
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 12: Life in Essos - Braavos

Standing at the deck of the ship, feeling the salty winds of the sea, I waited for my guests to join us. I looked to the helm and saw my first mate. A Red haired woman and fierce too, one hell of a fighter. Even a better sailor. 'Such changes, never thought it would happen.'

I soon heard their footsteps and looked towards them.

Seeing the Lord and Lady wearing a 'stylish' clothes really put them out of place.

Lord Ronan himself is wearing something he called a 'formal suit'. He has a 'jacket and pants'. Near black in color, but it showed it's bluish gleam as light shines on it. His buttons are what he called Snap buttons. Far more elegant than the common ones. Closed just above his chest. Underneath the jacket lies a 'Polo', blue in color and just peaking over the jacket underneath the collar is a cloth called a 'tie'. Over his shoulders is a larger jacket just draped over his shoulders held in place, by a snap button. It reaches near his ankles, and decorated. He had a lot more things even I do not understand, like cufflinks, epaulettes, business shoes, ratchet belt, and peak caps.

I mean everyone knew they like to make things but this is just too much information for clothes. His wife isn't exactly dressed inconspicuously. She is wearing a black dress that hugs her figure and a thick white coat draped over her. Some of the men couldn't help but peak from time to time. Though they learn to ease up after receiving a glare from the husband next to her. 'Their standards are just different I guess.'

But I have to admit, they do look beautiful together. Less like nobles, more like royalty. They do indeed stood apart from the rest.

Lord Ronan has his arms around his wife's waist as she carried their child. Their newborn daughter. Elizabeth Sieghart. Said to be named after Lady Sieghart's mother. She had her father's Blue hair but her mother's golden eyes, gurgling happily in her mother's arms.

I heared Lord Ronan whistle. I turned towards what he was looking at. I don't blame him. Standing before us in all it's glory, The Titan.

"Welcome to Braavos my lord."


The citizens of Braavos couldn't help but be curious. The port was near emptied by orders of the SeaLord. The Sealord himself stands along the port curious as to why. Just one month ago he was visited personally by a 'Key Holder of the Iron Bank'. He was initially frightened thinking he might have done something wrong. For even as a SeaLord, the true power that no one wants any quarrel with is the Iron Bank.

He was given one directive, to empty a single harbor in welcoming of an important client. He obviously said yes immediately. He dared not ask who was coming, he's senses haven't taken leave of him yet after all.

Now here he was standing at the port just slightly behind thirteen key holders. 'Not even the Conqueror of the West received such grand welcome!'

Each one of the Key holders is wearing a set of robes who's fabric is sold only in Pentos. It was said that the fabric wasn't even sold to the masses. For buying one would be like Buying a valyrian steel sword. He admits he is envious. It was as soft as silk, yet harder than steel. He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen one tested with his own eyes. It flows softly in the wind yet has that metallic look in it.

He is a bit scared. This person is obviously powerful. And obviously wealthy, and yet he doesn't know who was coming. He then saw a Great White ship of incredible beauty sail past the Titan. It was as if carved out of one wood. Elaborate runic markings everywhere with the color of gold, adding to the beauty of it. And it's sheer size, 60 meters long. On it's sail showed what he wanted to know, Two swords united as one. The left side showed a blue and white sword while the right side showed a black and red sword. 'House Sieghart'

A house that has risen to the top in but a year. Impossible to miss really. Specially the miracles and tales of the combat prowess of both Lord and Lady. Said ship is escorted by six more ships only slightly smaller, though obviously more armed. The ballistae on the deck of the ship and the holes at the side showing a gleam of metal in it, screams war ship. Though a kind he has not seen before. This ships were dark in color but shows a redish glow under the sunlight.

As soon as it made to port, The key holders approached. Seeing the Lord for himself looked so young. Handsome truly, and yet his clothes made him looked a lot more like a prince than anything else. Beside him his wife holding their newborn.

They all shook hands in welcome, even the wife. He copied the Key holders not wanting to accidentally insult such a person. Soon they began their walk to the carriage that will take them to The Iron Bank. As he looked to the ship, then to the gathered crowed, he knew there was a lot to do. And above all an audience with the young Lord.

~~~Line Break~~~

Hearing the thumming sound, the Key Holders waited in silence and anticipation. They are currently watching as unknown markings appeared one at a time on a steel vault.

As soon as It was finished, a key hole appeared and from it, a golden key peaked out. One of the Key holders pulled out the key and then cut his finger as he placed a drop of blood on it. The key glowed, Ronan then urged the man to the vault.

As he slid in the key. He then twisted it several times as the runes glow once for every turn. After the fifth turn. The man then pushed open the vault. And was pleased. He then closed it as another man stepped forward to try and unlock it with the same key. Only for said key hole to vanish taking the key with it. The previous key holder then cut his palm with a blade dipped in alcohol and placed his bleeding hand on the vault. It glowed after ten seconds and the key peaked out again. Another man took a swing at it with a valyrian steel dagger, and with a *THUUMM!!!* The man was blown away towards the other end of the hall. And the Key that came from the vault began to heat up and glow.

The key holders clapped happily. This was what they wanted done for some time now. Ronan Sieghart is what they called a True Practioner of the Arcane. During the visit of one key holder of bravos to Pentos for it's products, said key holder was actually granted audience on the first day. The conversation was simple enough. Ronan wanted an audience with the key holders. And to possibly hold a seat. They were skeptical at first but the products that said man bought back from Pentos was impossible to ignore.

Fabric of unmatched quality. Harder than steel. Even valyrian steel would take effort to cut it. Skin Care cream, to preserve someone's beauty. A cleaner, more affordable type of parchment called Paper. Faster production of cloth and silk. And currently a fountain pen. The last one was so expensive it became a sign of wealth. Mainly cause it was said only the young Lord could make it.

The Iron Bank was more than happy enough to entertain an audience, the nay sayers of course was few and refused to be in the meeting. And so the young Lord traveled in incognito to Braavos. How he got here they still haven't figured out but they hardly cared. The impression he made stuck with them the most.

Braavos bought a ship design off of his hands. The ships are nearly three times faster. Trade ships and war galleys. Even ballista weapon designs. After a bulk sale he offered to upgrade one of their vaults. They were skeptical at first but they agreed to give it a chance.

What he showed was something they wanted immediately. A vault accessible only by an imprinted lineage. And a key that warns the holder of any form of attempted entry. It was perfect for a bank. The price was high but compared to the effects this would have on the Ironbank in long terms. They have it in discounted prices. And Ronan knew it. And so the two came to an agreement that was signed that same day.

~~~ Line Break ~~~

Hours later the SeaLord Ferrego Antaryon stood up as the doors to the Iron Bank opened. He saw the young Lord Walk out of the Ironbank escorted by seven keyholders. He held a scroll at hand tied with a golden ribbon. But what had him choking was The Golden Key hanging on a chain around his neck. The man has become a Key Holder that very same day. He shared a respectable bow with his escorts as he left the bank.

"My lord Sieghart!" he said trying not to wheez as he ran towards him.

"Greetings SeaLord, how may I help you?"

"Greetings as well. Lord Sieghart, please allow me the honor to host you and your family for the duration of your stay." He was late in the race but even he knew he can't rush it. He needs to establish a more amicable relationship first, because right now he has none to go with.

Ronan nodded at the offer. "We would be honored SeaLord. Allow me to go get my wife and daughter first." The sealord took note of that.

"Of course Lord Sieghart."

~~~ Line Break ~~~

The stay in the palace was good. The staff was friendly and the SeaLord was professional in his interactions. He didn't push anything, nor did he try to pry information regarding his dealings. He was more akin to a geniune business man. Which endeared him to the couple.

Several things was taken note of by the Sealord himself during their week long stay. One is that it is nothing short of a faceless man that can assasinate him. And from what he has heard, they refuse to take his name nor those related to him. They continue to say that 'The many faced god has no desire to grant him the gift.' For much to his shame a group of sorrowful men was able to get into the palace. Though Lord Ronan shrugged off the attempt on him. It was the attempt on his daughter that enraged the man. All I know is that he dragged three of the sorrowful men to the dungeon. The silence was even more frightening than screams.

If the young lord was cold and calculating in his action, his lady wife is like a fiery inferno. His lady wife though took the attempt to their daughter badly. So much so she actually hunted down the sorrowfull men in the city. She was seen fighting across the city of Braavos. And the sight she showed had every man feeling inadequate about themselves. Even his first sword and his apprentice, Syrio Florel felt short in skill compared to her. The latter more eager to learn from the woman herself. The conclusion of the sorrowfull men came when the young Lord approached the House of Black and White.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to deal with poisoning attempts on his meal. He had everything tasted first and foremost after all. And so he made sure the same is done with his guests meal. Little did he know that Ronan did deal with a couple of them. But he didn't voice it out. Not wanting to deal with his curiosity regarding his and his family's immunity.

He also built a place of worship at the foot of a mountain. A circular altar 10 meters in diameter, elevated at the height of a man's waist. In the middle stood a heart tree that sprouted to full height in but a mere three days, a serene face and tears of water flowing out of it. Around it was seven sculptures, The Father and the mother in embrace, The maiden holding a pitcher as if to pour water to the cup held by The Crone. The smith hammering at a sword as The Stranger looms over him curious as if to watch him work. While the warrior was wetting a sword as he sat by leaning on the tree. The statues were made of white stone. It was impossible to ignore. He didn't preach nor did he advocate their teachings. He left a book wrapped in white cloth with golden edges at the altar. And left it at that.

What had the people clamoring about it is that several key holders were actually seen praying to it. For a group of men and women whom they thought to worship gold. It was a baffling sight.

Ronan also oversaw the building of the shipyard that will be building the ships who's design was bought by the Iron Bank. Though it would take months for it to be finished. The builders assigned by him was knowledgeable enough to understand what he wanted built to the point they actually made a few improvements to his shipyards design.

Through out such a busy schedule though he never once neglected his wife and daughter. Elesis was very happy to the point of smothering their daughter. But then again Ronan can't blame her. She has wanted this from the very beginning. They had initially wanted to have a child after a couple more years but they soon came to the conclusion that they have to be part of Westeros for the war. There is no better way to improve their reputation in the eyes of the Lords of the seven kingdoms after all. And she was not willing to wait that long.

Now their family stood before The Pearl. Finally concluding their business with Braavos.

After receiving a scroll. Ronan shook hands with the Sealord. "Thank you for both your hospitality and for this Sealord. House Sieghart owes you a favor."

"I am grateful for that Lord Sieghart. But this is a small token of gratitude for your patronage to Braavos." said the Farrago not wanting to lose face infront of the gathered people.

As if hearing his thoughts Ronan replied, "You are good man Sealord, House Sieghart is glad to have a friend like you."

The gratitude in his eyes were there. He soon stood before Elesis, took her hand and brushed his lips to it. "Braavos would always welcome you both Lord and Lady Sieghart."

Soon the Giant ship sailed off from Braavos. "Where to my Lord?" asked the captain.

Ronan looked to his wife, one who gazed back at him with steely eyes. The crew sensing a silent conversation between husband and wife chose to shut up. A minute passed and Ronan released a deep sigh, and then nodded at his wife. Her eyes softened and a small smile graced her face. She then walked up to him with their daughter in her arms and gave her husband a soft kiss. He then wrapped his hands around her waist while his daughter continues to grab on to his finger.

"I heard of a great gathering west captain. Why don't take us there."

"Set our course, to the Saltpans." yelled their Captain.

His first mate couldn't help but ask. "what would this gathering be captain." She whispered.

"I don't believe it our business to be asking this Miss."

"It is if we are carrying the most prominent family in Pentos!" she whispered harshly.

"Watch your tone with me woman. As for you, do you believe me stupid not to know that. Why do you think we even have an escort." she lowered her head at that.

*sigh* "Return to you post." once she turned he added.

"As for your question Fortune. They called it, 'The Great Tourney of Harrenhall'."