

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"I am sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you that way... especially when you would be getting married soon, am sorry" Yun Zaki said and Lockshay sighed

"it's ok, but... don't do it again" Lockshay said and turned only to see Carlos frowning seriously staring at her "uh..ohh seems like he heard us" Lockshay thought

"who's that?...who kissed you? Carlos asked, his anger surfacing. Lockshay quickly ended the call and faced Carlos,

"calm down! nothing really happened... really" she said reaching her hand to touch him but Carlos stopped her from reaching him, "I clearly heard him...he said he was sorry to have kissed you" Carlos said angrily and Lockshay wasn't uncomfortable with the way he was taking his anger and she gulped in fear "well...he did kiss me, but he apologized, and...I was upset though I couldn't scold him because he was my master" Lockshay said

"Lockshay!!! why would you even let him go close to you, eh? Carlos barked as the car stopped harshly that Lockshay banged her head on the deck of the car, Lockshay stared at him and she noticed that there was no emotions in his eyes at all except his anger. Carlos quickly left so as to avoid hurting her. Lockshay sadly stepped out but her eyes was locked on the rear mirror as she realized the blood oozing from her head and it trickled down to her neck, "shit!" Lockshay said and left, she stared at the large mansion before her, it's outer painting was in black and white and inside was blue and white, and it seemed to be recently painted. Mrs Cleo Singh met Lockshay and went quickly to her "ma'am you're bleeding" Cleo said and rushed to get the first aid kit and soon her head was properly bandaged, "welcome young miss, Mr Huo informed us of your arrival" Cleo said and Lockshay faked a smile "thanks!...uhm where's Carlos? Lockshay asked and Cleo smiled politely "am sorry, he instructed me not to say anything about his whereabouts...he was really upset" Cleo said and Lockshay sighed.

Xavier Chiu and Gu Wei Carlos special men dragged her luggages behind them and they led her to a room on the first floor, the room was large and well furnished most of the properties in there were hers and before that her room's door was huge and before Cleo could push it open, she really had in much of a struggle. Lockshay was stupified to the core, this kind of room was only seen in movies and she never for once believed that she would stay in a room like this in her life...

"um..lady boss, our boss asked you to have a good bath and then come down for breakfast" Xavier said and Lockshay turned to him smiling "what can I call you? Lockshay asked Xavier and he smiled akwardly "am Xavier Chiu" he replied and left immediately because he felt embarrassed of his name and Lockshay chuckled at his reactions and turned towards Cleo "you?" she asked and Cleo smiled "am Cleo Singh" she said meekly and Lockshay smiled before the lady left her alone. Lockshay entered the bathroom and in no time she was done with her bath and after been dressed, she stood before the huge door,

"what was Carlos thinking when he sent me into this room?"

she tried pushing it but it wouldn't bulge, "damn!...she sat down on her bed as she went through her phone and the next minute she fell asleep.

Some minutes later Lockshay woke up, immediately she casted a spell and the door pushed it's self open and she rushed out leaving the door opened. She looked from the balcony into the living room below before she slowly walked down stairs,

"miss Luo, you were supposed to eat breakfast with boss an hour ago? Cleo asked and lockshay sighed "sorry, I wasn't able to open my door it's impossibly heavy... that's what kept me" Lockshay said and Cleo smiled "he was a bit upset but I think he'll understand once you explain to him"

Lockshay faked a smile and sat to eat, and when she was done she picked her bag and hurried out of the mansion, it was after 11 and she had class by 12pm, she was about to leave but suddenly seven men popped out of nowhere they were Xavier, Gu Wei, Juu, Zeke, Zamiel, Lothaire, and Yian Kuu... Lockshay paused,

"uhhhmm.....she stuttered but no words formed from her mouth,

"Xavier! please tell her..." Juu said and Lockshay stared at him "tell me what? Lockshay asked and Xavier sighed "boss instructed us not to let you leave for any reason" Lockshay was dump founded

"what!!!!....I did not ask him to bring me here did I? now it seems he too wants to trap me" Lockshay said, she was becoming really upset, the reason she decided to leave her Academy of unseen arts was because she wanted freedom, and she couldn't leave her Academy just to be trapped by Carlos no way... Lockshay angrily stormed back into the mansion, she tried calling Carlos but he kept on rejecting her calls, Lockshay just felt completely helpless she looked at a photo frame of Carlos erthed on the wall and out of anger she she applied momentum to the photo and it began to crack and immediately it loosened from the wall about to fall to the ground but Lockshay groped it using her telekinetic wave so the expensive photo frame won't shatter to pieces
