
Trapped in Novel with bad ending

A Girl name Yuki found herself as a supporting character in her favorite novel 'Song of blades and heros'. whose name is Maya Flag from a famous Earl Flag family well Maya Flag was destined to became a sex slave of orcs and goblins in great war of chaos while leading a army and later got killed by ML but this time she by mistake seduce all the main character and build the reverse harem

Arc_Group · Fantasy
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Chapter 2:- Imperial Academy

2 Years later

Maya train Mana Cultivation Method for 2 whole years but from now on is the start of the Original novel when everyone in novel turn 7 and start there new life at Imperial Academy Elvonia.

Every noble require to attend Imperial Academy when They turn 7 year old that the rule of Empire of Elvonia and the place where original Maya first time meet ML and other supporting roles.

"Maya are you ready with your packing to go and attend Imperial Academy for next 5 years." Said by Earl Flag

Yes, I am ready Father

As it goes Maya rides a carriage towards Imperial Academy

As the carriage approached the Academy, Maya could see the sprawling campus that stretched out before her. It was a magnificent sight, with towering spires and ivy-covered walls. Maya felt a sense of awe as she stepped out of the carriage and walked towards the entrance.

Maya was greeted by a group of other young nobles who were also starting their new lives at the Academy. They were all dressed in their finest clothes, eager to make a good impression. Maya felt a twinge of nervousness as she looked around at the other children, wondering if she would be able to fit in.

The group was led into a large hall, where they were met by the headmaster of the Academy. He gave them a brief speech, welcoming them to the school and outlining the rules and expectations. Maya listened intently, determined to make the most of her time at the Academy.

After the speech, the students were divided into groups and assigned to their dormitories. Maya was assigned to a room with three other girls.

Over the next few days, Maya settled into her new routine at the Academy. She attended classes in magic theory, spellcasting, and combat techniques. Maya found the classes challenging but exhilarating. She loved the feeling of power that came with casting spells, and she was determined to become strong enough to protect herself from her destiny.

She noticed a boy with black hair with Jet black hair and with light blue eyes surrounded by girls his name is Marcus from the Duchy of Westfall aka ML of this novel. I should talk to him but not going to talk to her just because I don't want to entangle myself with dangers.

after 3 days, during Combat class teacher Announce that all the student needs to pick a weapon that they are going to use in battle field.

Everyone start choosing the weapon, As expected Marcus choose sword, everyone expect Maya Flag to choose spear as a main weapon because her family is famous for its Spearmanship but unexpectly Maya Chooses a staff for her main weapon.

After considering her options for a moment, Maya decided to choose a staff as her weapon. She had always been drawn to the elegance and versatility of staff combat, and she was excited to explore its possibilities but the main reason for choosing a staff is because she already have a high Mana and Mages can attack from distance.