


Good lord a test? A god dang test at least there's a reward if we pass. When I open the test I look at question one this is pretty simple.


Well this is going to be fun. Don't you just love taking test. Oh I bet you do. I'm just kidding I just don't have the patients. On waiting for the rest of the class to finish when I'm done.

~Kylie's POV~

All around the class I hear groans of protest. I just want to get this over with and go work on Maybell's car. The teacher sits the test down on my desk. After she gives me my test she says "You may begin".

~3rd Person Omi~

As the kids were focused on the test. No one knew the reason about the test only what they need to know. What the principal thinks is that they are going to get a scholarship. But were going to be doing some testing.  I believe there's some special kids in this school. They just keep it a secret. Each of them hate test because they all have to wait on the class to finish. All four of them are smart. But each of them are different in their own way. Therefore they have a connection as in a mind web. What's a mindweb? Well a mindweb is constructed of high brain waves that connects their emotions.  Once their brains are connected they can't separate unless one person were to die.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Few Days After The Test~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I knew that they were the ones that were to pass. Each of them were excited to know what was going on except for Mia. Mia has been closed of from what I heard from her teachers. They said the last time they heard her talk is when someone said something about her brothers. To this day that one kid has a weird looking nose that girl sure knows how to punch. Right now the founder of the organization is waiting for them in the office. Each of them walk in with a different expression. Thomas grinning, Kylie looking bored out of her mind, Dom has a careless look, and Mia you can't read her expression. They were start forward on wanting to know what this was about. So the founder sat them down and started to explain. How everything would go down and what they would have to do to go. And that was letting them do test on them. Everyone heard Mia mutter under her breath " oh same old same old". Confused of what she meant everyone let it pass everyone took the deal. Knowing that they could have a better future. Everyone had agreed to go. Except Mia she didn´t know what her parents would say. She wanted to go but she was afraid. To tested on more. Every night she wished there would be no more testing but that didn't give her any luck. Will the testing be different. Harsher, longer, or different. But she simply nodding her head yes. Maybe this would be different she could leave this state. Life could be so much different but little did they know they would be trapped.

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