
Trapped in Novel with bad ending

A Girl name Yuki found herself as a supporting character in her favorite novel 'Song of blades and heros'. whose name is Maya Flag from a famous Earl Flag family well Maya Flag was destined to became a sex slave of orcs and goblins in great war of chaos while leading a army and later got killed by ML but this time she by mistake seduce all the main character and build the reverse harem

Arc_Group · Fantasy
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Goblin General Part-1

As the weeks passed, Maya began to feel more comfortable at the Academy. She made friends with some of the other students, but she still kept her distance from Marcus. She couldn't deny that she was drawn to him, but she was also wary of the danger he represented.

But one day during combat class Instructor order all student to form a group of 5 for next combat class. As all the student start forming Group of five Maya found out all the teams has been already full.

"You look alone do you wanna join my party?" said by a boy with red hair and big muscular body.

"I excuse my Ignorance, My name is Jackson Lancaster from Duchy of Lancaster"

As a noble of Elvonia Maya also introduce herself formally, As for the invitation to join Jackson Party Maya doesn't have any other choice so She says Yes.

" So here are other Teammates of My Party 7"

" H.....Hello My name is Jeb Somerset from barony of Somerset and i use Bow as my main weapon" Said by a boy with black hair and green eyes wearing a green hood with timid personality.

"Hello My name is Jessie Warwick from Viscount Warwick and I specialist in buff and healing Magic" Said by a girl in pink hair and pink eyes with a ongoing personality

" Are you all going to waste your time in introduction? " Said in a annoyed tone with a familiar voice

when Maya turn back her heart skipped a beat as she saw Marcus standing behind her. He looked as imposing as ever, with his jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. Maya felt her nerves kick in as she tried to avoid his gaze.

Maya notice that even Marcus is in same group as Maya

After all the introduction, Instructor explain how this combat class going to work

" During combat Class students are free to leave Academy to complete the quest given by Academy and each completion of quest grand you a star"

"And if you can earn 5 stars, you will be given a chance to participate in the Academy's annual tournament, where you can showcase your skills and potentially earn great rewards."

The instructor continued, "For your first quest, your party will need to retrieve a rare flower that grows in the nearby forest. The flower is said to have powerful healing properties, and the Wild Hound guild is willing to pay handsomely for it."

The class erupted in excitement at the prospect of earning a reward. Jackson turned to his new party members and smiled.

As the group set out for the forest, Maya couldn't shake off the feeling that something is going wrong, Maya decided to focus on the quest at hand. She had a party to work with and a mission to accomplish.

While searching for flower Jackson and his group saw a bunch of Goblins capturing some of the students and taking them in a cave near the forest.

Jackson turned to his group and said, "We can't let this go. We have to save those students."

Maya ask Jackson we shouldn't make a plan first? then Jackson reply goblins are the Rank E monsters they are easy to defeat we can save them easily.

Jeb whispered, "I can take out the goblins from afar with my bow."

Jessie added, "And I can buff our group with some defensive spells. That will make us stronger and better equipped to take on the goblins."

But during this time some goblins were successful to drag captured student inside a cave.

Maya thought for a moment before speaking up, "I agree that we should save those students, but we need to have a plan. What if there are more goblins inside the cave? What if there are traps or other dangers we're not aware of?"

Marcus spoke up for the first time, "Maya's right. We need to be cautious. We should scout out the cave first and see what we're up against."

Jackson reluctantly agreed, "Alright, fine. Let's scout out the cave first. But we have to act fast. Those students could be in danger."

The group cautiously approached the cave entrance, staying hidden behind the trees and bushes. They saw a few goblins guarding the entrance, but they didn't seem to notice the group's presence.

Jeb took out his bow and aimed at the goblins. "I can take them out silently," he whispered.

But Maya stopped him, "Wait. What if there are more goblins inside? We don't want to alert them to our presence. Let's try to sneak past them."

The group slowly and quietly made their way past the goblins and entered the cave. They saw a few more goblins guarding the captured students, but they were able to take them out without alerting the others.

They freed the students but when they freed all the students one of the student shout in panic which alert all the goblins in cave.

Everyone equip there weapons and get ready to fight all the goblins that were going to show but when they saw the numbers of goblins they were shock and realized that they had underestimated the danger. There were at least a 200 goblins in the cave, and some of them were well equip with armor too.

Jackson quickly assessed the situation and shouted, "We need to fall back! We're outnumbered!"

The group quickly retreated, but the goblins pursued them. They ran back out of the cave and into the forest, with the goblins hot on their heels but some goblins block there way to exit

As they ran, Marcus took out his sword and shouted, "Get out from my way!" and cover his sword with mana and cut all the Goblins blocking the way out. but when they reach outside they saw a goblin general with army surrounded Jackson party.