
Trapped Underground

Anne_6523 · Video Games
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6 Chs

1. How are we alive...?

"Ow..." Daniel slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the pain that surged through his body. Blood trickled down his face from a cut, a remnant of the fall they had just endured.

Trying to sit up, he realized someone was still on top of him. Looking down, he saw his siblings, Davis and Daisy, unconscious and resting on him. It seemed he had shielded them from most of the impact. 'We fell.' he muttered to himself, recalling the dizzying descent they had just experienced. Glancing up, he marveled at the height they had fallen from and wondered how they had survived.

To his surprise, they were lying on a bed of golden flowers, their soft petals cushioning the landing. "These flowers must have saved us," he thought, gazing at the floral expanse that surrounded the cave they now found themselves in.

"Augh... that hurts," groaned Davis as he slowly regained consciousness. Panic and awe mixed in his voice as he realized the sheer height they had fallen from.

"Holy Sh*t!! That's so high up! How the f*ck are we still alive?!?"

"Can you get any louder?" Daniel retorted, the echo of his own voice bouncing off the cave walls. Davis looked down and noticed he was still atop his brother. Concern etched on his face, he quickly moved away, asking if Daniel was alright.

Daisy's drowsy voice joined in the conversation, trying to make sense of what had happened. "Danny? Dave? Wait weren't we falling?" She asked glancing up. "Whoa, how are we still ali-DANNY!?! Your head! Are you alright!? You're bleeding! D-does it hurt? H-hold on, I'll check if we have any first aid kit in the bags." she exclaimed, as she searched her bag.

"I'm fine sis. Relax," Daniel assured her with a weak smile, trying to sit up despite his aching body. "But thanks for caring." His back was bleeding, and his headache intensified.

"Dan, your back... it's...," Davis stuttered, his hands trembling as he received the first aid kit from Daisy.

"I'll be fine," Daniel insisted, though he knew he looked worse than he felt. "Danny...." Daisy wimpered knowing he was hurting. He removed his white jacket, now stained with blood, and started to unbutton his shirt to attend to his injuries.

"Um... Daisy, could you turn around for a sec?" he asked, realizing that his younger sister wouldn't appreciate the sight of his injuries.

Daisy obliged, not a fan of blood or gore. While Davis tended to his wounds, she turned her attention to her beloved companion, Snow. But something was wrong. "Snow? SNOW!" she called out, her worry evident in her voice.






Let's know our casts, shall we?

Daisy Demetrious is a gentle and kind-hearted 12-year-old girl with long, flowing silver hair that shimmers like moonlight. Her hair cascades down her back in soft waves, reflecting the light in a mesmerizing manner. The color is so unique and ethereal that it often draws admiration from those around her.

Her eyes, the color of the vast ocean on a clear summer day, hold a sense of calm and understanding that goes beyond her young age. When you look into her eyes, you can sense the depth of her empathy and compassion, as if she has the ability to see through your worries and offer comfort without saying a word.

Daisy's presence exudes tranquility and grace, like a serene oasis in the midst of chaos. She has a warm and welcoming smile that can light up even the gloomiest of days, and her laughter is like a soothing melody that brings joy to those fortunate enough to hear it.

Her demeanor is patient and composed, showing remarkable poise and maturity beyond her years. Daisy has a remarkable ability to listen attentively, making others feel heard and understood. She's never in a hurry to pass judgment or rush to conclusions; instead, she takes her time to assess situations with a steady, thoughtful approach.

Daisy's favorite color is yellow, a reflection of her bright and sunny disposition. Yellow symbolizes happiness, optimism, and hope - traits that are a perfect match for her caring nature. She finds joy in the simple things, like a field of sunflowers swaying in the breeze or a clear, sunny day spent outdoors.

One of Daisy's greatest passions is flowers. She loves spending time in gardens, surrounded by nature's beauty. Whether it's tending to delicate blossoms, arranging vibrant bouquets, or simply enjoying the sight and scent of various blooms, flowers have a special place in her heart.

Despite her young age, Daisy is wise beyond measure, and her patience soul allows her to navigate life's challenges with composure and understanding. She is a pillar of support for her older siblings, Daniel and Davis offering them comfort and encouragement when they need it most.

With her silver hair, ocean blue eyes, patience soul, and love for flowers, Daisy is like a living embodiment of serenity and compassion, leaving a lasting impression on all who have the privilege of crossing her path.

Daniel Demetrious is a remarkable 19-year-old, on the cusp of turning 20. He possesses a magnetic presence that captures the attention of those around him. His most striking feature is his luxurious silk silver hair that flows effortlessly, framing his handsome face. The silver strands glisten under the light, adding an air of sophistication and mystery to his appearance.

His eyes are a mesmerizing shade of sky-blue, resembling the vast expanse of a clear summer sky. They hold an intensity that reflects his unwavering determination and the depth of his character. When he looks into your eyes, it feels like he can see into your very soul, connecting with you on a profound level.

Daniel's face is chiseled, with defined cheekbones and a strong jawline, giving him a striking and statuesque profile. Despite his maturity, there is a subtle softness to his features that hints at the kindness and warmth within.

Tall and well-built, Daniel possesses a strong and athletic physique, suggesting an individual who is both physically and mentally resilient. His posture exudes confidence, yet he remains approachable and down-to-earth.

As a young man with an integrity soul, Daniel is guided by a strong moral compass and a sense of honor that is rare to find. He believes in doing what is right, even when it's difficult or unpopular. Daniel is not one to compromise on his principles and stands firm in the face of challenges.

His favorite color is white, which is a reflection of his purity of heart and a desire for clarity and simplicity in his life. White symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start, characteristics that align perfectly with Daniel's outlook on life.

Daniel is not just a person of integrity, but also a great listener and a loyal friend. He has a calming presence that makes people feel at ease in his company. When others are troubled or uncertain, they often turn to Daniel for guidance and support, knowing that he will provide them with honest and thoughtful advice.

Despite his young age, Daniel carries himself with a sense of maturity and wisdom that goes beyond his years. His experiences have shaped him into a compassionate and understanding individual who values the well-being of others.

With his silk silver hair, sky-blue eyes, integrity soul, and love for the color white, Daniel is a beacon of virtue and goodness, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those he encounters.

Davis Demetrious is a spirited and resilient 16-year-old with a head of short silver hair that gleams under the light. His deep blue eyes reflect a sense of adventure and fearlessness, mirroring the vastness of the ocean on a clear day. Standing tall for his age, he possesses an athletic build, a testament to his active lifestyle and his willingness to face challenges head-on.

Davis's personality is defined by his brave soul, always eager to explore the unknown and confront any obstacles that come his way. His tenacity and determination are evident in the way he fearlessly tackles the most daunting of tasks, inspiring those around him with his unwavering courage.

As the middle sibling of the Demetrious family, Davis takes on the role of the protector, looking out for his younger sister Daisy and supporting his older brother Daniel. He embraces his responsibilities with a sense of duty and loyalty, earning the admiration and respect of his siblings.

Davis's favorite color is red, a fitting choice for someone who exudes passion and energy. It represents his fiery spirit and the burning desire to make a difference in the world around him. Whether it's exploring the mysterious depths of the Underground or standing up for what he believes in, Davis's fervor never wavers.

His adventurous nature sometimes leads him into trouble, but he always manages to find a way out with a combination of quick thinking and fearlessness. Davis's actions speak louder than his words, and he proves time and again that he's not one to back down from a challenge.

With his silver hair catching the sunlight like a radiant halo and his eyes shining with determination, Dave stands as a symbol of hope and bravery in the face of adversity. He's a remarkable young man, one whose strength and spirit will be pivotal in the journey through the Underground and the challenges that lie ahead.