

I live in a studio apartment because I don't need a lot of space. Why don't I live with my dad? Well he's a private pilot and makes a lot of money. You know it's kind of funny that he thinks his job is more important than his daughter. I have a older sister but she lives with my mom in L.A. Yes my parents are divorced. With dad working all the time. And mom having to go back and forth from D.C. to L.A it was just to much. I haven't even seen my dad since last year. Crazy right but I like it this way. I don't have to depend on anyone. I have a super good back for fixing things it doesn't matter what it is is unless its broken bones. That's why I have a job here at the shop. And I would do anything to help the people I care about. 

*Dom's POV*

You know that feeling when you just want a break. Yeah well I know how you feel. I just want five minutes to myself but guess what no I can't have that. Its Dom this Dom that. My parents are always bragging about me to other parents. My parents are….well load? They own a bunch of company's. I'm their trophy child they expect me to meet their level of perfect. Just because I am the best football player on my team. Because let's just say it's because I'm strong. Really strong no one knows. And I'd like to keep it that way. Because once senior year ends I'm out of this place.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip next day~~~~~~~~~~~~

Walking into class with everyone's eyes on me like usual. I knew the teacher had something to say to us. I sat in the back like usual. "Ok class today we are going to have a test everyone in school is taking it. Four people will be picked from the results that are the highest. And something as a life changing opportunity will come. Backpacks up, phones up, and a pencil out". Mrs.Perkins said as she was passing the test out. "You may begin and no talking".

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