

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

I alone will touch you

Before dusk, Lockshay was sitted on the couch waiting for the man to come back home from work and in no time she heard the sound of his car and he finally walked into the house and his first sight was the girl who sat on the couch he suddenly raged again, remembering that she was previously kissed by someone else. He couldn't help but direct all of his anger towards Lockshay who on her own was upset about him trapping her, suddenly his voice raged "go to bed" he said simply and was about to go to his room and that's when Lockshay walked right in front of him

"Carlos! please tell me, did you bring me to this place just to imprison me? did I come to this place all the way from my house to be trapped and locked up all day? just because of you, I missed my 12 o' clock class, Carlos I can't stay in bondage ok so am leaving now" Lockshay said and turned about to leave but Carlos suddenly dragged her back but the girl couldn't just keep quiet she went on and on about he wanted to keep her in bondage that she wouldn't let him succeed "what's your problem Carlos? since I arrived have you come to see how I was faring? have you asked me if I was ok been here? No! you didn't, it's just my first night here and you planned on trapping me" Lockshay said angrily and Carlos frowned

"just stop talking" his hoarsed voice echoed in her ear but it made her feel even angrier "don't you dare force me to stop talking, infact am going just let go of me" Lockshay said and Carlos became upset, he suddenly dragged her closer to himself.

"Carlos let me go" Lockshay struggles but all her efforts were futile and she was tempted to use her powers, it took a lot in her for her to be able to control herself,

suddenly Carlos pressed his lips against hers and as their lips connected Lockshay was completely still, she was instantly shut down, it was like Carlos was able to control and pacify her, even her anger dissipated instantly. When Carlos noticed her sudden calmness, he pulled away staring intently at her,

"why did you let another man kiss you? Carlos asked and lockshay stared at him in disbelief, she wondered if it was the reason he decided to treat her that way, immediately he kissed the corner of her lips as he mumbled slowly into her ear "I am the only one permitted to kiss you this way...no one else... I alone will touch you...no one, no one else" he said and kissed her lips gently, immediately Lockshay returned back his kisses she didn't concentrate on what he was saying to her but her concentration was on his lips alone. Their kiss stretched for long as they both kissed in unison, moving with the same flow and rythm, it was really hell for Lockshay because she really wanted more of his sweet kisses, she just wanted more and more of him, she couldn't believe that this man would make her feel this way, when they parted both of them were short of breath as they both panted heavily until their breath was finally stable. Suddenly Carlos grabbed her lips again with so much desire burning in his eyes his wildness, his rough kisses it blew lockshay's mind, she kissed back to as the man lifted her up and she quickly straddled him as her hand grabbed his hair. Carlos slowed down a bit "please don't let any mother fucking man do this to you" Carlos whispered in between their kisses as he sucked the corner of her lips, he pinned her to the wall as he wanted to explore her whole, infact he couldn't get enough of her she tasted damn so good, but it seems like Lockshay realized herself as she slowly pulled out breaking off their intimate position, her hands on his chest as she panted heavily

"am really sorry Lockshay, I didn't realize that I have been trapping you" Carlos apologized and Lockshay hugged him. When they finally broke off the hug Carlos took her upstairs back to her room.

He pushed the door open and Lockshay walked in

"goodnight!" she muttered and after those words left her lips he closed the door and Lockshay sighed, but she blushed when she remembered what happened down stairs, she quietly tucked herself to bed and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, Lockshay was ready for class, Juu and Xavier were to guard her, Lockshay actually didn't like the idea of troubling these men because they would be following her constantly and at Carlos request.

At the university.....

"you both can stay in the car and I will go in" Lockshay said but Juu refused

"No!, Xavier can stay here but boss wants me to specially be by your side" Juu said and Lockshay frowned "common, will you follow me to my class?

"yes! boss already informed the institute about it so no lecturer would be against it" Juu said as Lockshay frowned the more hearing all he said and she finally realized that there was nothing she could do to change his mind.

Davi saw Lockshay and immediately ran to her and she hugged her "you were not in school yesterday! was there any problem? Davi asked "nothing much" Lockshay replied and suddenly she noticed the man who stood uncomfortably staring at Davi and Lockshay sighed

"please relax! she's my best friend, not an enemy" Lockshay said as Juu's shoulder dropped

"who's he? Davi asked, but before Lockshay could reply Juu beat her to it "her personal body guard"

it really shocked Lockshay because, she was about saying that he was a friend but he was just....

"damn you Juu must you scream it? Lockshay asked

"they should know" Juu said and Lockshay sighed and held Davi as they entered their class with Juu following behind them.