
Traveler System

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Jason Borne a normal human given the chance to travel across the worlds of fiction into reality how will he progress through the worlds with extreme caution and safety for some adventure thrills.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 96: Prep Time

~Jason POV~

Finally getting bored of doing nothing I have finally got to see what is going on as I see the front entrance of Neo Megadozer that holds an actual diamond wall for defense as I meet up with human-size giant soldiers.

As I greeted them I see they saluted at me as they responded to me with Drole following behind me as they talked, "Lord Yu sir! We have seen the human forces coming over to our land demanding of us!"

Raising my eyebrow at that I went over to see what the people wanted from me as I see their leader demand from me as they spoke, "You fellow human! Tell these damned barbarians to let us in to raid their stuff!! Follow my site and I promise you can become the greatest under my control for their goods!!"

What the fuck?

That was when I heard Aiba responds to me equally as confused as she spoke inside my head, 'Sir? I know that there are dumb people around but… is this man serious?'

Responding equally as confused to Aiba I talked to her in an unsure tone, 'Yeah… I have no idea what they are doing? Might as well ask them?'

Clearing my throat I then began to speak to them in as a harsh tone as possible as I glared at them releasing my magic pressure to them, "Cough! Sorry but what exactly are you doing in my land intruders! And what the fuck do you mean that you'll in your words raid my Kingdom of the Giant Clan?"

Glancing at their clear surprise I managed to predict that they try to sweet-talk me into giving their stuff for free as I was so done with them. I don't even care what kingdom they are from as I began to place my hand on my forehead as I was so done with them.

Turning my head to Drole I then asked them to take care of them as I told him in a bored tone, "Sigh… Drole can you do me a favor and take care of them. I want to see how much you have done with your new skills."

Drole returns with a wide grin as he talked to me as he gets ready to use his magic at them as he begins his attack, "Ha! Very well then King Yu it shall be done. Besides I always wanted to test this out on my enemies. <Ground: Magma Tsunami>!"


Beginning his dance he started to move around the earth as the army in front of us saw what was happening as the very earth begin to crack open as the very earth surfaces molten magma from the ground rise as the army of humans looked in terror.

The magma wave erupted like a tsunami following the way towards the army as they try to run away from them but then on the other end a wall of stone came up from the ground blocking their way of escape as they began to scream in terror.


The magma then swallowed them whole as the magma melted them alive as the very ground then consumed them with the stone wall covering it as if nothing ever happened to our front gates or the ground.

Everything just looks normal again just some burnt grass but then the other giants began to dance rejuvenating the ground as the grass began to grow again at a fast paste.

Perfect I see the fruits and seeds from the Fairy Clan is finally boring some fruit no pun intended though but the practice of making the perfect growing soil infused with the magic grounds of the Fairy Clan dirt.

By getting the Giants to practice using the very soil from the Fairy Clan the giants can learn how to use <Plant M.> in the future since they are very attuned with nature. Soon enough they will finally reach the level of Hashirama ninja from Naruto soon the plant Jutsu will become reality.

Now if only I could use the planetary destruction from Madara using my <Creation> I just can't wait to spam meteorites.


Everyone including myself is clapping to Drole for a job well done as he's gotten better control of his magic as I talked to him, "Drole you certainly improved a lot better than I thought getting used to these new uses of your clan's magic. I can be certain you'll get stronger in the future I just know it."

Drole laughed at that as I happen to see some owls coming in my direction.

Ah, the universal medieval messenger system of the SDS world. Carrier owls that bring in the mail to those that are nobles.

Grabbing the letters, I see a few of them belong to each of the clans and I do mean all of the clans. Even the Goddess and Demon clan seem to be interested in my little Neo Megadozer.

Opening them up from the human side I get to see they are sending a group of people over here from Beliauim wanting to establish a trading system with us. Expected honestly just wished they come sooner though.

The next one is from the Fairy Clan as it's addressed to Drole I guess they must have wanted to get this mail to the previous leader. Reading the contents of the mail in the letter they wanted to know who the current king of the Giant Clan is and wanted to arrange a meeting with me to know why they are selling their lands.

Pretty oblivious this Fairy King is huh?

It's only for profit from them and that's what a wasteful question to ask but maybe I can milk this for its worth. It's a trick that many people did are willing to do for information to pay for ridiculous costs.

The next one is the Beastman's wanting to become part of the Giant's Clan territory since they have been isolated from the human world. Not a bad offer really, I get unique beastman or beast woman soldiers with their senses and shapeshifting under me.

They could be really useful plus the Neo Meagdozer could use some diversity of different races in my Kingdom as different races are useful under one force to provide a unique sense of versatility in a Kingdom prime example of the Seven Deadly Sins for example as they consisted of different races.

The other one is from the Vampire Clan sub servant branch to the Demon Clan as they are their servants to them and messengers. The Demons want to recruit us in their ranks that's it.

Talk about poor negotiating on their part but they did say a demon representative will be able to come in a few days to talk about the deal or our subservience to them. Yeah, that is not happening but if it comes to a fight then they will have to try something different since they are offering me a chance to talk.

Honestly though depending on who they send might change how we negotiate in the future. But if they offer some soils from hell or the Demon Realm maybe I can get the Giants to use darkness-based ground attack magic or something else instead.

I have to get some to test out the ideas though, so I'll put that on hold for now.

As for the Goddess clan, they want to in other words want their allegiance to them and they offer protection in return as well as spread their culture to the Giants. But the thing is though there are no words of what we want just expect them to follow what they want.

This is just bad business for them to just expect things. Do these powerful beings even have a thing called basic negotiation at all?

They haven't said what we get just their protection and servitude basically but no way I'm letting those demons with white wings come here just to spread their brainwashing bullshit on me or the giants here.

They can try and come off as peaceful and jolly, but I know their natures that they want to control the reason why is because of their brainwashing magic passing it off as faith.

Now that it looks like all the races want this piece of my products and the suddenly steady increase of power in my Kingdom of Neo Megadozer.


Time to make some countermeasures just to be sure as I seriously spoke to Drole as it gets his attention to him, "Drole can you make a meeting room for us using the holy grounds using my Salt to replicate the room. I have an interesting meeting to create with all the races. Make sure it's in a secluded area."

Drole seeing my serious expression he nods at that as he spoke back to me, "I see your majesty Yu… I'll bring some of our elite guards along. To be sure to create the countermeasures."

With that, he left as I began to use <Creation> to create some paper and pen to use to write back to the other race's leaders and representations.

While I was writing them down, I mention the fact that the other races will also be there to see what they want with the new king of Giants. Also, this meeting will be made to ensure that all parties say what they want.

And for the ones that want to ally, I will hear their pleas first before making any decision to join or be completely neutral but also write back they better have something to offer to my growing kingdom.

I won't allow their bullshit to get in my way its either they provide me something to offer worth allying with if not then you don't get jack shit. Those will be my terms that will make them think.

But this will also force them to give me something worth to me from the other products we have. Highly unlikely but the only ones I would want is something extremely valuable to them like how Merlin tricked the Goddess and Demon Clan.

Writing it down and sending them back to the sender the owls began to leave the area back to their original owners as Aiba pop out to speak, "Jason sir are you positive that all of them meeting would be the wise thing to do?"

Glancing at Aiba then turn my full attention to her I shook my head before I responded to her with a shaky grin, "Honestly though I expect them to fight each other's necks once they realize what they intend to do. And quite frankly I managed to set up a time and place for them giving me an edge when they go to fight. But what they won't expect that I'll depower them and force them to comply."

Aiba blinks at me with that as she laughs as she summons up a data screen seeing what I have in mind as she spoke to me, "I see… you're planning to use your Nen ability to seal their powers and force them to comply. But in actuality, if they start to get hostile, you'll rob them of everything and be done with it. Have I gotten everything correct so far?"

Nodding once more at my brilliant Aiba I began to talk to her while observing the land at a great distance as I spoke fondly, "Yup. Even Chaos is deciding to change his world up with the info he got. So, if he's doing that what's the actual point for us to let the character important live? At this point were practically stealing from them if they fight back. But if we are going to fight if they don't see things our way then violence is our only answer."

I'm not letting some supernatural being tell me what to do plus with my <Ultimate Armor> along with my other abilities with the sealing <On> skill with some clones I'll be sure to make this end in my favor.

If those characters end up being very important, I'll blame it up to the Goddess Clan and Demon Clan killing each other off to the other races. This idea will force the Goddess Clan to try to appease the other clan while the Demons will retaliate in return thus forcing everyone into a Holy War.

With the Holy War, it will end the Demon and Goddess Clans once and for all if they try.

Now I just need to create a few enchantments to detain them as well as secure that they won't go wild at the beginning. Time to review those Seraph of the End magic enchantments and adjust them to the other races.