood out most was the one with the winged helmet. This one has a more decorated arms and a blue cape. He had not gotten a full measure of the man yet but from what little he had seen, this one was at least twice more skilled than the rest. Obviously their leader. He then heared the sound of hooves and looked back down the road.

A caravan was a approaching. He then saw men and women donning armor of the highest quality. Each armed to the teeth. The way their eyes looked around showed their discipline. In the middle of their formation is a carriage of incredible make. Soon the door of the carriage opened and out stepped Ronan and with him came out Elesis holding their baby.

Said Lord nodded at Lewyn and then nodded to the carriage Lewyn was leaning on. He hesitated but still stepped aside hoping they could help. He knocked at the door and Elia peaked out. She was surprised seeing the woman and the child but shortly after, she stepped out holding Rhaenys in her arms.

When Rhaenys saw Ronan she then reached out to the man with a whimper, wanting off of her mother. Elia and Lewyn was surprised and saddened by her actions. She is obviously still afraid, and so she clung on to her saviour.

Ronan smiled and then lifted the girl into his arms. "Princess Elia and Ser Lewyn, allow me to introduce my Lady wife Elesis Sieghart."

"Greetings Princess Elia and Ser Lewyn." said Elesis with a small bow.

"To you aswell Lady Elesis." Replied Princess Elia.

"Princess Rhaenys, meet our pride and joy. Elizabeth." said Ronan as he held the princess in his arms closer to his baby daughter. The baby then gave a gummy smile, and reached out. Rhaenys then reached out her finger to the baby's cheek and the baby in turn began to suck at her finger.

Rhaenys laughed at the baby's action. Which bought joy to both her mother and great uncle. "How would you like to join us in our carriage Princess? Yours looked too damage and unsafe anymore." asked Elesis as she looked to the carriage.

...."We would be delighted Lady Elesis."

Soon the two princess joined Elesis and their daughter. Ronan decided to ride outside the rest of the way. After all they are already close to Harrenhall.

"If I may pose a question Prince Lewyn."

"Please, Ser will do Lord Sieghart."

"As you wish Ser Lewyn. I would like to know, why is there only one kingsguard safe guarding two of the royal family."

"...by orders of the King, Lord Sieghart. That and the prince is more than happy to keep the majority of my brothers to his side."

"Surely his daughter and wife warranted more than one kingsguard. A Sworn sword perhaps?"

"She hasn't receive any yet my Lord." Ronan raised his brow at that. "The prince has barely paid any attention towards his lady wife and daughter for a long time now my lord."

"I see... well..." Ronan looked to the window of the carriage seeing his beloved enjoying her time with Princee Elia and their daughter laughing with hers. "That will be the prince's loss I guess."

The knight smiled softly at that. "Yes, yes it is."

The two soon got into talking about random things. The topic not revolving on anything political or duty. Just random stuff from Essos to Westeros. Comparing the difference and similarities between the two. Come night they camped together aswell. Sharing one Large tent.

Lewyn couldn't help but gape at Ronan's sword. It was unlike any he had ever seen. It's golden pommel and cross guard are elaborately crafted. On the flat side of the sword shows a form of artwork he could not understand but the beauty of it is impossible to ignore. It's blade as fine as any he had ever seen. It isn't valyrian steel but it looks as though it could compare. And above all else, the base of the blade meeting the crossguard has a hollow part and in it showed a fist sized gem, gleaming in different colors.

[image here]

Elesis seeing where Lewyn's attention lies, smiled smugly at him and said. "Not bad right, my husband spent seven days and seven nights creating that thing." His jaw dropped, making both Elesis and Elia laugh at his expression, which in turn made the babies giggle aswell. Which prompted even more laughter.

It was late into the night after dinner when Ronan stood up from his rest and gripped his sword. He was looking outside. Noticing his actions, Lewyn stood in alarm aswell. Elesis gathered the babies and Princess Elia right next to her. The two mothers huddled together right behind Lewyn who stood close to the two. Ronan stood ready at the entrance.

Less than a minute passed when the sounds of yelling, grunting, and the sounds of steel poured from outside. Three men came in the tent and Ronan intercepted them.

The first came at him with a downward slash, Ronan dodged to the right and slid his sword to the man's belly. Another came with a diagonal swing from the left, which Ronan locked swords with. Ronan kneed the man causing him to bend over, caughing painfully. The third came at his right side with a spear thrust. Ronan stepped forward as he twisted sideways, dodging by a hair's breath to the Third and then cleaved his knee's off of him with a wide swing. Holding his greatsword with such ease he lifted the sword and then bought it down the mans neck as he fell to the ground. The second recovered and rushed Ronan. Ronan dodged twice and then he harshly parried one light stab forcing his opponent unto being unbalanced. Ronan run his sword across the man's neck, seperating it. An attack from behind came at him but Ronan slid sideways and with his free arm, Ronan then reached out and grabbed the man's face with his hand, with a grunt, lifted the man up, and smashed his head to the ground, rendering the man unconcious.

Another two came from outside. One went for Ronan and the other to Lewyn. The first one was attacked by Ronan first, he guarded but his arm buckled as his sword cracked after the initial clash alone. Said bandit was dazed at the attack he didn't notice the second swing till it was halfway already. No time to dodge, he blocked subconciously. His sword shattered as the sword cut off is head. Ronan turned to Lewyn And saw that the man has handled the other.

Ronan still standing at the ready before the tents entrance, suddenly grabbed a dagger from the ground and threw it behind them. Someone was hit at the other side of the tent as evident by the blood. Two more came rushing in from the other side. Lewyn intercepted one, he had hoped Ronan would take care of the other one but in the corner of his eye he saw him engaged in battle against another group.

As the second man got close he was suddenly impaled through the heart with a red sword. Before him stood the Red haired woman.

Elesis then kicked the man off her sword. Another one came forward. She took intiative striking against the bandit, locking their swords. Angling her sword, she forced the bandit's sword to the ground and then, with lightning fast speed, slit his throat with a dagger from her other hand.

Another one came from behind the one she just killed. She parried left, right and left and then spun passed the man from a downward strike. Elesis run her sword across the man's back. The man arc his back in pain, Elesis spun in reverse and took his head off. Another two came yelling towards her from different directions but before they could reach her, the one from the entrance was cut in half in the waist from behind by Ronan. While the last one from behind the tent was stabbed through the head, with a steel blade sticking out of his face by Lewyn.

All were silent with the sobs of Elia being heard as she clung on to the babies. Elesis was with her instantly trying to comfort the princess. Soon Nymeria and two other armed guards splattered with blood entered and stood guard. Ronan knelt beside Elesis and kissed her deeply, one she reciprocated with just as much passion. A kiss on his daughter's forehead. Then he stood up and nodded at Lewyn and then stepped outside dragging the unconcious bandit.

~~~ Line Break ~~~

The rest of the night was spent in sleep. Though less than what they had hoped. Morning came and all packed up for the journey to Harrenhall. Ronan decided to don his armor just as Elesis did.

Ronan and Lewyn was riding side by side when the former spoke. "They wanted us."

Lewyn was baffled at this. "What made you say that?"

"Because of the changes we have bought."

"I would not pry on your business my lord but I don't think ALL of those men wanted you alone. I believe we share some burden upon this troubles we have bought upon you."

Ronan just smiled at that. He's not entirely wrong after all. "Very well Ser Lewyn. Call it even then?"

The two then shared a laugh afterwards. As the tension bled out the travel became more tolerable for the two. Lewyn asked about who he believed did it.

"I have my suspicion, but no real proof. The man has proven elusive, specially to those closer to him."

Lewyn was itching to know but he knew it would do him no good right now. Defending his niece became more important. The rest of the journey was silent for the men. They had faced a total of five hundred bandits. And from the original hundred escorts the princess had, only thirty remained. The foreigners numbered only half of them but they had lost no one yet. So there is hope they would make it to Harrenhall alive.

Laughter spilled from the carriage as if to ease their hearts. The babies' happy gurgling shared by their mothers slowly eased away the tension in their strained minds. Lewyn himself sported both happiness and sadness. He is happy that his Niece had found joy but sadened that it was at the company of strangers than at the side of her own husband.

As noon came, the walls of harrenhal became visible. This placed a relieved smiles on their faces. They were soon upon it's walls. Ronan then saw Lewyn gripping his reigns tightly.

Infront of them stands, Lords Arryn, Tully, his nephew Oberyn and the Starks. Alongside them stands Jon Connington, with a pletora of lords and ladies. But no Rhaegar. No prince. No husband.

Ronan scanned the Lords. He doesn't really know which is which. He determines them based on their banners only after all. He soon dismounts with a loud *THUD!*. Lewyn is trying not to laugh at their expressions. He doesn't blame them though. Ronan was donning an armor with a look that makes Kings and Prince alike look like beggars.

[image here]

To the Lords surprise he walked to the carriage and escorted down the rest. Princess Elia took the lead, and the first to be greeted. "Welcome to Harrenhal your highness." Greeted Lady Whent as her and the gathered lords bowed.

It was a short greeting followed by offering of guest rights. When Ronan removed his helmet for bread and salt, the ladies began to whisper amongs themselves. As if trying to prove a point Elesis held on to his arm. And Ronan automatically held her by the waist. Once concluded, Elia couldn't help but ask. "May I ask where Rhaegar is?"

"He is currently occupied with more important matters princess" answered Connington.

"More important than his wife and child?" grittingly retorted Lewyn.

"What the prince deems important IS important."

Elise of course contributed, further worsening the tension. She looked to Lewyn and said. "So... the rumors were true... your prince keeps a pillow biter amongs his entourage."

Several lords and ladies choked on air, while some couldn't stop the snicker from leaving them. But there are those who didn't bother and laughed out loud. Even Lewyn had to bite down lips hard.

"How dare-" Just as Connington pulled out an inch of his sword, he's sense took leave of him. His eyes were forcefully drawn to the golden armored man beside the red haired woman. The world around him darkened, and everything else became blurry. His breath shallow, and the air felt cold. He fealt fear. Just looking at his glowing blue eyes is as if The Stranger himself is looming over him.

"A King's guard... violating guest rights... I have met savages, and yet none of them stooped so low." the feeling of dread left him suddenly.

Ronan then looked to Lewyn. "I can see why you didn't want them with you Ser Lewyn. Who's to say they won't cower from their duty if they can violate one of the oldest and most sacred traditions across the known world."

Lewyn sported half a smile at that. "Fret not Lord Sieghart. Not all of us are as pathetic as the other." That had the gathered people whispering. "Come I am sure we are all tired."

"Yes.. yes! Of course" Lady Whent jumped at the chance. "Allow me to escort you to your rooms your highness."

"Thank you my lady. Would it be possible to have rooms next to one another. As you can see my daughter has found herself a friend, and I would not wish to part them."

"Yes! at once your highness." She then signaled the men to help with the luggage. Once again Ronan surprised them when he carried their own.

After they had crossed a good distance. The whispers increassed. No one really knowing what to make of the foreigners. Connington realising that the attention has begun to shift towards himself once again decided to leave. But that didn't mean he could escape the humiliation. Come night time, word of what happened would have spread already.

~~~ Brandon Stark ~~~

"That should be him then" he whispered to Ethan Glover.

"Then let's inform your father."

"Let us speak with him first, get a measure of the man himself. Any information we obtain could tilt the odds in my father's favor for the coming negotiations."

"I don't know Brandon this could spell disaster."

"And how exactly could my plan spell disaster?"

"I was referring to you. Face it Brandon, your too proud, too rash and you measure men by the strength of their arms. Chances of you saying something bad or something worst WILL be a disaster."

Although he was angry he didn't say anything against it. He knew of his shortcomings. Still, it hurts being reminded of them. He just chose to ignore his squire instead and noticed Lyanna and Ned were gone. Looking around, he saw them standing close to the foreign knights.

As soon as he saw the Red Knights, he understood his sisters curiosity. He had known of his sisters rebellious nature. Father just shrug it off as wolf's blood being strong in her.

Seeing her look to the women donning armors, swords and daggers. He knew she would not be just watching from afar for long.

"Let's go you two. We need to inform father that his guests has arrived."

Next chapter