
Traveler System

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Jason Borne a normal human given the chance to travel across the worlds of fiction into reality how will he progress through the worlds with extreme caution and safety for some adventure thrills.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 97: Welcome to my Trap

~Jason POV~

Everything has been perfectly set the trap in this room and our surroundings should all be good to go.

The enchantments should be able to stop the demons and Goddess Clan in their trap as well as the explosives and anti-magic field should stop their usage of magic for Humans, Demons, and Goddess Clan members.

As for the Fairy King, I have made sure this place wasn't made with any life force for him to use as the Fairies heavily rely on plant life to fight. What would they do in an area that is completely covered in salt?

Something that is in my domain to the conqueror.

With that, I saw it was time and hoped that the atomic bombs, as well as the enchantments in this room, would stop the majority of forces that would even dare to activate their abilities. As a safety measure though I have one of my Arc Reactors ready to detonate as well as use the Oxygen destroyer.

The one used to kill Godzilla destroying oxygen molecules liquifying most living tissues. I want to see if those races will recover from this as they try to heal from something that was and will continue as they need oxygen to survive.

To be on the safe side though I'm already entered my <Ultimate Armor> to have a better chance of surviving this mess. As it was already past noon I don't need one of their powerhouse to go all <Sunshine> on my ass.

Just to even have an unfair advantage I made sure to create a new Nen Space ability from my conjuration class that is extremely effective but at the same time not really to anyone other than me.

<No Power No Right> a Nen Space ability with the rules of any power that is not Nen will not work in the occupied space power inside the user En. And I use my <Ultimate Armor> to fuel it as it's my Nen I can bypass this rule.

The only condition to activate the ability is that the user uses unknown energy to attack or if the user felt frightened in front of such force that can harm him.

However, if anyone who does have Nen can use it freely in here so it's not exactly without some weakness or they can distort space… if it was in the HxH world but everywhere else is a free game.

But I have to get the high demon's ability and forcibly brainwash the magic mage they bring from Beliauin.

That was when I heard from Aiba inside my head as she responded to me in a reassured tone as she spoke, 'Jason sir, I have finished with the memory and brainwashing altering machine. It's connected to the Neo World Program after that… disaster of travesty with Angel of Destruction in Seraph of the End I made sure to reinforce it with some enchantments. As well make sure they have a portion of your <Absorption> quirk like you say and test drive the systems.'


While I may not like the idea of brainwashing someone to do my will this might be an exception here because Beliauin or someone in a higher position of power will be able to give me all of their confidential information.

Also, I want to test out by completely altering a demon's memory would be useful. While I like to believe my technology and magic are great, I'm not incredibly strong even with the plectra of abilities I have gotten.

However, the Giants here are strong I would like a race that has more physical power into them like the Demons. While the Goddess Clan members would be ideal, I prefer not to get them because I rather not have someone that brainwashes someone break away from my version.

Frankly, however, what I have learned in my journey thus far is the fact that remains true is that when one way is protected that seems impossible it's always fallible against something else. A magic vault that lasted for centuries can't be opened unless with magic unless that person uses explosives.

Those sorts of things are usually what happens in the end.


Opening up the entrance of the doorway I see the guest has come along with me using <Warp Gate> as they came here…

From the Beastman side, I see a wolf leader.

From the Beliauin I see another group of the old man as expected but the others are more fun of who they brought with them.

From the Fairy Clan Gloxina.

From the Goddess Clan Elizabeth, and Mael oh… very scary but not as scary as those guys.

From the Demon Clan was Derieri, Melasula, and… oh he was someone I didn't expect to come but at the same time though maybe a wise to choose for his power… Meliodas.


As soon as they entered they all flared up with their magic powers well more specifically the Goddess and Demon Clan as their hate boner is that strong.

Then there was the Fairy King as if I killed his ancestor by remembering he found his culprit of who it was that came and took their sacred fountain of youth. Ah… wonderful memories becoming immortal.


I figured as much coming from these pathetic races…

Well time to activate the trap then seeing we didn't even come to talk everything out but these fools think they can come and stroll inside as if they own the place. And can't even be calm because of this sigh…


Just like this the chamber that we were all inside suddenly activated as it managed to deactivate the powerhouses in the room as the pressure of their magical power suddenly vanished.

Have to thank those guys in Seraph of the End for creating enchantments against demons and angels.

By then everyone is looking in my direction as I already used my <Warp Gate> catching the leaders of the humans inside my lab filled with my robots at the ready along with the whole Nen Space ability of <No Power No Right> activated.

No power other than my own is working and as the user, I can use all my power freely…

Goddess Clan and Demon Clan looked at me fully aware of who was the one and I just needed them to show proof of power to get the other clans' attention. After all, what's more, believable other than a large fight occurred involving the powerhouses to fight.

But in actuality, though a large explosion is enough to end them. I mean what do the other Clans would think they all were killed by a human is laughable but if they were set up here and 'killed' the new king of Neo Megadozer in the process.

Then it would lead others to think only their proud races of the Demon or the Goddess Clan are the only ones powerful enough to accomplish their task. That is how much I expect their arrogance and pride to react after this series of events happen.

Luckily for me, they have no future sights to tell them otherwise.

But first thought…


Taking away the fight was the Beastman leader to represent them and the old human group inside the dungeons with enchantments filled with the brim to ensure that they won't use their magic.


Taking this chance I rushed Melasula as she tried to use their famous Darkness but only to see shock written on her face as she couldn't as I coldly spoke to her, "Your <Hell Gate> ability is very reliable… thank you for the power."

Using AFO on her the aura of her ability was forcibly taken away as I felt the new power of <Hell Gate> just as Dreieri came rushing towards me as she fought back, "YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU FIGHT –"


That was cut short as I fully released the power of <One for All: 100% Full Power> grabbing her head as I slowly crush it as she flails to escape from my grasp. The banging on my armor wasn't an issue with her but my barrier thanks to the <Flight> quirk makes her attacks seem non-existent to me.

But then again though it might be just me using my full power at the start.

Regardless though their Commandants have got to go before I brainwash the both of them. Yes, I intend to brainwash these two for their secrets in the Demon Realm and possible forced allies in the future.

I may be kind in the past but these two probably killed off a lot of innocent lives in their vast amount lifetime without any care?

Then I guess wiping their memories clean and implanting new ones would be a way to get rid of this problem from the roots plus having incredibly strong subordinates like them could prove handy in other worlds.

I may be strong here but I could use some more reliable help in the future and not just leave it to Aiba all the time. In the technology-based world I'll be sure to stand well on top but magic worlds like these eh…

Odds are about unfair as it can get dealing with concepts of magic and such.

As for why Meliodas was not attacking me they were currently dealing with the angels and even despite their magical power gone the physical power isn't but his currently too busy handling the angels to be of issue to me.

The two female demons Drerieri and Melasula are both stuck at the palms of my hand as the Fairy King Gloxina points his spear at me talking to me, "YOU BASTARD KNIGHT! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT –"

Tunning him out I began to collect the samples of Meliodas blood that the Goddess Clan preciously provided as they fought him tooth and nail. They were so focused on killing the Son of the Demon King they let a bigger threat like me live.

With Meliodas blood I can practically create clone armies of them on standby with my knowledge and resources.

But first thought…

It was then I asked Aiba as I began to get out of here using my new ability <Hell Gate> seeing the anger on Melasula's face as she realized I stole her ability to travel back to my old home in the Forest of White Dreams.


That was the place I intended Aiba to set up the Neo World Program as I kept my ability on as I move ahead to safety while I smacked the Fairy King in their direction as I spoke to them as they ignored my presence as I was using In the whole time lowering my presence at them the whole time.

It was when I spoke to them they finally saw my presence as I spoke coldly but happily at the same time to them, "Well I was supposed to talk peace with you but it seems to me that you would rather die. But do know that your deaths will be the catalyst in creating the Holy War."


With that I closed the <Hell Gates> as a bright flash of light erupted as I heard the screams of the demon, angels, and fairies as the two demons in my hands looked in horror taking out possibly the biggest threats to them.

Then using my Hulk Busters at home they began to restrain them as I draw out <Excalibur> as they felt the weight of the chaos magic inside of it as Drerieri for the first time felt fear, "Wha… what are you going to do to us with that…"

"<Chaos: Reality Erase Slash>."


Even using a small time using the blade is exhausting as with one swipe of the sword I used <Chaos> ability to erase the commandments from their bodies as they saw the commandments being erased period.


Falling to my knees as I felt what Chaos meant that my body would fail on me as I couldn't hold the power for a few damn seconds… but it was enough as the fear of losing their connection to their Demon King and what happens next….

That was when I asked Aiba in a curious voice as she seems to be intrigued with the idea of what I had in mind, 'Say Aiba what would you like to have a body of your own as power as the demons here have huh? You might finally get to experience what the real world is for a change…'

Aiba was surprised but then couldn't help but contain a smile on her face at the idea of it…

~Third POV~


The trap that killed the Demon King Son Meliodas as well as the powerful angels like Mael and Elizabeth died on that day with the Fairy King Gloxina as well as the new king of Neo Megadozer as the Giants spread rumors of the fight.

The explosion resulted from a power clash between the Demon and Goddess Caln as it was a supposed talk turned into a bloodbath.

Every other race listened to how the King of Neo Megadozer saved the human elders of Beliuin and the Beastman King hearing everything that has occurred.

The explosion itself was in the shape of a mushroom cloud as the dead bones of angels, demon, and the fairy was lying beneath the surface of a large creator away from anything civilized miles away as the salt power of their king protected it from encasing larger portions of the land making it poisonous to others when in range.

The victims died a cruel and painful death as their powers couldn't stop the radiation and oxygen molecules from tearing them apart piece by piece even if they have been healed as they were bombed not by magic by the power of science that made their downfall.

Just as Jason predicted the Goddess and Demon Clans were to blame as it made the two major powerhouses the clans look extremely guilty as they blamed each other because they truly believe it was them that caused the deaths of their powerful members…

Unaware to most of the clans it was all planned by a human the lowest of the clans to be the one to accomplish this task…

All the while Jason readied the Neo World Program on the screen of his home seeing a loading bar as cables connecting to it were shown to a chamber containing the contained demons Derieri and Melascula as they remain a lifeless state.

The loading bar read the following 'Loading Memory Extractor… 67%.'

Jason smiled at this as he views over the blood sample he got from Meliodas as he breaks down the code on a genetic level to see his blueprints and he saw another screen next to Derieri as it showed Aiba data form as it says the following…

'Loading… the A.I. Aiba data and conscious to… In Progress once memories of Derieri have been extracted…'