
Trapped in Novel with bad ending

A Girl name Yuki found herself as a supporting character in her favorite novel 'Song of blades and heros'. whose name is Maya Flag from a famous Earl Flag family well Maya Flag was destined to became a sex slave of orcs and goblins in great war of chaos while leading a army and later got killed by ML but this time she by mistake seduce all the main character and build the reverse harem

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Song of Blades and heroes

[Office scene]

At late hour of night a woman who looks likes a 20-21 year old having dark circles under her eyes on her skin which kinda look like a Panda, From a first view anyone can tell that she is very tired and wants some rest.

[Woman's POV]

"Finally I finish my presentation I didn't even know when will I leave this company that force me to became there money slave" She murmur to herself.

She pack her bags and calls a taxi for her home.

[Woman's POV at her house]

"I am very tired that my body is saying me that i should eat sleep and just repeat the process for a week or may be month but today is a day when my favorite Novel's new volume will release so as a Die hard fan of 'Song of blades and Heros i have to read it today right now " she says to herself

She open her laptop and buy the latest chapter of her novel and start reading but her weak body because of overwork her eyeside slowly slowly starts to get dizzy but she didn't stop

reading and then she falls asleep.

[A beautiful child born in a aristocrat house]

"Miracle She survive!!!! Master Young miss of Flag family is out of danger" said by an old man who looks like a man who is in his 70-80 year but well dressed. "

"it's truly a miracle, Mommy is here don't cry baby" said by a lady who look like 30-40 year old having beautiful silver white color and sapphire blue eyes.

"I try to move my hands but I was so shock to see a tiny hand in place of my hand. it take me some time to realized that I got reincarnate into this body and my name is 'Maya flag' with my father 'Barroth flag' and mother 'Darna flag' but why they sound so familiar, wait if I remember correctly Earl family in novel 'Song of blade and heroes' have this sets of names too but Maya Flag was just a supporting character who was destined to die in the most brutal way." said with fear on her face.

Be positive be positive may be this is a coincidence.

[After 5 year]

It already 5 years from Maya Birth. Maya look cute with her beautiful and soft white jade like skin, beautiful brownish hair and cute adorable blue eyes.

"In those five years I have conform that this is the novel world by lots of incident that takes place like Death of emperor, Fight for succession and the most important assassination of ML Father well I know who the one who send those assassin but i am not going to tell anyone and cause Butterfly Effect"

After 14 years from now there will be 'the great war of Chaos' humans fighting Demon born" said By Maya.

"According to original novel Maya Flag who was the only Child of Profound Spear Master Earl Flag family she was forced to take command over Earl Army, Later Earl army losses which leads to the capture of Maya Flag and became Child producing factory of Orc and Goblins, after 6-8 months ML found Maya but she was already so mess up so to free Maya from all the torture and suffering ML Kills Maya Flag" after thinking about this it is giving me goosebumps but so i have to do something to just keep me safe and away from Demons.

Maya Decided to train Mana for backup plan.

After saying that Maya touch her toe and start concentrating on mana core while she accelerate her mana from her hands nerves to her legs making a loop.

"According to novel this Mana Cultivation process was the most efficient Cultivation process. this process was given to ML by his Master Cedric who was once also known as sword Manic"

"This method is not as easy as it seems a little Mistake can cause internal damage or bleeding"