
Trap in arranged love

Stolen_heart_19 · History
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12 Chs


Adric was furious and nobody could dare to stop him. He beat the shit out of Draven making him bloody. He was tied with rope without clothes, while his head was hanging and blood dripping down. "You know I will not give you easy death" Adric pulled his hair to see his face "I will first torment you and let you die slowly and painfully" he hissed in anger.

Draven looked right into Adric's eyes and a smirk plaster on his face "Just like this I pulled your little wife's hair and she was screaming in pain, she…." Before he could finish his sentence a punch landed on his jaw making him spit blood.

"Don't you dare to take her name from your filthy mouth, you basted" his range was on the top. "I like you most when you are angry, my brother" Draven mocked at him "She has the most beautiful and soft lips ever…" Adric rain punches and kicks until his body hangs unconscious from the rope.

Adric runs his hands throw his hair furiously. He was blaming himself for her suffering; if he hadn't left her alone at first then she wouldn't had to go through this entire thing. With her terrified face and her pleading, he ignored all of this that time that he regrets the most. He was feeling powerless, who couldn't even protect his wife then how he was going to protect his kingdom and his people.

The moment he didn't see the carriage there in which Amelia was sitting, his whole world shattered down. He became a madman finding his precious thing and destroying everything that came in between. The emptiness he was feeling was new to him and only Amelia could fill that.

"Your Highness, Princes is now awake" one of the doctors that were appointed by him for Amelia informed him. And it was enough for him to come back to his senses. He rushes towards his room where Amelia is.

Amelia's eyes open in a very busy-looking atmosphere. Everyone was moving here and there with worried faces. There were many doctors busy preparing some medicine maybe. It looks like every doctor from the country was present there. Maids were continuously moving in and out of the room carrying herbs. They all look scared and tensed like a knife is hanging on their head and any time it will cut their head.

A drop of water from her head pulled her attention, she touched her head to find a cold wet towel over her forehead. She removes that towel a puts that aside. She slowly sat on the bed; her bruises were covered with medicines. Her body pain was also less than the previous.

"Oh god, finally you are awake" a lady almost screamed at the top of her lungs. She looks like in her sixties; she is holding a bowl of cold water in her hand. Amelia thought it must be her who put a cold towel on her forehead. The lady hurried towards Amelia, put the bowl beside and sat in front of her. "How are you feeling now" she asked full of concern. That she never saw in her mother's voice for her. She looked around her Everybody busy previously now looked at her with the same question impatiently.

"I am feeling much better than before" she replied reassuring them. She saw how after listing her answer everybody took a breath of relive. The lady introduced herself "I am Petra, the head maid of the palace and nanny of Adric" She smiled at Amelia and her smile felt warm to her. "I am Amelia," she thought of introducing herself also. "Oh dear, we all know who you are. Our future queen" Petra smiled at her innocence.

Petra calls one of the doctors to examine her. The doctor said her wound was not deep and that would take two to three days to recover and take her rest. After that Petra dismissed everyone from the room. "I am hungry," Amelia said softly while holding her stomach. "You must be because it is almost dinner," Petra tells her while smiling. "What? I slept for a whole day" Amelia couldn't believe her, she never slept that long in her whole life.

She was feeling a little embarrassed. "You can rest while I bring your food" Petra cleaned the room and took that bowl with her back.

Amelia scans the room that was painted in royal blue with the gold combo. Tall windows were covered with gold curtains; the furniture in the room was classic and coloured in gold and dark brown. The bed was soft and huge maybe it was a king-size bed. The room was huge and luxurious.

Petra returned with a trolley that was layered with food. It was so much food for one person. Although she was hungry she couldn't finish it alone.

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