
Trapped Underground

Anne_6523 · Video Games
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6 Chs

2. Snow!!

Daisy ran over to where Snow lay a little further away from them, her heart pounding with worry. "Snow, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" she asked anxiously, her voice trembling. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her; 'Snow must have rolled out of her bag when we fell down the hole'. "I'm so sorry, Snow. Please be okay," she pleaded, tears gathering in her eyes as she gently picked up the still passed out white squirrel and cradled her in her lap.

Checking Snow for injuries, Daisy felt a mix of relief and concern. There were no visible injuries, which was a relief, but she couldn't shake off the worry completely. Snow was not a pet; she was a precious member of their family. The rare white squirrel had fur that seemed to shine when light struck, making her even more special.

Daisy knew that Snow was intelligent; she could understand human language, although she couldn't speak. (Of course, she's a squirrel, after all.) Snow could also read, though writing was beyond her capabilities. Daisy had always admired Snow's sharp wit and cleverness, which often brought a smile to her face even in the darkest of times.

With a gentle touch, Daisy softly nuzzled the sleeping squirrel with her index finger, hoping to rouse her from her slumber. As Snow let out a tiny yawn and stretched, she opened her bright eyes to find Daisy looking back at her, her own eyes slightly swollen from crying.

"Squeak?" Snow squeaked, as if asking what happened.

"It's okay, Snow. We're all safe," Daisy reassured her furry companion, gently stroking her back. "I was so worried about you."

Snow looked up at her with a knowing gaze, as if trying to comfort her in return. Despite not being able to speak, the connection between Daisy and Snow ran deep, and they understood each other's feelings without the need for words.


As Daisy returned to her brother's side, Snow perched on her shoulder. Daniel was now shirtless, his head, chest and shoulders wrapped in bandages where Davis had patched him up. Worry and pain etched across his face, Daniel tried to bear the discomfort he felt at that moment. "How is Snow? Is she alright?" Dan asked, his voice reflecting his worry and discomfort.

Concerned, Davis also got up to check on Snow and make sure she was alright. The little white squirrel squeaked to reassure them, bringing a slight sense of relief.

"So, what now?" Davis asked, glancing up at the height they had fallen from.

"First, let's gather up our scattered belongings and see if there's a way out of here," Daniel replied, attempting to stand up, but quickly realizing it was too painful to do so.

"Woah, don't get up! Daisy and I will take care of that. You just stay put," Davis said, his voice tinged with panic.

Daisy nodded in agreement and added, "Snow, could you help us watch him?" The squirrel hopped down from Daisy's shoulder and climbed up to perch on Daniel's head, as if understanding the request.

"Thanks," Davis chuckled, appreciating Snow's assistance, while Daniel sighed, accepting his temporary role as an observer, knowing he couldn't do much with Snow diligently watching over him.

After carefully gathering their scattered belongings, the trio decided to explore further in search of an exit. They cautiously maneuvered through the underground forest, trying to remain alert to any potential dangers. However, fate had other plans for them, as they stumbled upon a peculiar sight.

As they turned a corner, they found themselves face-to-face with a flower with a smiling face, a sinister looking flower that seem to have a reputation for mischief and malevolence. Upon seeing Daniel's injured state, the flower's expression twisted into a wicked grin.

"Well, well, well." It talks!? "What do we have here?" The talking flower taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Some lost souls wandering in the Underground. Looks like someone had a bit of an accident. You seem a bit injured there, pal," he taunted, eyeing Daniel with malicious glee. 

Daniel winced, feeling vulnerable and weakened by his injuries. Davis and Daisy moved closer to their brother, instinctively trying to shield him from any harm that the talking flower might inflict.

Ignoring the pain, Daniel tried to muster a defiant response. "We're not here to cause trouble. We just want to find a way out of this place," he said, his voice tinged with determination.

The talking flower's grin widened, clearly enjoying the predicament they were in. "A way out, huh? Well, well, well, I can't have you leaving so soon. This place is much more fun with some company, and I have a feeling you three could be very entertaining." he hissed.

Davis clenched his fists, feeling the bravery in his soul bubbling up. "Leave us alone, flower-face!" he retorted, standing up to the malevolent flower.

Daisy stepped forward, her patience soul helping her remain calm in this tense situation. "Please, we mean no harm. We just want to go home," she pleaded.

The talking flower chuckled sinisterly, his petals twitching with amusement. "Home? Oh, but this is your home now, little ones. And as the welcoming committee, I must insist that you stay," he sneered.

"Enough with the games," Daniel spoke up, his patience starting to wear thin. "Who or what are you, and what do you want from us?"

The talking flower's twisted grin widened, seemingly pleased with the question. "Oh, you're curious little creatures, aren't you? Well, I suppose there's no harm in telling you. I am so much more than just a flower, my dear human. I am Flowey, the one and only!" he proclaimed, his voice oozing with arrogance.

"Flowey? That's your name?" Davis questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Why do you look so surprised? It's a perfectly charming name, don't you think?" the talking flow-I mean Flowey replied, mock innocence in his tone. "Now, as for what I want from you... Oh, just a bit of entertainment, I suppose. Life gets dreadfully dull down here, and new faces bring such delightful surprises."

"You find joy in causing others pain and fear?" Daniel asked, his voice tinged with disbelief and disgust.

"Oh, you catch on quick, don't you?" Flowey chuckled. "Fear, pain, despair... it's all so amusing! And you little humans are such fun to mess with."

Davis stepped forward, his brave soul refusing to back down. "You won't get any satisfaction from us. We won't be your playthings!" he declared, trying to mask his concern for Daniel's injuries.

Flowey's petals curled up mischievously. "Well, well, aren't you the feisty one? I like that!" he mused "but you already are, your souls are like delicious delicacies, and I plan to savor every moment of your despair." Flowey taunted, his petals quivering with excitement. 

'This is bad....'"You won't get what you want Flowey." Daniel gritted his teeth, a flicker of determination crossing his face despite the pain he felt.

Flowey's grin turned wicked. "You're injured, aren't you? How delightful! That just makes it even easier for me," he sneered, his malevolence evident in every word. Floating even closer to the siblings. "But I have to warn you, messing with me won't end well for you. I have ways of making things very unpleasant."

"We are not afraid of you, Flowey," Daisy said firmly, her patience giving her a sense of inner strength.

Flowey's grin faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "We'll see about that," he replied cryptically. "Now, since you're so eager to leave, let's play a little game, shall we? If you can defeat me in a fight, I'll consider letting you go. But if I win... well, let's just say you won't be leaving anytime soon."

Daniel exchanged a glance with his siblings, and they knew they had no choice but to face this malevolent flower. Their journey through the Underground had just taken a dangerous turn, and they were determined to stand together against whatever challenges lay ahead, including the enigmatic and treacherous Flowey.