

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

In the bathroom

"what was he doing? Lockshay wondered...her eyes suddenly grew wider as she realized that he was about to steal a kiss "wait!.. was he just about to kiss me?" she wondered her gaze still locked on his...it seemed that the man wasn't going to move from his position maybe unless if she decides to push him. She suddenly saw guilt in his eyes and Lockshay didn't want him to feel guilty, so she pretended like nothing happened as her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep, Carlos who was waiting for her reaction, suddenly felt dump founded when she fell asleep... although he felt relieved that she didn't scold him".


Lockshay's eyes opened and the sunlight dazzled into her eyes and she closed them back it was too bright, she slowly opened her eyes so that it would adjust to the brightness, when she tried to get up she realized that a strong arm was wrapped strongly around her waist, her blush was getting hotter as she realized that he was also spooning her. She turned to to see his face and he was asleep...

"after been awake all night, planning to steal a kiss... now he's peacefully sleeping" Lockshay said as a wide smile crept on her face, suddenly the sleeping man pulled her even more closer to himself and Lockshay was shocked, she immediately fell asleep again so that the man could get his much needed sleep.

When she finally woke up again, he was no longer on the bed and she quickly rushed into bathroom. Lockshay quickly filled the bath tub with warm water and she poured petals into the water. when she was sure that the water was ready, she stripped herself naked and sank into the bath...she quickly picked her phone from the tub handle and opened it, as she was going through the messages popping up on WeChat, Carlos quietly walked into the bathroom, he wasn't putting on a single shirt but he tied a towel round his waist. Carlos immediately saw the girl in the tub who didn't notice his presence yet. Quickly he sank himself into the tub staring at Lockshay who was seriously reading funny posts and laughing, at some point she would read an annoying post and she would insult the person who posted it.

Suddenly her eyes slowly strailed to the man opposite her and in shock she left her phone which sank into the bath water

"No, no!!" she used her to search the bath around for her phone she just dropped into the water "Carlos what on Earth are you doing here?...you caused this you know

don't you know that am naked in here" Lockshay said and Carlos raised a brow "I am also naked in here" Carlos said simply but Lockshay didn't believe him


"No am not lying" Carlos responded in defense but the angry girl persistently kept on calling him a liar "should I get up from here, to prove to you that am not lying? Carlos asked and lockshay's mouth fell agape

"no..no no!! fine you're not lying" Lockshay said as her head fell backwards in defeat. Carlos picked out lockshay's phone and placed it on the tub handle "I wanted to seek your permission, but you seemed busy that was why I walked in anyways" Carlos said and Lockshay sighed,

"how was your night? Carlos asked changing the subject as Lockshay stared at him but she was not really sure she wanted to change the subject "horrible" she said and Carlos creased his brows, what bothered Lockshay the most was the fact that, she would be done with her bath and there is no way she would step out of the tub....

"you know Carlos I can't leave the bath because of you" Lockshay cried and Carlos half smiled "no one's stoppin' ya" Carlos said and Lockshay frowned, she hurriedly poured water on herself and stared at the man who was staring at her

"f...fine Carlos, but close your eyes" Lockshay ordered and he obeyed.

Lockshay stood up slowly, staring at him to observe if he was peeking at her, but her luck ran out as she wanted to leave the bath. Her left leg betrayed her and she slipped about to fall but Carlos caught her from behind as her back pressed against him "are you alright? he asked and lockshay nodded she couldn't even hide her blush because she felt his naked body behind her and she shakes her head slowly, Carlos was noticing her reaction but he couldn't say anything to her at the moment. Forgetting about her shame, she walked out of the bath like it was normal for her to walk out naked in front of him and Carlos himself didn't Miss the chance to view her beautiful sexy butt as she used the towel to dry her wet hair. This time around, the tables was turned, because when Carlos got out of the bath tub Lockshay just couldn't look away, his back view was extra ordinarily beautiful, his well built muscles and his perfectly structured butt..damn it was too revealing. Lockshay bit her lips in disappointed when his towel covered himself.

"Lockshay get ready, I have assembled men to pack up your things and clothes" Carlos said and got out a clean pair of clothes which was neatly folded and he handed it over to her "put it on"

he ordered and Lockshay nodded and he quickly exited the bathroom.

Lockshay was dressed, she stepped out of the closet and looked around her completely empty room...her books...her expensive lampshade, her bed covers, her filling cabinet.

"darn!... HAX is in one of those shelves" Lockshay ran out only to crash into Carlos "My properties! my books" Lockshay said and Carlos patted her on the head, "calm down...it has been taken to my place... come let's go...." Carlos said dragging Lockshay along.

In the car, all Lockshay could possibly think about was Carlos naked..."damn..." she cursed inwardly stealing glances at the statue of a man who was seriously facing forward, immediately a question popped in her Head..

"what if he isn't happy letting me stay at his place?... maybe he was just letting her because he felt that he must protect her" the thought of it alone made lockshay's stomach churn... suddenly her phone buzzed, and when she looked at the ID caller she realized that it was "Mr Yun" her face darkened, and she immediately remembered that fateful day when he kissed her, she picked the call and placed the phone in her ear...

"talk to me" was her first statement and Yun Zaki's face fell when she heard the anger in her voice and he realized that it must be because of the kiss,

"I called to apologise" he said and Lockshay's anger subsides a bit

"ok..." she said....