
Trapped Underground

Anne_6523 · Video Games
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6 Chs

3. Flowey....

In the dimly lit underground, injured and unable to stand on his own, Daniel found himself surrounded by his siblings, Daisy and Davis, along with their loyal companion, Snow. The encounter with Flowey had caught them off guard, and tensions were rising as the strange and enigmatic creature called it a "game."

With a mixture of concern and determination on her face, Daisy took a step forward, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear creeping in. "Flowey, right? Can we talk about this? There's no need for a fight. We don't want to harm anyone; we just want to find a way out of here."

Flowey's grin widened, his sharp, toothy petals resembling an eerie smile. "Oh, it's not just any game, little humans. This is a game of life and death! How thrilling!" His tone was mocking, relishing the fear he could see in their eyes.

Davis clenched his fists, trying to hide the tremor in his voice. "We don't want any trouble. We're just passing through. Please, let us go."

Flowey's petals twitched with amusement. "Let you go? Oh, how boring! I don't get visitors down here very often. Besides, I need to have some fun!"

Snow chittered softly, trying to appeal to Flowey's better nature, if he had one. However, Flowey remained unyielding.

Daisy took another step forward, her voice calm but determined. "Flowey, we understand that you might be lonely or hurting. Is this how you cope with your pain by causing suffering to others? There must be a better way."

Flowey's expression wavered for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. But he quickly masked it with a wicked grin. "You know nothing about me," he spat.

Daisy stood her ground, undeterred by Flowey's defensive response. "Maybe we don't know everything about you, but that doesn't mean we can't try to understand. We've all faced hardships in our lives, and hurting others is not the solution. There's always a different path, a chance to change and make amends."

Flowey's twisted grin widened, his words dripping with malice. "You really are an idiot. In this world, it's kill or be killed."

Davis clenched his fists tighter, ready to protect his siblings and Snow at any cost. But Daisy placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, silently urging him to hold back.

"We won't indulge in your twisted game," Daisy declared firmly, her voice unwavering, "but we won't resort to violence either. We'll seek a peaceful way out of this place."

"Suit yourself," Flowey retorted, his sinister intentions clear as he launched several deadly vines at Daisy. Caught off guard, Daisy stood frozen in horror, anticipating the sharp pain of being impaled.

But to her astonishment, nothing happened.

As she slowly opened her eyes, she found Daniel standing in front of her, blood pouring from his mouth, his body taking the brunt of Flowey's attack.

"Danny?..." she murmured, disbelief evident in her trembling voice.

"DAN!!!!!" Davis' anguished cry pierced the air as he lunged forward to catch his falling brother, fear and desperation etched on his face.

Daisy's heart sank as she saw her brother, Daniel, taking the hit for her. His body trembled with pain, but he mustered a weak smile, trying to reassure her. "I'm... fine... just... be careful..."

Tears welled up in Daisy's eyes as she held Daniel's hand tightly. She couldn't believe that Flowey would attack them so ruthlessly. "No, you're not fine. We need to get you out of here." She turned her attention back to Flowey, her voice shaking with anger and fear. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from us?"

Flowey chuckled darkly, his petals twitching with sadistic glee. "I want to see you suffer, to see you squirm like the insects you are. This is my world, and you're nothing but playthings for my amusement."

Davis' eyes blazed with fury as he helped his injured brother sit against a nearby wall. "You won't get away with this," he growled, clenching his fists.

Flowey's grin widened, his vines wriggling with anticipation. "Oh, but I already have. You're trapped here, just like everyone else in this wretched place."

Daisy's mind raced, trying to find a way out of this dire situation. She knew they couldn't defeat Flowey in a fight, especially with Daniel injured. But maybe, just maybe, there was another way.

"F*cking bastard, you want a fight that badly. Fine, then it's a fight you will get." Davis said, his eyes burning with anger as he bravely stood up to face Flowey.

"Finally!!" Flowey exclaimed with excitement, relishing the thought of causing them pain.

"Dave, no, please, don't act recklessly!" Daisy pleaded, her eyes still brimming with tears.

"Daisy, help Dan stop the bleeding. Let me handle this." Davis gave Daisy a side glance and a small smile. "You trust me, don't you, sis?"

As Davis stepped forward to confront Flowey, Daisy quickly moved to tend to Daniel's wounds, doing her best to stop the bleeding and keep him as comfortable as possible. Snow perched nearby, ready to assist in any way she could.

Meanwhile, Davis faced off against Flowey, his fists clenched, and determination etched on his face. He knew he had to stay calm and focused, even though fear and anger coursed through his veins, he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Flowey, amused by the human's bravado, taunted him with sinister laughs.

"I must say, you've got guts, human," Flowey sneered, his vines poised to strike. "But it won't be long before I crush you like the insignificant pest you are."

Davis gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He knew he couldn't match Flowey's power, but he also couldn't let his siblings down. He had to find a way to outsmart this malevolent flower.

"Ready to dance with death, little human?" Flowey taunted, his vines poised for attack.

Davis swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to stay focused and find a way to outsmart Flowey, even if it seemed impossible. "I won't let you hurt my family or anyone else," he retorted, determination clear in his voice.

With a sudden burst of energy, Davis charged forward, skillfully dodging the vines that came his way. He knew he couldn't defeat Flowey with strength alone, so he began to analyze the patterns of Flowey's attacks, looking for weaknesses to exploit.

As the battle intensified, Daisy kept a watchful eye on her brothers. Her heart swelled with pride and fear, seeing Davis fight so fiercely to protect them. She wished there was something more she could do to assist him, but right now, she had to focus on helping Daniel recover.

The fight raged on, the underground chamber filled with the sound of Davis' determination and Flowey's malicious laughter. Snow's tiny heart raced with worry as she watched the struggle unfold.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos, something unexpected happened. Flowey's vines unexpectedly recoiled, leaving an opening for Davis to make a decisive move. With quick thinking, Davis took advantage of the moment, landing a powerful strike with the small dagger he forgot he had that stunned Flowey momentarily. The dagger was placed by his ankle within his boot.

"I've had enough of your games," Davis declared, panting but resolute.

Flowey's grin faltered for just an instant, his arrogance momentarily shaken. But he quickly regained his composure, vowing, "This isn't over. You'll regret crossing me!"

With those words, Flowey retreated, disappearing into the underground shadows. Davis let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the immediate threat had passed. He rejoined Daisy and Daniel, who was looking better thanks to Daisy's care.

"We need to find a way out of here," Daisy said, her eyes determined. "We can't let Flowey keep us trapped in this place." She couldn't help but wonder what had led Flowey down this dark path and if there was any way to bring him back from it.

Davis nodded in agreement, still tired from the fight with Flowey. "We need to be prepared for anything. This place is more dangerous than we thought."

"Oh, dear!" A voice said as it approached them.