

*Thomas POV*

"Move it loser" Zack says as he shoves me into the school lockers. See I go through this everyday it's nothing new to me. People see me as the computer geek at my school. Well because I am. I love anything that involves computers. I can hack into the White House server. If you give me about ten minutes. But I don't want to get in more trouble. It's not like I haven't done it before. Besides being the kid called the greek or so called loser. I'm usually known as the kid that's parents didn't want. It's kinda funny watching people's reactions when they are picking on me. Why is it funny well it's because they expect me to cry or run off but no. I just smile at them. Before my mom past away she told me always be kind. And it's because you never know what's going on at home for them. Just kill them with kindness. Or so I say just smile and wave it's what happens everyday. Me I used to have a bunch of friend's. Me have friends yeah I know laugh at it but I used to play football and soccer. At my old school's but I stopped because they only stereotype people. Just like a judge in court  it's either your guilty or not. As simple as that no he said she said. I bet if someone from my old school were to tell someone at my school that I played they would laugh. Me i'm always doing something that involves working on a computer. I have a super intelligent mind. I'm no teacher's pet. In fact some of my teachers hate me cause I correct their teaching.

*Kylie's POV*

"Sorry ma'am but your axle is broken". The look on the woman's face was sad I know she couldn't afford it. She is my neighbor that has a little girl. Her parents kicked her out now she's working dusk to dawn. "How bout' I make you a deal Maybell". She packed up and her eye's glimed with hope. "Anything" Maybell said. "Well I want a day with Daisy and some of your grandma's famous apple pie" I smiled at her. " But Kay that's not much" I know it's not but when get to hang out with the cutest little girl ever and get the best apple pie ever it's worth it. Nevermind to think about that i'm a softy when it comes to food. Me I work at Miracle Motor's. I have since I was fithteen. See I have a lot of money from the trust fund my grandparents left me. When they pasted because my dad stopped seeing family only I stayed connected. I have no use for a but load of money so I put it to good use.

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